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Old December 8th, 2019 #18
Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: planet filled with brainwashed fools
Posts: 541

Originally Posted by joeylowsac View Post
" The Heating Furnace has been used by Ancient Romans thousands of years ago "
Was simply burning logs placed under the floor that allowed the heat to travel up, and this was extremely dangerous as the fumes were known to kill the people using it from Carbon Monoxide.

The Franklin Stove was nothing more than a open pit place that held the logs, in the same ROOM THE PEOPLE WERE IN, and guess what.. just like the carbon monoxide problem with the roman stove, this one WOULD ALSO KILL YOU, as they had no ventilation system, were inefficient and were prone to filling the entire house with smoke or burning the place down, i guess the video you linked just didn't include these problems in there " debunking "

Oh and b.t.w the ones you linked were both using wood to burn, not GAS which is what Alice Parkers Heating system used. Alice Parkers heating system was mass produced and able to heat entire buildings. This was never done by anyone before her, and this is why she is credited with INVENTING IT, but if you don't like it you can always go back to burning wood or coal in your room, just make sure you have a carbon monoxide detector.