Full Thread: #1 Pregnancy Thread
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Old August 20th, 2014 #10
Samuel Toothgold
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Originally Posted by Alex Linder View Post
drinking increases chances of queer kid

Not only. Further studies link expectant mothers' alcohol consumption to severe post-natal aggressiveness, among other forms of mental and physical disabilities.
According to the following article, higher educated women tend to drink more alcohol during pregnancy than others. Of course, Moslem females might be taken into the equation which can be misleading, since alcohol isn't available to them. Highly educated women, through having much more expendable income than others, can afford expensive beverages like champagne and other pricey bubbly and not wines. The bubbly wines can be more quantitively consumed much more easily than their counterparts. Nevertheless, most women find alcohol to be repulsive in taste, during pregnancy:


...Lisa hat eine "Fötale Alkoholspektrum-Störung" (engl. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, kurz FASD). Ihr Gehirn ist irreversibel geschädigt, weil ihre Mutter in der Schwangerschaft stark getrunken hat...

...Besser ausgebildete Frauen trinken öfter Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft

Das liegt auch daran, dass die Wirkung von Alkohol auf das Ungeborene prinzipiell unterschätzt wird. Alkohol kann die Plazenta ungehindert passieren und schädigt die Entwicklung der kindlichen Nervenbahnen. Während eine Schwangere von einem Glas Wein vielleicht noch nicht mal einen Schwips hat, kann das Ungeborene schon volltrunken sein...

Last edited by Samuel Toothgold; August 20th, 2014 at 02:30 PM.