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Old April 20th, 2012 #1
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Default ANTI-JEWISM: The Deadly Plague of White Nationalist Slave Morality

ANTI-JEWISM: The Deadly Plague of White Nationalist Slave Morality

by C. Marcus Ideus

I am using the term “anti-Jewism” in this essay, as opposed to “anti-Semitism,” because most living Jews are not Semites but Ashkenazis (i.e. European Jews). Palestinians are Semites, the Arab scum currently infesting Europe are Semites. Those crescent-mooned colonists bringing with them their filthy religion (as feculent as their hygiene), Sharia law and “halal” animal slaughtering practices, not to mention habitual criminality and terrorism, are Semites. Any sane European would and should be against such vile scum, and so the sane should naturally be anti-Semitic.

Neither am I using the term “anti-Judaism” in this essay because, in fact, many “White Nationalists,” specifically those in the Christian Identity movement, are supportive of the Old Testament Judaic religion; many actually consider themselves (in an ironic twist of fate) to be the true “Chosen” descendants of the original Yahweh-worshipping Israelites.

Since the above misnomers (“anti-Semitism” and “anti-Judaism”) fail to accurately describe anti-Jewish feeling, I am henceforth using the term anti-Jewism to describe very precisely the phenomenon of anti-Jewish hatred.

* * *

The collective mindset of the White Nationalist community is plagued by a type of slave morality which is most accurately termed anti-Jewism. More than a mere mistake in ideological approach, anti-Jewism serves to neutralize any truly pro-active elements in the pro-White/pro-Western community. Anti-Jewish demagogues, like David Duke, project an overabundance of victimhood and anti-Aryan fatalism into the receptive minds of their initiates, over and over again, until the initiates become full-fledged converts exhibiting the same degree of paranoia as their leader. In this way, severe anti-Jewism leads paradoxically to anti-Aryanism in so far as paranoia, victimhood, fatalism and slave morality are not Aryan ideals. The crowd that David Duke caters to is not truly Aryan; it is something else, inferior in quality, extremely narrow-minded, “White Nationalist” in scope. Such folks do not love their own race as much as they love to hate Jews.

The David Duke-style victimization routine has repeated itself many times throughout European history to the detriment of pan-European solidarity and empowerment. Indeed, the Jews are not the only ones to have been branded repeatedly as “enemies,” but also the Slavs, Magyars, Celts and other historically marginalized European groups. Folks like David Duke would rather shake hands with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and visibly unite with Islam (presently the greatest cultural and racial threat to Europe) than sympathize with Jews who share both European genes and mainstream European contempt for all things Muslim. (If Duke was a true “White supremacist,” as the media so readily describe him, then he would never submit to an alliance with Islam, from which nothing tangible could be gained.) This is precisely why David Duke-style anti-Jewism is, at its core, both an illogical and anti-European belief system. The same can be said of the “Eurasianist” ideology of Aleksandr Dugin, which actively seeks alliances with hordes of non-White peoples across the globe simply to stick it to the United States and Western Europe; anti-European policy at its core!

Realistically, the greatest Enemy the White World is facing today is Global Capitalism. It is not “Britain,” it is not “America,” but rather the transnational System that has subjugated all nations worldwide; a System that is also deeply entrenched in Dugin’s Russia, as Moscow is home to the world’s largest club of billionaire scum. Global Capitalism is the Enemy that tender-hearted “Traditionalists” (like Dugin) are scared to name (lest they themselves be identified as Communists). The same is true of White Nationalists. Instead of analytically identifying and targeting the real Enemy, and then mustering an effective response, White Nationalists are too busy wallowing in self-pity, idolizing dead leaders and failed ideologies, playing the all too futile blame game—and blaming the wrong folks to boot! Zionists.

In their psychotic mania, White Nationalists invent an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present Jewish enemy; an adversary of impossible craftiness and power, greater than Satan himself! Thus, White Nationalists end up deifying the Jews. To be fair, it is of course certain that many Jews are “in” on the liberal/Globalist agenda, but so are many more Gentiles. The truly healthy Race (i.e. the majority of individuals who, being healthy, comprise the Race) understands that it has no one to blame but its own for the harmful policies which are permitted to undermine it. The truly healthy Race, therefore, does not allow infiltration of any kind to occur in the first place. Healthy races do not permit themselves to be “had” so easily. The Chinese, the North Koreans, the Vietnamese—all are still healthy, the masters of their own destinies. So why must we Europeans and Americans lay down? Answer: Because we are too busy being “good little consumers” to care; too busy sleeping while Global Capitalism rapes us, and while our own politicians and business leaders are supplying the GHB. Here, Zionism does not enter the equation at all. If in fact Zionists are the root of all evil, then it would be immaterial; the healthy Race would not care in the least because the healthy Race would have successfully prevented any infiltration. Zionists would not figure into the equation at all. Do “Zionists” rule nominally Communist nations like China, North Korea and Vietnam? So much for the claim that healthy races are not immune to their alleged parasitism! So much for the claim that “Zionists” are behind the Communist world conspiracy!

As honest truth-seekers living in a world filled with those who toss around the word “Zionist” so egregiously (more often than not as a buzzword), we must attempt to seriously and honestly define Zionism. We already know that Zionism has somehow come to represent all Jews in the Manichean comic book-like lexicon of both White Nationalists and the equally ignorant Muslim fanatics. So, we honest, intelligent Europids know for certain that their ignorant assertions cannot be true. Rather, only a very few of the total number of Jews in the world can honestly be labeled Zionists, at least in the true sense of the word.

Zionism began as a late nineteenth century (fin de sičcle) mass-movement of nationalist and socialist Jews with the primary if not exclusive political goal of establishing a homeland for the Jewish people. In 1948 the national aspirations of the Zionists were finally realized with the creation of the State of Israel. Nevertheless, the nationalist flame of the Zionist struggle was not extinguished in 1948, but with every passing year it burned more passionately due to mounting armed opposition from the Arab/Muslim world. Naturally, the Jews hunkered down and fought for their very survival, like any ethnically conscious, healthy people. Meanwhile, the socialist aspect of Zionism, which largely revolved around the kibbutzim, steadily declined in importance after the State’s founding and especially as Israel moved away from the Non-Aligned Movement and drew closer to the West.

Today, in Israel, traditional Zionists have been marginalized by the liberal-bourgeois, free-market Moloch which controls the political system—a system which takes its “marching orders” from Washington and Wall Street. The opposing White Nationalist claim that the United States is controlled by Israel is a pathetic joke. Yes, AIPAC is perhaps the strongest lobby in Washington, but that does not translate to mean AIPAC is calling all the shots or controlling U.S. foreign (and domestic) policy. Quite the contrary, of all political lobbies AIPAC is merely doing the most begging.

True Zionists (or what is left of them) should be supported by all true White Patriots, just as Adolf Eichmann supported Zionism (i.e. the resettling of Jews in their ancient homeland) yet in a much more honest sense. Jews should no longer be considered a collective burden, but should be embraced as comrades in arms. After all, Jews are integral members of both the White Race and Western Civilization. Heinrich Heine, Gustav Mahler, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Boris Pasternak, Isaac Asimov, even Karl Marx (a favorite boogieman figure for White Nationalists, yet also one who, interestingly enough, detested Jews)—were they not all “good Europeans”? Moreover, going by the high percentage of Nobel Prizes they have won, Jews have proven themselves to be an intellectually advanced segment of the White Race. Any White person who would deny the Jews a place at the table of great European nations would also have to deny the Poles, the Greeks, the Hungarians, even the British and the French! Jews are Europeans. Thus, anti-Jewism is a form of anti-Europeanism like any other form of petty ethnic chauvinism and paranoia (e.g. anti-Slavicism, anti-Italianism, anti-Germanism, etc.).

At the same time, anti-Gentilism is a form of petty chauvinism displayed by many Jews, and this tendency is equally ridiculous. Yes, the Jews were oppressed for centuries by other Europeans. But their oppression also made them more ethnically aware, more resilient, more immune to destruction, and ultimately (via natural selection) a great deal shrewder and more cunning than most other European groups. In a sense, today’s Jews have anti-Jewish Europeans to thank for everything they now possess in the way of material wealth, land and influence. Most Jews would never admit this fact simply because most Jews, like most other modern Europeans (and especially White Nationalists) suffer from the same infectious disease of slave morality.

Nevertheless, the nation of Israel is an outpost of European Light in a part of the world that is wallowing in near total darkness. The West Bank might as well be the planet Neptune. Let us do everything in our power to help the Star of David radiate its Light on that dark Arab abyss; let us support the sons of David in their terraforming and colonizing endeavors. God bless the Jews! The days of blaming them for all that is wrong in the world are over. We Europids must rid ourselves of failed ideologies as well as prejudices. We cannot hope to progress as a Race, collectively, until we drop the current form of slave morality which we seem to cherish more than anything else. A highly superstitious population deserves to cling to outdated folklore such as the belief in vampires and werewolves. Likewise, a population infected with the deadly plague of White Nationalist slave morality deserves to stick to its mass delusions of victimhood at the hands of the almighty Jews.
National Futurism