Full Thread: Dalai Lama
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Old September 27th, 2018 #3
Stewart Meadows
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Originally Posted by Sean Gruber View Post
Odds are the "Free Tibet!" movement is not only dead now but also down the memory hole. Mention "Free Tibet!" in any large city and Hollywood now and you'll probably get blank angry stares and be ostracized. The equivalent of wearing a Trump lid in public.
I don't think so, Sean. His Holiness the Dalai Lama made the same statements several years ago, and it didn't destroy his reputation. I think the jewish media realize that if they were to attack such a respected and well-loved person, it would backfire on them.

The jews clearly know that most Westerners are sick and tired of being overrun by third-world rapists, drug dealers, murderers and ISIS terrorists. Attacking His Holiness the Dalai Lama for speaking out against this would only strengthen the resolve of the "racists" (i.e. normal Westerners who want to live in a safe and peaceful society, free from third-world criminals).