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Old May 18th, 2019 #5
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Default Yes, I am aware

And the Amerindians are not what jewsmedia and (((hollyweird))) tell us goys.

"Wild or domesticated, the immediate ancestors of all horses in the western hemisphere can trace their ancestry back to the creatures European explorers and colonists brought with them in the 15th and 16th centuries. From there they were traded with Native Americans, released or escaped into the wild to breed and form their own feral herds, Coburn Dukeheart reports for National Geographic. But while these were the earliest horses to roam the plains in relatively recent history, research suggests they weren’t the first.

For millions of years, wild horses roamed what is now the American West alongside charismatic creatures, such as wooly mammoths and giant sloths. Then, somewhere around 10,000 years ago, some crossed the Bering land bridge into Asia, where they thrived and spread, Dukeheart reports. Meanwhile, their fellows back in the Americas went extinct. Thousands of years later, the explorers brought the distant relatives of these early wild horses back to the prairies once again."

Political correctness is oppression disguised as good manners.