Full Thread: #1 Green Nigger Thread
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Old April 13th, 2018 #872
Ray Allan
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Join Date: May 2014
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Originally Posted by Jeffrey Smither View Post
I mentioned in another thread tonight how many colleges including my alma matter caters to green niggers and offers steep discounts.

The reason why is the GI Bill. Schools get mega, easy, guaranteed money with the GI bill. My college has satellite campus in the US near military bases and offers online courses as well. First responders and green nigs get a step discount including blue niggers.

What do you all think of the entitlement mindset of first responders and green niggers when it comes to wanting discounts and special treatment?
I think you know what my answer is. Fuck them.

Putting on a government-issued costume to go serve ZOG does not make one a hero--quite the opposite, actually. Their undeserved worship by the lemmings of this country and niggerish entitlement mentality, especially since 9/11/2001 sickens and disgusts me to no end.
"Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy."

--Henry A. Kissinger, jewish politician and advisor