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Old December 17th, 2009 #60
Mike Parker
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Originally Posted by Hunter Wallace View Post
1.) Did you listen to the Kevin MacDonald interview?
Disappointing. MacDonald offers up the weasel words “different strokes,” and then proceeds to attack Alex. The high road gets lower by the day. And whose permission does MacDonald need to talk to Alex?

Did he really say Alex doesn’t make any points that MacDonald doesn’t? Alex developed the zero-sum model of racialist politics, which shows that conservatives are the enemies of WN. For such a crude guy, that’s a sophisticated, original analysis.

5.) We also need those essays. They change minds. In the MacDonald interview, a caller said his view of the Jewish Question had been changed by reading a MacDonald essay.
I'd say the same thing, and not just about the Jews. But that doesn't validate it as political strategy. If the goal is to influence "elites," how do we know when/if it's having that effect? Some suggestions: EO Wilson, founder of sociobiology and no stranger to controversy, says MacDonald is right about the Jews. A Fortune 500 CEO is moved by a TOQ essay to drop all optional diversity efforts and decides merely to comply with the letter of the law. A Wall Street law firm offers to litigate for the white ADL. If these people are open to intellectual persuasion, they should respond to TOQ since real science handily beats the Jews' pseudo-science. But if they act out of short-term self-interest, they'll be along for the ride only when they're more afraid of WN than of the Jews. That suggests Alex's Sam Francis strategy.

Did you know that Greg Johnson has close ties to the BANA people who protest out in California?
I'm afraid to google "BANA." Sorry.