Full Thread: black or not
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Old June 4th, 2020 #4
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Originally Posted by Miguel Dias View Post
being black is being a human being.
so i dont have to explain too much!
For now i will wait and hope someone willing to dialogue with me about this in a respectful manner comes.
What is the point of this statement?

That the Negroid is a 'being' is self-evident. All members of any species (living or extinct) of the genus Homo are classified as human. The only species still alive of that genus is H. sapiens. Negroids are one of the various subspecies that make up the species H. sapiens. Therefore they are human beings...

H. sapiens afer (Negroid)
H. sapiens americanus (Indian)
H. sapiens asiaticus (Mongoloid)
H. sapiens sapiens (Caucasoid)
H. sapiens tasmanianus (Australian Abo)

I have never once heard anyone seriously argue that the Negroid belongs in any other genus. Despite the expressions of derision that Negros often evoke that suggest otherwise. These, of course, are not taxonomic arguments but rather commentary on the uncivilised behaviour of Negroids, which has distinctly primitive characteristics.

If you are using the term 'human being' in this more philosophical sense, then indeed you do need to explain. Your single mundane statement carries no particular philosophical implications. If you have some praises (or excuses) for the Negros just come out with it. After all, you would state it better then anything I can imagine.
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