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Old January 19th, 2014 #49
N.B. Forrest
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Location: Virginia, CSA
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I even miss our crazy coach. He didn't really like me, even though I kept my mouth shut and did nothing but help.

He benched me for the only two games my parents showed up for (from out of state) because the game before I'd mentioned I was going to try to hit an HR, since I was the only starter who hadn't.

Injustice, coach! Jesus. Trying to be helpful.

I've actually wondered over the years if the coach just plain didn't like me, but concealed it. And if that were the case, it was surely from the campus politics I was involved in. The more I've thought about it over the years, I think that may have been the case.
Look at me, son. It's not your fault....
"First: Do No Good." - The Hymiecratic Oath

"The man who does not exercise the first law of nature—that of self preservation — is not worthy of living and breathing the breath of life." - John Wesley Hardin