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Old September 17th, 2014 #13
Alex Linder
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 45,756
Blog Entries: 34

Jebus is the white man's jenkem.

Here's the thing: it doesn't matter whether jew Sotloff was Mossad because they're all the same and think and share the same anyway. #hive

You don't get what you deserve, you get what you take. Don't blame me. I didn't design this world. Your God did. According to you. #crissies

"A violent weekend"... Damn you violent weekends, making our holy innocent niggers look guilty. Say goodbye to #BallardReynolds, #hushcrime

Damone went to the German place for strudel. Makes sense. You go to a church for limps, pedos, old women and lunatics.

Steve Sotoloff had deep roots in #Israel, held Israeli citizenship and earned degree at IDC …

Disgusting kike Debbie says jew Sotloff was not Mossad.

Jew Tomlin refutes catholicism: when i was young, i wanted to be somebody. when i got older, i realized i should have been more specific.

As Heraclitus is believed by me to have said, It is better to laugh than to worship.

Man may be a herd animal, but surely we would want to work against that tendency, rather than strengthen it a la the jebus cult.

Was jew Sotloff connected to Mossad?

So it's a universalist scheme that puts whites on a par with non-whites. And it's totally the opposite of liberalism. #what

I hate John Lennon's childishly stupid "Imagine" and christianity for the same reason. 1 size doesn't fit all. No catholic LCD for white me.

Like oh so many of the kikes running the US, the disheaded jew Sotloff was a dual national. #specialrulesforjews

If one cannot contract Ebola [easily], then why were millions spent [transporting] Brantly and Writebol?

Reality exists independent of opinion, no matter how christianity and her daughter secular humanism feel about that fact.

You must not notice things you're not supposed to, and you must not create an alternative reality out of ideas we consider out of bounds.

Another similarity between post-christian-but-still-christian leftism and christianity is the strong hatred of sense organs & their use.

I'll tell you what, niggers, you better hope a white man like me never gets in charge, because we're not all gentlemen like Robert E. Lee.

It seems that the British people truly do not give a toss about the thousands of White English kids being raped across the UK. Idiot drones

The kikistanis (jews) lead the khakistanis (middle-class white bourgeois conservatives) around by the nose.

Welcome back to school! College has gotten 12 times more expensive in one generation

It's good to be spirited, not spiritual. No fruity Life Force better touch me.

Atheism is for men. Christianity is for women of both sexes, and inflicted on innocent children.

Imagine you had a friend who said: I will never lie to you. And he never did. What is your piddly jebus next to that?

One of the many wonderful things about atheism: I can fight queers without having to pretend I love them.

According to Intl Journal of Epidemiology, life expectancy at age 20 for homos and bisexual men is eight to 20 years less than for all men.

Let the jews do their own dirty work - if they can. Stay out of the military, white man.

Hey, new hush crime! Nice white guy with lovely girlfriend is murdered by a latin POS down in florida

Whites who refuse to read, to think, to discern and to act in their own race's interest, will end up serving their racial enemy by default.

Even after they've been killed/driven off, whites in South Africa and Zimbabwe haven't woken up. They still reject racism like good liberals

How about the Fahtin' Man #secede from ZOG's military. There's a fresh-egg idea for a shiny Wednesday morning.

The jews mock you on tv as dumb hicks, then you Southrons sign up to fight in their army. I call you fucking morons, I'm the bad guy. mkay.

Jews produce wars, excuses for wars thru compliant media like NYT and WT (both sides). You supply the money and the manpower, goy sucker.

I think you have to live in Washington, D.C., truly to understand how giant and powerful the judeo-defense/contractor complex actually is.

Jews cause terrorism, WTC demolition for ex., spurring creation of terror industry, from which their contractors and synagogues benefit most

Steven Sotloff. One of these dual-citizen jewroaches you find often among neocons in upper reaches of American govt.
Steven_Sotloff Steven_Sotloff

What exactly was so bad in Iraq that we had to go in there and mess it up? So long as USA led by lying jews, world roils in misery.

Man, I love twitter. You know why? Because it's full of fantastic smelling people! That means YOU! Great job!

In 2012, Chicago had 11 on 43 over Labor Day. 2013, at least 8 on 23. In 2014 3 on 37. dead/shootings/labordaywknd

Final tally for Chicago Labor Day Weekend 2014: 3 dead on 37 shootings. Poor marksmanship even for niggers.

What happened to Carl Cameron's four-part series on Israel's infiltration of our government, #SeanHannity? #JonPollard #USSLiberty

Would have tweeted more today but had to walk around outside with sign saying "I am a Human Being." #noyourenot #Ferguson

If the niggers had been kept out of Illinois and Missouri, there wouldn't be any #Fergusons or East St. Louises.

"[The] Institution of slavery is founded on both injustice and bad policy, but...

I feel my position exists on an elevated plateau, arably agreeable, between the Desert of Dirteaters and the Swamps of Sanctimonious Madmen.

What's the difference between The Fahtin' Man and the kid on the Nirvana cover.

Lincolns came to America through Massachusetts. Living in Hardin, Kty, as many our earliers did, does not make one Southern. Thank God.

Notice the "bible has answers" crowd applies same mentality to "evidence." Anything will do. Conclusion comes first.

The Bible has answers! Yes, yes it does. But you should hold out for good answers.

The entire point of owning mass media is to keep stuff out of the media. Media are tools of deception far more than communication.

Niggers don't mind going to prison. It's not like they have things to do.

White women: it's dangerous merely to live near niggers.

It's amazing how much nigger-on-white crime there is when you see all the stories in one place. Which is why you never do. #jewedmedia

There was a time when you could say "fag!" in a movie and it wouldn't be censored. Do you believe me, kiddies?

The cloud of No Second Opinion stretches ominously into the shinespan of the First Amendment sun.

There are dumb people everywhere, but Southerners, now they, THEY have a WAY with it.

Christian doin' good is as ludicrously laughable as a nigger 'baller' 'doin' work.' Yeah, you doin' good importing coons from Ebolistan.

Jew and christian both work for the same end; the difference is that the jew knows what he's doing, the christian is basically just stupid.

Christianity has turned the white race into a bunch of ankle-grabbing faggots.

'Youth' arrested for 'anti-white' attack …

Religious belief, to twist the maxim, gives nonexistent things big shadows.

The White race suffers christian poisoning. Too scared to think. Too dumb to laugh.

It only took Joe Sobran, by his own admission, decades to apply conservative principles to Israel. So...yeah...don't wait up for lessers.

It's not good to be dumb. I don't care what your preacher tells you. He is a jackass. And you are a ninny.

Whites are a race of dupes. Hans Christian Andersen's tale is no joke, it's a documentary.

If you wanted to know what good was, would you ask a christian? I wouldn't.

I'd like to thank the humble workers in the vineyard of jebus for importing danky Africans from the #Ebolar regions. Y'all jes' good people.

"Which headline would you prefer: 1. CDC protecting white people by giving them the vaccine first. 2. CDC experimenting on Africans..."

My God these utter cretins are beyond all realms of comprehension! It's shit like this that let it continue so long!

Negro Beat White Girl Senseless For Carrying A Confederate Flag

Muh Democracy: Marxists in Texas buying third world votes with cocaine, cigarettes, beer, marijuana etc.

Jezebel (second attempt) on #Rotherham. Muted response, as you'd imagine. Trying to shift blame from browns to cops.

Equality, fairness and justice are human ideas, found nowhere in nature save menskulls. Don't give them any more validity than they deserve.

The human cost of letting jews in D.C. force niggers among us (with results covered up) is staggering.

"Cultural marxist" - what is that? who is that? No one goes by that name. Weak. Jew? That's an identifiable culprit.

"Love your race" isn't a winner. Hating your enemy is. See jews.

Bunch of #hushcrimes you probably haven't heard of, all recent.

"Of course we know #MichaelBrown was guilty. But look how easily we sell the lie that advances our agenda." --Nathan Jacob Wise

Megyn is not a name, no more than a gila monster is a lizard. It's a MONSTER. What part of MONSTER do you not understand?

Your children deserve to have people judge them for who they are - don't make them a window thru which others see retarded Megyn-ists.

It's a sad day when I need to lecture on how-it's-done, but that day is here. In wedding vows and names, FOLLOW CUSTOM. Don't try 2b clever.

The desire for unearned distinction - tattoos, barbels thru eyebrows, hair colors from the amazon, 'Megyn' (jesus christ). #AmeriKwa

"Everything whites do is hateful; everything whites think they earned is stolen. They must be raped and suffer murder to atone." --N.J. Wise

Every aspect of white-typical behavior and personality is demonized by jews, with a special smear. If we resist, we're haters. #nojews

Megyn Kelly signs up for 'white privilege.' What a surprise someone white-trash named 'Megyn' is weak minded.

Stats from FBI show Blacks KILL whites 240% more than white on black MT:@KLSouth #Ferguson #BeyondFerguson

The catholic ideal for man: a cockroach with its head cut off.

It's ok to look for universals, but if they're not there, don't force it.

Whites living among whites is a preference. Preferences are like moral absolutes, except they're real and strong.

The devil can cite scripture for his purpose. If I wanted to cite scripture to defend racism, i could do it better than any xman i've read.

Kinism is an attempt to square the circle. Don't waste time pointing this out to kinists, they know better. #kinism

Only a man without imagination would perceive the science fiction character jebus as some kind of ideal.

If something is a Moral Good, then we needn't trouble our eyes and brains perceiving/worrying about what it's actually doing. Just mo mo mo.

Left-half, low-rent christians positively get off on destroying their nations by importing niggers, taking money from fedZOG jews to do so.

I'll tell you the real psychology. Xtianity appeals to the left half of bell curve. Very many of these get off on destroying their betters.

Is there a viler lemon on god's sweltering earth than the 'christian gentleman'? The reality is even worse than the awful ideal. #CalThomas

A fucking dog knows enough to trust its instinct about niggers. Not a christian, though. That would be immoral, and littleman me is scared.

Even dogs hate niggers, and they're not wrong about that kind of stuff because it's instinctual.

Those noseless Flip whore told the white conservative that America was an individualist grabbag, per Founders. Not a reader, he believed.

Can Germanics retain the honesty while dropping the gullibility? That seems to be the question.

What kind of a religion makes people afraid to see things for what they are? How can that possibly be a positive? All jeboozoids drink 'aid.

Christianity took advantage of white genetic gullibility to scare the race with horseshit about Absolute Morality.

Yep, that sounds "safe": gay "cruising": 6 Tips For Online Cruising Tht Cld Mean The Difference Between Life & Death:

Imagine if animals could talk and they said things like "I need to be saved." And they weren't talking about slaughterhouse.

Someone took you to church when you were young; it would never have occurred to you to go on your own.

When you grasp that most people do not believe in cause and effect but in luck, then you can see the proper role of faith is backing reason.

See with your heart, not with your eyes. I totally don't see how that xtian insanity leads to it being immoral to notice racial differences.

We can totally fix niggers. We just have to come up with the right screwdriver.

Joseph Keith Richard, another anonymous white victim of hush crime you've never heard about.

Three Black 14 Year Olds Tied to Vicious Purse Snatching Against Elderly 74 y.o. White Woman Have 35 Felony Arrests

Do you believe each and every black 'man' has an eternal soul of 'inestimable worth'? Then you are a christian, which is to say a liberal.

I love it when conformists injure themselves trying to be trendy.

Christianity is liberalism. ya get that? Ya don't, do you. You just parrot-repeat stuff you've heard. No thinking involved.

Nothing is a sadder sight than seeing young White kids so brain-polluted with Christ-insanity and Liberalism that they hate their own genes.

#KirkCousins should be starting and #RGIII should be sitting. But, you know, #blackprivilege.

Blacks aren't equal to whites, and the claim they are or should be is an anti-white lie spread by jews. #BeyondFerguson

All these things happen to blacks, but they aren't responsible for any of them. Your attitude is the problem.Why don't u care more?#Ferguson

Yet another expose on the #Ferguson Rioters, proving #MichaelBrown has already received justice.

Scientists @Harvard are working round the clock to analyze and research treatments for the #Ebola virus.

#Obama brought it to Atlanta! "Worst #Ebola outbreak in history, moving into Africa’s cities" …

On jew casualties in WWII, very solid from Metapedia.

Neo-Nazi march provokes clash with anti-fascists, police in #Stockholm

The lugubrious humorlessness of the Big Book of Seriousness by Jew for Goy - just read that new Dahl chapter to smell the White difference.

Belief in moral absolutes comes from the same place that leads unbrights to capitalize random words.

Bit of unpublished Dahl...

A lot can be said against Puritans, but at least they weren't into self-expression. #nosnookis #notats #juststocks

Why are America, Europe and middle east in turmoil? One word: jews. It sounds CT and crank - until you study it.

Do the rest of you realize that jews are going to, um, destroy the world...if the rest of us let them?

#KirkCousins with his white IQ has a much higher ceiling than limited #RGIII.

If Kirk Cousins isn't starting week 1 for the skins, I'm rioting.

Excuses for niggers...AmeriKwa's #1 manufacturing industry.

It's not relevant that nigger felon #MichaelBrown was unarmed. Nor that he was a teen. It's relevant he attacked a cop. So jewsmedia omit it

On restaurants in #Ferguson.

A man AGAIN tried to offer me low-priced cheeseburgers. But I could see in his heart he lacked the dedication to form of the old Cheezburger Guild. …

So, how long before those responsible for #Rotherham are executed?

14 year old nigger arrested after attacking and robbing an elderly white Florida woman

If White #Englishmen aren't rioting in the streets over #RotherhamAbuse, they have earned the contempt of the Muslim welfare colonists.

The right side of history, aka The Ruins of Detroit. Your principles, your results. Though you ignore them like a nigger pa. #progressives

Feminist blames "patriarchy" instead of her black attacker #shite4brains … …

Hateful evil racist whites move in and all of a sudden the neighborhood gets better an' shit.

Jewish lies die hard -> #JesseOwens destroys Hitler's myths w/ Olympic performance: #BigLie

Does it really surprise you that (at least) 1/3 of the conspiracy behind "Don't Worry, Be Happy" committed suicide? #RobinWilliams

#Jezebel and like minds have created a world in which white girls can be preyed on with impunity. Take a bow, feminists. #Rotherham

How do the feminists at jezebel respond to #Rotherham?

If you're pro-diversity, you're pro-rape. And anti-white. A sicko, and a traitor to your own kind #antiwhite #Rotherham

coyotes are everywhere, and everywhere regarded as nuisance. wolves, which r larger 'yotes, are few and valuable, according to their PR reps

More on that on-white attack in Miss.

how many nigger shootings/dead in #chicago labor day wknd? 50/15 over unders.

Blacks identify with criminals because most of them are. #BeyondFerguson Blaming whites for black behavior is the heart of #blackculture.

Map of #Ebola transmission in West #Africa (29 Aug 2014)

Senegal confirms 1st #Ebola case, making it 5th West African country affected by outbreak

Experimental #Ebola drug ZMapp is 100% effective on monkeys, clinical trial data shows

People who capitalize random words should be spayed.

So the braindead niggers (redundant) gave a lot of businesses an insurance-paid chance to relocate to human areas. #Ferguson #doh

If the people who leave the comments (rather than the people writing the stories) were running the country, things would be fine.

Man, if we just found a way to remove the racists, the US would be a utopia. Maybe we should force them onto reservations. #Ferguson #ideas

Black people, who inherited the cities white people created, built & sustained have turned them into a 24/7/365 filming location for COPS

Incognito teased a nigger. There's no higher crime. Permaban for that bastard.

The man who worries about god and imaginary worlds soon loses sight of what's in front of his nose. Comes to detest it, even.

Niggers...are pollution. #Ferguson #MichaelBrown

Poverty doesn't produce crime, niggers produce poverty. Litter, violence, stupidity, laziness. Add them up, they equal poverty. #Ferguson

Whites have the legal and moral responsibility to provide blacks with looting opportunities. #Ferguson #RebuildorRacism

Well, I'm headed over to to see if 1) they cover #Rotherham, #2, if they do, they manage to keep the race part out.

Let's divide the continental US into Utopia and Racistan. I know where I want to live, and I bet you do too. #callingliberalbluff #Ferguson

QT not rebuilding in #Ferguson. Nice job, niggers. Now start whining about gas desert, monkeys.

The DOJ systematically queers universal crime reporting stats to reduce racial disparities. See 2012.

The basic mentality of the Fox viewer: I'm an anonymous schoolfish, but I am great because of my association with Winning Team. Go #USA!

We must be TUFF. We must show them we're TUFF not weak. We must invade both poles, the Sahara n Congo or they'll think we're not TUFF.

Your average conservative is simply a middle-class pants-wetter obsessed with weakness. What a contemptible lot. Probably get us all nuked.

Contrast William F. Buckley with William Pierce. One sold out to the jews, tergiversated his principles, the other stood firm. Shifted me.

Stop being polite, there is a specific group of people running this planet into the ground

The NYPD Has a 'Hip-Hop Squad' That Keeps Tabs on Rappers' Parties to Prevent Shootings: The New York Post rep...

10 minutes from Pierce on the difference between liberals and conservatives (and jews).

#1 Party of the Swedes thread. Real news from Sweden.

Whites are just supposed to pay for niggers and take responsibility for their simian shenanigans? That how it is? #Ferguson

So, like, god could TOTALLY destroy you at ANY moment, with EASE. And you TOTALLY deserve it. So keep that in mind. Buster. #davidblaineface

You would think even sapless WASP NEnglanders would laugh at the clownage of Edwards, but it was not so.

Here it is, the greatest ever recorded in North America...Semen in the Glans of an Angry Wad:

God views many of you -- PERHAPS EVEN ALL OF YOU -- as writhing worms on a grate over a burn barrel.

I don't care what you say, I think ebola is a very sexy name. It sounds like a chick in one of those naked Italian films.

Combining sangfroid and joi de vivre, the medicins sans frontieres rolled down their sleeves and got to work saving subhumanity. #WEbola

Beekeeper outfits are IN this fall in Liberia. #WEbola

Notice how religious conservatives are the most easily turned out whites. It's always the atheists like Pierce who can stick to a position.

Leftism, as with any cult, is not a minority position, it's a tiny-minority position. It has no hope or chance save coercion.

Niggers are humans. Repeat until you believe it. May take a while. #Ferguson

So my racism is responsible for the looting in #Ferguson? And I don't even get any of the shit the simians sprint away with?

Instead of cleaning up the problems niggers make, why don't we just clean up niggers? --White America's unspoken thought. #Ferguson

Dear Abby: My black cat is increasingly embarrassed about her fur color given recent #Ferguson behavior. How do I tell hr it's not hr fault?

"Hey, my #Ferguson niggers. Did y'all coons of hope 'n' progress do anything we need to take responsibility for today?" --White America
