Full Thread: The Jan File
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Old December 30th, 2018 #1142
History Reviewed Channel
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 1,057
Default The Jewish scum say that Norway is too White – That’s apparently a PROBLEM!

[This is from Red Ice from 2014. It would be interesting to know how the Norwegians have been doing since then. I suspect that by now the Jews are throwing all kinds of non-white garbage into Norway to screw up an otherwise perfectly functional white country where whites have lived for tens of thousands of years! Check out the excellent Red Ice show below.

The Jewish liars certainly have incredible chutzpath to tell the Norwegians that they are “inexperienced at dealing with minorities”. For that alone the Jews should have their teeth kicked out.

Jews are unique in this world, being the greatest spoilt brats on the face of the planet, that they can go straight to whites and say the things that they dare to say! The whites deal with it in a very careful and civilised way, when in fact the whites should be running for their guns and the Jews should be running for their lives! Filth! HOW DARE THEY SPEAK TO WHITES THE WAY THEY DO – the sheer impudence of the Jewish garbage! They should have been run out of every corner of Europe centuries ago! Jan]
