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Old January 14th, 2006 #40
Geoff Beck
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Default The Truth is No Defense: 1/13/2006 #8

The Truth is No Defense: 1/13/2006 #8

Television and books; The Media Jews and Winston Churchill.

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Race mixing, gratuitous violence, lewd and low brow comedy comprise so much of television broadcasting that three years ago I quit watching television. I think it likely that my utter disgust with television led directly my racial awareness. I suppose all the time spent watching television crowded out the space my brain needed to think. Now, of course, there are many more reasons why I don’t watch television. The initial reason for quitting television was disgust. Now of course I have so many more reasons to hate television: like knowing television programming is written, directed, scripted, and often performed by Jews, and even publications the review television broadcasting are often owned or controlled by Jews. Having the Jews script our news and entertainment, in other words, inform us about our world and nation is the primary reason, I think, for our cultural disintegration.

Often when speaking to racially conscious whites I mention that I don’t watch TV, and most agree with my feelings of disgust, yet I’m amazed at how few have unplugged their TV sets. Many tell me they don’t watch garbage TV, but instead watch the “good shows” on serious outlets the Discovery Channel, PBS, the Weather Channel. Others tell me they to watch TV, even garbage TV, to keep an eye on the Jew.

For those that want to keep “an eye on the Jew” I say your stomach must be strong and your mental power immense. I really don’t think I could hold up. Say what you might, but I don’t have the mental power to resist the embedded propaganda which is tailored for each viewing demographic. You see, you’re probably like me, you don’t like to watch garbage TV, you don’t like to watch Bill Cosby, you don’t like to watch the ‘Fresh Prince’ and you don’t like to watch ‘Jorge’ the Mexican. For you, garbage TV is such an outrage to your sense of morality and your racial identity that it simply can’t be stomached. The embedded propaganda – for that demographic - simply can’t operate on your psyche. But I ask you, do the blacks, Mestizos and dimwitted whites that watch, Cops, Bill Cosby and the ‘Fresh Prince’ understand they are being worked over, manipulated, degraded and even ‘educated,’ though in a very perverted manner? Of course they don’t. They haven’t got a clue.

But what about those “good shows” that so many I speak to say they watch? Indeed, there are shows that rise above the level of boob bait and monkey shines, this is true. I’ve seen a number of PBS documentaries, for example the Frontline broadcasts, that really are quite informative. For these “good shows” the Jews aren’t writing for dimwitted whites, or hotheaded Mestizos or anarchic blacks. No, they’ve got to be careful with viewers of the “good shows.”

What the media Jews accomplish with a sledgehammer for viewers of garbage TV won’t work with viewers of the “good shows,” so they use a feather; subtle sweet and agreeable messages whispered repeatedly. But the end result is the same, the shaping of a person’s mind in accordance with the Jew’s worldview.

However, the reason why I don’t even watch the so called “good shows” is because I don’t have the strength to resist the embedded propaganda. I think these shows with their liberal assumptions and materialistic temptations will affect my mind; I think they will alter my behavior; I think the Jews are clever and know exactly how to whisper corruption into my ear; they can, I believe, corrupt any audience for any type of show on any medium which they control. I didn’t think this way until I stopped watching TV, and I’m not about to start again.

So, I read books, and with books I can carefully select what ideas I wish to entertain. I can pursue my interests unfettered, and take the time to consider what someone else took the time to write. But even with books one must be on guard: the Jew’s media matrix wants all minds returned to the grid and they know how to seduce.

Since I buy a lot of books I’m often sent email solicitations from a big online book seller. According to their software I’ve been categorized as a conservative and my inbox is filled with solicitations for conservative books, books written, of course, by Jews like Mona Charon, John Podhoretz, Mark Levin, and Bernard Goldberg; I had to chuckle when I noticed the title of Mona Charon’s recent book “Useful Idiots.” I assume that Charon must be referring to the readers of her books, the ones the pay for her nonsense.

Of course there are a few approved Goys listed in these solicitations, like Newt Gingrich, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity. There was even a time, during the Iraq War buildup, when I was being sent solicitations for books about Winston Churchill, books like "Never Give In" and "We Shall Not Fail;" books praising Churchill for rallying the British against Adolph Hitler.

This barrage for Churchill books, of course, was not unplanned; it was part of an orchestrated Jew’s media campaign. It sought to draw comparisons between George Bush and the Iraq War and Winston Churchill and WWII, and secondly between Adolph Hitler and Saddam Hussein. The president’s speech writers were so desperate to complete this anology they even clipped a line from one of Winston Churchill’s speeches for Bush to recite: remember the “grave and gathering threat” tag?

Well, I’ve read quite a bit of Churchill’s writings and I’ve read a lot of serious commentary about the man, and the sketch of Churchill we get from the pulp history booksellers and the electronic Jew’s media bears little relation to the real man. Let me be clear I’m not an admirer of Churchill’s war mongering against National Socialist Germany. I think Britain and the United States ought to have been allied with the Hitler and every dollar and bullet ought to have been used to defeat Jewish Bolshevism in the Soviet Union. That didn’t happen, unfortunately.

You know there is another side of Churchill that the Jew’s media didn’t tell the public as they were manufacturing public consent for war against Iraq. There is a side of Churchill that, in today’s multicultural America is not so attractive.

But, what the public doesn’t know about Churchill they don’t need to know! Right? And after all we are supposedly fighting a war for universal democracy and it wouldn’t further the agenda if the public was informed of Churchill’s doubts about democracy, now would it? The lemmings also wouldn’t need to know that in his exhaustive multivolume history of WWII nowhere did Churchill mention the Jew’s holocaust fable. The lemmings also wouldn’t need to know that many of his books feature views not politically and socially acceptable in today’s diverse and multicultural America, thoughts and sentiments some would charge are racist and Anti-Semitic.

Listeners may recall in a previous broadcast I read to you quotes from the February 8th edition of the Sunday Herald for year 1920 in which Churchill warns that civilized Europe is being threatened by Jewish Bolshevism.

Anyway, the more I learn about the real Churchill, especially some of his thoughts and deeds before WWII the more I like him. In 1899 Churchill was part of a British expeditionary force sent to reconquer the Sudan, an African territory south of Egypt. There a small British garrison at Obdurman had succumbed to siege of Muslims led by the so called ‘Mad Madhi.’

This tale of imperial adventure was written by Winston Churchill in his book The River War, and is available free on the internet. Though the story is most interesting I mention this book to illustrate Churchill’s views on race which he and his contemporaries (that is our ancestors) freely expressed, without fear of censorship, and often in popular newspapers and books.

Tonight, I’m happy to have James Hawthorne co-host of Aryan Matters read selected paragraphs from Churchill’s book The River War. Early in the book Churchill describes the three categories of savages common in the Sudan, beginning with the Negroes:

The indigenous inhabitants of the country were negroes as black as coal. Strong, virile, and simple-minded savages, they lived as we may imagine prehistoric men—hunting, fighting, marrying, and dying, with no ideas beyond the gratification of their physical desires, and no fears save those engendered by ghosts, witchcraft, the worship of ancestors, and other forms of superstition common among peoples of low development. They displayed the virtues of barbarism. They were brave and honest. The smallness of their intelligence excused the degradation of their habits. Their ignorance secured their innocence. Yet their eulogy must be short, for though their customs, language, and appearance vary with the districts they inhabit and the subdivisions to which they belong, the history of all is a confused legend of strife and misery, their natures are uniformly cruel and thriftless, and their condition is one of equal squalor and want.
I hope some of you take the time to read this paragraph; I’ll post it on VNN. Churchill really was a master of the written work. We don’t hear prose like that anymore nor can our most talented artists freely express themselves in such a manner. Journalists and politicians certainly can’t write such things and expect to survive criticism by the Jew’s media.

Anyway, Churchill continues in his description of the Arabs

For more than a thousand years the influence of Mohammedanism, which appears to possess a strange fascination for negroid races, has been permeating the Soudan, and, although ignorance and natural obstacles impede the progress of new ideas, the whole of the black race is gradually adopting the new religion and developing Arab characteristics. In the districts of the north, where the original invaders settled, the evolution is complete, and the Arabs of the Soudan are a race formed by the interbreeding of negro and Arab, and yet distinct from both. In the more remote and inaccessible regions which lie to the south and west the negro race remains as yet unchanged by the Arab influence. And between these extremes every degree of mixture is to be found. In some tribes pure Arabic is spoken, and prior to the rise of the Mahdi the orthodox Moslem faith was practised. In others Arabic has merely modified the ancient dialects, and the Mohammedan religion has been adapted to the older superstitions; but although the gap between the Arab-negro and the negro-pure is thus filled by every intermediate blend, the two races were at an early date quite distinct.
As I hear these words I find it amazing that someone who has expressed skepticism about mass Democracy and written politically incorrect racial and anti-Semitic views can be so easily remade into a crusader for universal democracy on behalf of a multiracial cesspit like the United States. Really, think about: all those facts – easily obtainable – on race and the Jews can be excluded the public relations reprocessing of Churchill’s image.

Notice, too how gullible the public is, the lemmings simply swallow what it is fed to them. I don’t recall any resistance to the Jew’s remaking of Churchill. Really, think for a moment, and ask yourself, just how much misinformation have you accepted as fact? It is not just the big and obvious stuff like we’ve discussed tonight, but small little distortions which are repeated and repeated until they are digested into the public’s consciousness.

As long as the Jews control our media we really can’t be certain anything they are telling us about news or history is truthful or accurate. We – our people – are at their mercy.

I’ll close with Churchill’s description of the mongrels of the Sudan, mongrelism is something we are going to be seeing a lot more or in the kwa:

The qualities of mongrels are rarely admirable, and the mixture of the Arab and negro types has produced a debased and cruel breed, more shocking because they are more intelligent than the primitive savages. The stronger race soon began to prey upon the simple aboriginals; some of the Arab tribes were camel-breeders; some were goat-herds; some were Baggaras or cow-herds. But all, without exception, were hunters of men. To the great slave-market at Jedda a continual stream of negro captives has flowed for hundreds of years. The invention of gunpowder and the adoption by the Arabs of firearms facilitated the traffic by placing the ignorant negroes at a further disadvantage. Thus the situation in the Soudan for several centuries may be summed up as follows: The dominant race of Arab invaders was unceasingly spreading its blood, religion, customs, and language among the black aboriginal population, and at the same time it harried and enslaved them.
Thanks again, James Hawthorne of Aryan Matters for reciting those selections.
A White World (Pierce's Vision for our Race):