Full Thread: White Spirit
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Old September 9th, 2011 #3
Alex Linder
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 45,756
Blog Entries: 34

Couple small examples from bikers - bike riders, pros or video makers, but driven by the desire to do something new. You see this mentality everywhere among quality whites. (Side note: most 'originality' is just what these guys are describing - modest takeoffs on something already existing.)

These are taken from a Salt Lake giveaway rag "Slug." "Slug" covers the scene in SLC - 20-somethings who are riding, opening clothes shops, making low-listened music, building their own bikes and motorcyles and cars. Remember that SLC and Provot is close to unique on earth as the one location whites breed at considerably higher than replacement numbers. So the culture here, while much similar to 'judeo-alternative' culture elsewhere, has a strong admixture of whiteness.

[quotes to come later]