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Old December 16th, 2009 #1
Alex Linder
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Default Good Guy Coinages (Terms for use by Whites)

conswervative -

Originally Posted by Trevor Dermott View Post
It's as Goebbels wrote. You can call a Jew a communist, a liberal, a neo-con, a secular humanist, and any other name under the sun, all to no effect. But when you call him a Jew, that sticks, and how the Jew cringes at it.

Hence the term 'conswervative.' The professional con-swerve-atives always swerve away from crashing their audience into the fact of jew, and channel the Foxendupen anger-energy into impotent tiny-balled-fist railing against secular hyooomanism and gosh-durned libruls and gawdless atheists.

Conservatism, as it exists in the world today, is inherently and intentionally ineffectual. Anyone with a rational, coordinating, analytical mind, who applies it to politics, quickly notices that the driving power behind any bad idea is almost alway a jew, and the bad idea is always supported by all the major jew organization. The mind also notices that this eminent and outstanding fact, this definitive condition, is never noted by the dogs that ought to bark. They always, always, always remain silent about the causative jew. But more than that, they bark to conceal the jew. To draw their readers away from the truth, the real cause, the thing-that-must-be-cleared-up, the source of the anti-change. This is not by accident, but by design. Once these facts are understood, mass media and professional conservatism ceases to interest, save as something to be laughed at, spit on, and ultimately destroyed.