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Old December 13th, 2009 #4
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 2,571

I detest it when White Nationalists spend their time attacking other White Nationalists, unless in the rare instances where there is some indication that the person under attack is a mole, which isn't the case with the Occidental Quarterly or Kevin MacDonald. As a matter of fact, WN who routinely attack other leaders in the movement place themselves under suspicion of being deep cover moles. What other reason is there for firing cannonballs within one's own lines, other than personality disorder and immaturity? Linder's great fault is that he picks a quarrel with every movement leader there happens to be, which makes coordinated efforts impossible. Not that it particularly matters. The movement is so marginal what real difference does marginalizing activity like attacking the OQ really have? None. It is a hopeless cause anyway. It is our own little buffalo dance.