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Old May 12th, 2011 #1
Jerry Abbott
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Default Wikipedia article on Channon Christian - Chris Newsom murders

I've left a comment on the TALK page of the Wikipedia article for the murders of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom. I'm parking my edit here because the lefties who run Wikipedia will probably delete it.

Murders_of_Channon_Christian_and_Christopher_Newsom Murders_of_Channon_Christian_and_Christopher_Newsom

I think that the article should be edited so that the comments about this crime made by officials is clearly demonstrated to be lies and nonsense.

For example, consider the comment by un-named "president of Criminal Justice Journalists," who said that this crime would not receive a greater amount of media coverage if it had involved five whites doing the same acts to two blacks. The dragging murder of a black man in Jasper, Texas, by two whites garnered vastly more publicity by the national media than did the murders of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom by five blacks. There are whole orders of magnitude of difference in the degree of media time devoted to these two crimes, and the most likely reason is that the media is far more willing to portray whites as evildoers than do the same with blacks.

Another example, from the same paragraph in the article, arises from the comment of Police Chief Sterling Owen IV, who said that there's no indication that the murders were racially motivated, that it was "random crime." On the assumption that the area where the crimes took place is 50% black and 50% white, the probability that all five of the perpetrators would be blacks and that both of the victims would be whites, in a "random" crime, is two to the seventh power, or one chance in 128. So it's not the way to bet.

If five whites had murdered two blacks, there would be no hesitation about judging the offense to be a hate crime. There would be none of these excuses, none of this going to unreasonable, illogical lengths to bestow benefit of the doubt. The behavior of these officials is as racist as the crime itself was.

How many black victims did these men also murder as a joint venture? I've never heard of any. The Chief's opinion that there must not have been a racial motive because the black perpetrators were known to socialize with whites is also nonsense. It's similar to thinking that someone can't possibly be a burglar because he was seen in similar stores buying goods (and no-doubt casing the establishment for security vulnerabilities).