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Old January 15th, 2006 #57
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But now you have turned the topic to attacking you, let's give it the old fashioned college try. Let's look at your disclaimer, your anti-version of "I'm not a rascist but..." At best it shows your guilty conscious, at worst an attempt to disarm before you insert your poison.

It also shows you expected some kind of response along the lines of what I have given and now you act all innocent, "Poor ole Becky. That nasty Cthewlu is being mean and nasty to him when all he wanted to do was inform and edify us."

And Becky crys, "Why are you attacking me. You're not interested in Churchill. You just hate poor ole little me, who cares so much, and was just trying to be so good and nice. Look I said I wish the nazis had been supported. Oh, mercy me. Why are you attacking me, Cthewlu? Poor ole innocent me? You anti-beckite."

Do what you should do and I won't have to do what is distasteful to me.
Cursing braces; blessing releases.