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Old August 15th, 2013 #55
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 1,424

Dear new visitors...

...that have found their way to the site thanks to Glenn Beck recently bringing this case to the forefront, six years to late, understand this: this is not an anomaly, this takes place on a daily basis, and it is only the tip of an iceberg of a system set in place that is extremely hostile to Whites, that Glenn Beck hints off but doesn't dare to speak about truthfully.

VNN were the only ones that took the fight for Channon Christian's and Chris Newsom's redemption when this atrocity happened, and that are still taking the side of the countless innocent Whites that are falling victim to the rampant black and hispanic-on white crimes taking place on a daily basis, that the hostile jewish media are still covering up.

Do stick around and browse with an open, critical, rational mind. This is not a place of vagueness, of unsubstantiated claims, of illuminati and crackpot David Icke-lizard conspiracies. Every claim is falsifiable: either it's true or not -- and that is up to you and your intelligent White mind to find out.
