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Old June 20th, 2005 #68
Mr. T.H. Outis
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Doppelhaken
Another closet democrat. The only thing I've ever voted for here was to see more authoritarian decision making, which we've baby stepped towards. THamilton is only positing what White Will urged us to adopt a few months ago: expunging the dilettanti to leave a core from which a nascent cadre could grow.
It will happen. Slow going at the moment, but it will pick up.

I am always amazed by the insistence on democratic procedure; seeing "what others have to say" is usually the quickest way of going nowhere in solving problems. I understand that White Nationalism is, for the most part, in essence an American creed, thus carrying a considerable degree of nostalgia for democracy [—Macchiavelli: a people that has once been exposed to freedom will never forget it], but I cannot consider myself democratic for as long as we are concerned with petty matters. At present the only relevant criterion is Linder's opinion of me and whether he feels I can be trusted; and really, when he has time to bother with this. You will see in the meantime a handful of people yelping in fear lest someone ruin their childish games, as though VNN is or should be Fiumi in the days of dannunzian rule. And because I want to put the lid on a few girls, I become the tyrant waiting to happen. Kinda pathetic really—I shoulda quoted some out of context remark in my sig, that's the way to go. Smirk.

"Futurist energy" is a great phrase. Ultimately we want something that can, in addition to more practical matters, shatter the stereotype of "hick" White Nationalism - pace hick WNs - and maybe others, "Hessian" or skin, or just the circus atmosphere obtaining here. Certain people are a drain on the precious dynamism at work in other individuals—a dynamism which would be best served by pruning the ranks and promoting a more serious aspect. A few guys I know have told me that VNN is "a big joke", which is of course true in that Linder is a big joker who happens to be armed with the Truth, but insofar as it pushes away these spirits, the image should be destroyed. The spirit of fun for the innocent—the spirit of gravity for the initiated.

Originally Posted by Doppelhaken
He's also said if he exerts a braking effect inadvertently, then he'll have to go. There's a lot to be said for the new, improved Mr. Outis.
My sincerest thanks—for all your support. You were even more gracious than Brutus, who described me as a "bright misogynistic sociopath".