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Old February 8th, 2018 #363
Jeffrey Smither
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Originally Posted by Emily Henderson View Post
There was one in Austin who ripped a woman's shirt half off, in front of a school, and handcuffed her and left her there like that. She asked him to cover her up, and he said, 'no, I like it like that.'

I think she had committed the heinous crime of putting her car somewhere it wasn't supposed to be, then argued with him, but don't recall exactly it was a long time ago.

They were talking about him on the radio because he did something else of a similar nature and was finally, maybe, being dealt with.

They also go HAM on jaywalking, slammed a girl down and handcuffed her and took her in for 'resisting'. She was jogging and had earphones on, and when the cop touched her arm she pulled away, not knowing who it was. She didn't have her id when jogging, so they arrested her. It was filmed as she was of course horrified, didn't know what the hell was happening.

I was quite the jaywalker at the time so I done lernt my lesson watching them do this, lol.

Notice there are, like, five pigs to deal with pigtail jogger girl.

Then they said, in response to the public thinking it was excessive, "At least we weren't out there raping her like some cops do." I think it was Acevedo who said that, Chief at the time.

Art Acevedo is gone, and he's a pig from hell who had a history of sex crap at his job in Cali, something with a co-worker (consensual or not I don't know). I think they sent him to either San Antonio or Houston.

Meanwhile, with jaywalking under total fascistic control, the whole city was filling up with Schizos, druggies, transients murdering each other, and MS-13...but that jaywalking blonde girl won't be trotting across the wrong part of the street like a hooligan!

It's just nuts.
There was also a case a few years ago of a blue nigger in CO at an airport slamming a girl face first into the floor knocking out some teeth in the process. She was being detained for some BS from TSA and she was cuffed too when slammed down and she wasn't resisting.