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Old April 1st, 2008 #41
Alex Linder
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Following the same taboos as every other site will indeed, as a poster notes, turn Takimag into just another echo chamber. It appears that is the way the jews must have it, and Taki won’t stand up to them. So in the future expect to see:

- open season on Muslims (so that Catholic cowards like Zmirak can loose their bowels sans reproach) and

- crickets when it comes to the jewish source of every major problem in America

Here’s a better suggestion:

Get rid of the poisonous jew Gottfried and his noxious buttlicker, Greasy John Smearhack.

Once you get kicked off your server due to behind the scenes pressure, then, for the first time, you’ll be hitting the target.

Posted by Stan Holland on Apr 01, 2008.
Old April 2nd, 2008 #42
Hunter Wallace
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Originally Posted by Alex Linder View Post
In fact, Zmirak removed an entire post, giving up on censoring it.

This success can be repeated. It takes only a couple people posting to get the pallids to turn tail on their own words.

Drive 'em off their own sites - it's fun!

Nothing funnier than seeing these "old-school" conservatives run shrieking from the words of Burke, a jew-despiser.

I singlehandedly forced him to start banning commentators. In fact, I embarrassed him so bad one time that he deleted his entire essay. Here is the post that got me banned from TakiMag:

A response to John Zmirak’s latest argument that the Second World War and Cold War were “good wars.”

It would have been much easier if Zmirak had simply said that wars which are “good for the Vatican” (WW2, Cold War) are “justified” and are fought on behalf of “America’s interests,” whereas those where the Church has no real stake (Spanish American War, WW1, Iraq) are bad. The Founders would certainly have objected to the notion that we are “morally obligated” to rake the Vatican’s coals out of the fire; more likely, they would have laughed. As non-Catholics, I don’t think they ever considered the question.

There was a classic debate about American foreign policy during the Washington administration in the 1790s. Jefferson was a partisan of anti-clerical Revolutionary France (at least until the Terror). Hamilton and Adams were pro-British. The argument that Napoleon, who was certainly more anti-clerical than Hitler ever was, qualified as an immoral monster was found to be an uncompelling reason to violate our neutrality. Jefferson would later embargo both combatants and cut a deal with Napoleon known to history as the Louisiana Purchase. America stayed out of European conflicts until the Great War, which was later rightly categorized as a blunder, and then again until FDR couldn’t figure out how to fix the Great Depression. We have been in intervention mode ever since; on a permanent war fighting various “totalitarians,” every single one of whom we have deliberately antagonized into conflict.

Adolf Hitler did not have the slightest interest in the Western Hemisphere. He deliberately avoided trying to antagonize the U.S. government. Even FDR’s hagiographers like Conrad Black admit that it was FDR who baited Hitler into attacking the United States, and that FDR lied us into the Second World War. If we had ignored the Third Reich, the SS would never have come storming into Pennsylvania. Even if Hitler had desired to attack North America, he would have been unable to do so. This was proven in the war itself when the American homeland suffered no damage. The threat posed by Hitler to the U.S. was a hyped up lie spun by self-interested warmongers who wanted Americans to needlessly die for their pet cause. Not a single American life had to be wasted in either of the World Wars.

It was Great Britain which sought war with Germany, not the other way around, in pursuit of its antiquated “balance of power” strategy on the Continent. Hitler did not desire war with Britain either. During the 1920s, he entertained the geopolitical delusion that he could form an alliance with England, and only gave up on this fancy after he was firmly rebuffed. His programme is easy enough to understand: reunion of German minorities with the Reich, rearmament, and expansion to the east at the expense of the Soviet Union. Hitler’s goal was to make Germany the dominant power in Central Europe and a colonial power in Eastern Europe. He wanted Russia and Poland to play the role of Germany’s India. Hitler didn’t originally envision German troops in places like North Africa or Greece, much less in Australia or North Dakota!

As immoral as that agenda might be, it was not in the least bit different from our stated intention to exclude European powers from the Western Hemisphere, or Belgium’s rule over the Congo, or the Netherland’s control over the Dutch East Indies, French imperialism in Algeria and Indochina, or Britain in India, the Middle East, and many other places besides (only recently had the British departed from Ireland). The objective of the “militarists” was merely to redistribute the loot amongst the European imperial powers.

Colonial squabbles of this sort should have been of no concern to Americans. Back then we were secure between two vast oceans and produced almost everything we needed here at home. Neither Japan, Italy, or Germany ever launched a successful invasion of the American homeland. The Soviet Union never tried and could not have done so because it would have invited annihilation. Even if the USSR had conquered all of Europe, Americans would have been as secure as they were in the 1960s.

The threat posed by the USSR was similarly hyped up. The Soviet Union was unable to control … Yugoslavia and Albania. It was defeated and forced to withdraw in Afghanistan. The Warsaw Pact was formed in response to the creation of NATO. Stalin withdrew his troops from Austria. He supported German reunification too, but Adenauer and the U.S. objected to “neutralism,” on the grounds that Oder-Neisse was not a legitimate border. West Germany later recognized it anyway. Gorbachev and the Western Europeans ended the Cold War because it suited them to do so. Russia exchanged its perimeter of satellites for security and economic assistance, Germany was reunified, and Western Europe got trade and natural gas. American militarism accomplished nothing there either.
Occidental Dissent

"A functioning police state needs no police."
—William Borroughs
Old April 5th, 2008 #43
Alex Linder
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Egads, Identity Politics!
Posted by Daniel Larison on April 04, 2008

Tom raises an important point in this brief post. As I have said countless times before, all democratic politics is identity politics, and identity politics should not be a phrase reserved for minority grievances. To some degree, all mass politics is identitarian. This can be a curse, but it is also unavoidable. I suspect what troubles critics of “identity politics” is not so much that it is group-based, but that it actually seeks to root politics in the concrete interests of different groups. It assumes solidarity among people from similar backgrounds, and these concepts of solidarity and loyalty can be unnerving for some people. There is also resistance against the idea of this or that group mobilizing politically--resistance that derives, of course, from the critic’s own group interests! The first step in understanding “identity politics” is to recognize that there is nothing illegitimate about this kind of politics, unless the entire modern democratic process is illegitimate (possible), in which case we have more pressing concerns than “identity politics.” “Identity politics” refers to the fact that similar people tend to have similar interests, or at least they will perceive their interests to be same as those people from their community. Election analysts and demographers accept this as common sense; the rest of us are supposed to shudder in horror at the thought of it. There is, of course, nothing inherently wrong in “identity politics for white people,” to cite Ponnuru’s well-known phrase, unless you subscribe to universalist fantasies that particular loyalties do not take precedence over generic abstract commitments, just as there is nothing inherently wrong in “identity politics for black people” or for Latinos, desis, Chinese and so on. The crucial factors are the expression that this sort of politics takes and the means being proposed to advance group interests. These are the important subjects of debate, and not whether we should or should not engage in “identity politics.” Every time we vote, we engage in this kind of politics. To refer to “identity politics for white people” or for any kind of people is to say that these people are involved in the political process and are pursuing their interests.

Wow, an article that makes sense on Takimag? Hard to believe. It doesn’t go anywhere, but it’s a thumbnail of a beginning.

Look at it realistically: what political interest do Whites have in any association with blacks or browns?

The answer is absolutely none.

All we get from ‘minorities’ that are actually 92% of the world’s population are bills and violence.

White identity politics is what we had before the jews completed their takeover in the 60s, allowing them to redefine White interests as “hate.” The fruit of that takeover is that every year 40,000 White women are raped by blacks. And more Whites have been murdered than died in the Vietnam War.

The jews don’t dare for a fleeting second to allow Whites to band together and fight for their interests because they want to keep feeding off us. Using our taxpayer money to prop up Israel, and our boys to kill their enemies half a world away.

America is a great country for jews and for the minority tools they use to wreck White communities. For White people themselves, it’s not such a good place anymore, and it’s getting worse week in and week out.

If they made even a marginal, unattractive state Whites only, you’d have 10 million people living there within a year.

And that’s the bottom line. White behavior—85% of Whites move to a whiter area than the one they’re leaving—shows what Whites really think. And it shows just how strong the System that suppresses their real political desires actually is.

Whites voting White, thinking White, Living White, as Robert Griffin, is the way of the future. It is the only way out of the mess we’re in, and that is why the jews will do anything to stop us. They don’t want us having an Israel for our people. Nay, for us they have death by chocolate and nothing else on the menu.

Wake up, Takimag. I don’t what you think you represent, but you ain’t where it’s at.

I appreciate that the Larison post was made simply to begin yet another pseudo-debate, and I know that you will erase my post, but I can’t resist tweaking you for being cowards one more time.

In closing, these are the orders of the new age:


Posted by Alex Linder on Apr 05, 2008.

Join the fun at post at the above link!

Use if they IP ban you!
Old April 5th, 2008 #44
Alex Linder
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[QUOTE=Klaas Ebbe;752879]I singlehandedly forced him to start banning commentators. In fact, I embarrassed him so bad one time that he deleted his entire essay. Here is the post that got me banned from TakiMag:

That's a good one.

He did the same thing with mine. I didn't save the post, but he yanked it. I posted under 20-30 names over two days, and that was enough to send the dolts into an uproar.

In fact, now Greasy John is only posting once a week, and not accepting any comments on his posts. What a puss.

You can still post on takimag immediately if you aren't banned, or use a proxy.
Old April 5th, 2008 #45
Alex Linder
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Um...cause he’s a dooga let into this country by jews who hate Whites?


Either we fight the jews, or we waste our time. The basis from which to fight them is our membership in the White race. We want to live as Whites in a White land. That simple and attractive.
Posted by Kim Palmer on Apr 05, 2008.
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Old April 5th, 2008 #46
Alex Linder
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Bunch more posts made wee hours 4/5/08...

Ponnuru Approves of Identity Politics for Hispanics
Posted by Tom Piatak on April 04, 2008

Among the many attacks launched by National Review on Pat Buchanan was Ramesh Ponnuru’s dismissal of Buchananism as “identity politics for white people.” Ponnuru has now penned a piece for TIME arguing that McCain has to offer some form of legalization for at least some illegal immigrants or some comparable assistance to Hispanic immigrants, because “Republicans have to offer Hispanics more than a fence.” Appealing to Hispanics on the basis of presumed racial solidarity sounds like identity politics to me. But if Ponnuru doesn’t really object to identity politics, what exactly did he find wrong with “identity politics for white people?”

Um...cause he’s a dooga let into this country by jews who hate Whites?


Either we fight the jews, or we waste our time. The basis from which to fight them is our membership in the White race. We want to live as Whites in a White land. That simple and attractive.
Posted by Kim Palmer on Apr 05, 2008.

Racism is fine if you’re a jew, a black, a Mexican, a Chinese.

But if you’re White, it’s ‘racism.’

Racism is a concept created by jews Trotsky and Hirschfeld. It was created to undermine White society by inculcating guilt in Whites and eliciting hostility toward Whites from ‘minorities’ that are 82% of the globe’s population.

How do the jews get away with this charade?

Because they own all the media, and that which they don’t own, they control by fear. Takimag being a good example of a journal whose non-jew editors are nevertheless controlled by their fear of breaching jew-laid taboos.

What is the word for the hatred jews feel for Whites?


Use it.
Posted by Cal Brecker on Apr 05, 2008.


Egads, Identity Politics!
Posted by Daniel Larison on April 04, 2008

Tom raises an important point in this brief post. As I have said countless times before, all democratic politics is identity politics, and identity politics should not be a phrase reserved for minority grievances. To some degree, all mass politics is identitarian. This can be a curse, but it is also unavoidable. I suspect what troubles critics of “identity politics” is not so much that it is group-based, but that it actually seeks to root politics in the concrete interests of different groups. It assumes solidarity among people from similar backgrounds, and these concepts of solidarity and loyalty can be unnerving for some people. There is also resistance against the idea of this or that group mobilizing politically--resistance that derives, of course, from the critic’s own group interests! The first step in understanding “identity politics” is to recognize that there is nothing illegitimate about this kind of politics, unless the entire modern democratic process is illegitimate (possible), in which case we have more pressing concerns than “identity politics.” “Identity politics” refers to the fact that similar people tend to have similar interests, or at least they will perceive their interests to be same as those people from their community. Election analysts and demographers accept this as common sense; the rest of us are supposed to shudder in horror at the thought of it. There is, of course, nothing inherently wrong in “identity politics for white people,” to cite Ponnuru’s well-known phrase, unless you subscribe to universalist fantasies that particular loyalties do not take precedence over generic abstract commitments, just as there is nothing inherently wrong in “identity politics for black people” or for Latinos, desis, Chinese and so on. The crucial factors are the expression that this sort of politics takes and the means being proposed to advance group interests. These are the important subjects of debate, and not whether we should or should not engage in “identity politics.” Every time we vote, we engage in this kind of politics. To refer to “identity politics for white people” or for any kind of people is to say that these people are involved in the political process and are pursuing their interests.

Wow, an article that makes sense on Takimag? Hard to believe. It doesn’t go anywhere, but it’s a thumbnail of a beginning.

Look at it realistically: what political interest do Whites have in any association with blacks or browns?

The answer is absolutely none.

All we get from ‘minorities’ that are actually 92% of the world’s population are bills and violence.

White identity politics is what we had before the jews completed their takeover in the 60s, allowing them to redefine White interests as “hate.” The fruit of that takeover is that every year 40,000 White women are raped by blacks. And more Whites have been murdered than died in the Vietnam War.

The jews don’t dare for a fleeting second to allow Whites to band together and fight for their interests because they want to keep feeding off us. Using our taxpayer money to prop up Israel, and our boys to kill their enemies half a world away.

America is a great country for jews and for the minority tools they use to wreck White communities. For White people themselves, it’s not such a good place anymore, and it’s getting worse week in and week out.

If they made even a marginal, unattractive state Whites only, you’d have 10 million people living there within a year.

And that’s the bottom line. White behavior—85% of Whites move to a whiter area than the one they’re leaving—shows what Whites really think. And it shows just how strong the System that suppresses their real political desires actually is.

Whites voting White, thinking White, Living White, as Robert Griffin, is the way of the future. It is the only way out of the mess we’re in, and that is why the jews will do anything to stop us. They don’t want us having an Israel for our people. Nay, for us they have death by chocolate and nothing else on the menu.

Wake up, Takimag. I don’t what you think you represent, but you ain’t where it’s at.

I appreciate that the Larison post was made simply to begin yet another pseudo-debate, and I know that you will erase my post, but I can’t resist tweaking you for being cowards one more time.

In closing, these are the orders of the new age:


Posted by Alex Linder on Apr 05, 2008.

White identity? That’s hate. I’m happy with the status quo, like all reasonable white mice. I think it’s great that blacks gang rape 40,000 White women a year, as reported by the Department of Justice. And it’s wonderful that blacks have murdered more Whites since the triumph of ‘civil rights’ (sic) than were killed in Vietnam. I especially enjoy the fact the responsible media, which studies show is only 98% owned by jews, never mention these things.

We shouldn’t mention them here at Takimag either. Thank you for deleting posts that do, noble editors! I’m only sorry I had to use the facts in denouncing them. Perhaps this post can be deleted after the brown trash is picked up.

Posted by Sid Cundiff on Apr 05, 2008.
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We’re not trash, Sid. We’re trash collectors. Please be on the curb by six a.m. Thank you!
Posted by Sid's Beeping Destiny on Apr 05, 2008.

Whites just aren’t good at racialist politics.

You either cower before a minority group, or you go too extreme and scare away potential allies.
Posted by Amin on Apr 05, 2008.

You bet, amin. Was it thirty men or thirty minutes it took to conquer your Doogastan?

Whites seem weak today because they have been brainwashed from birth in the most comprehensive and extensive system the world has ever seen, incorporating government, education, and media into one gigantic Propasphere, about which they are scarcely more aware, most of them, than goldfish their bowl.

But the Internet has allowed them to see what’s going on for the first time, and they are making rapid strides. We’re just hear to alert a few of the stragglers. In time the White movement will find its feet and its voice. The only other option is genocide.

Which is precisely what the jews running the West intend.

Not on our watch, kikes.
Posted by J.P. Randall on Apr 05, 2008.

The fact is the mass media are concentrated in a tiny number of hands, and nearly all of these hands are attached to 36 shorts. That is, greasy little jews like Sy Newhouse. Men who produce an endless stream of loxist agitprop, typically aimed at getting your White daughter to pair up with a black ‘man.’

This is genocide by another name. The consequences of allowing jews to spread their lies and their filth are brutal. In time, they are genocidal.

Why Whites have not risen up and slaughtered the jews, who have been known as nation-wreckers for 2,000 years (the Romans laid the same charges against them I do) can’t be explained by this humble media analyst. All I know is they sure deserve it.

Posted by Mark Crispin Miller on Apr 05, 2008.

The real question is how much longer this jew Gottfried is going to be allowed to spread his poison here at Takimag. Endless double standards, endless special pleading for his race. Attempts to ban anybody who points out his slimy agenda of jew-exculpation.

The jews are behind the ‘civil rights’ and open borders that have left our cities in ruins. They are behind the war in Iraq that has killed or damaged 50,000 of our young men. They were the liars who got us into World War II which 90% of America correctly wanted to stay out of. They are the ones operating and benefiting from the Fed, which has destroyed our currency.

Evil, thy name is jew.

Taki, get rid of this god-damned evil jew Saul Gottfried.
Posted by Mark O'Neill on Apr 05, 2008.


Reasoning About Reason
Posted by Daniel Larison on April 04, 2008

In the ongoing debate over the merits of Reason, I have not really said anything, but I should say a few things. The tendency that Justin and Thomas Woods critique so well is a habit that has negatively affected conservatism and libertarianism alike, which is the precious desire to demonstrate conformity with the norms of “respectable” opinion at the expense of far more important principles. This tendency leads people to shun natural allies, whose main error is usually refusing to bow before certain sensitive pieties of dubious value, and to adopt the pose that they hold views that are even more politically correct than than the most zealous speech code enforcer. They want to inoculate themselves against the inevitable charges of prejudice, but in so doing they reinforce the power of their opponents and guarantee their own marginalization. The tendency encourages people to try to curry favor with those who regard their core principles to be vile and unacceptable, as if the “respectability” conferred by such people were worth anything, and one of the ways that they make this attempt is by distancing themselves in one way or another from their less “acceptable” associates. For the equivalent of a pat on the head, some seem willing to throw one of the greatest champions under the proverbial bus. Watching many Beltway libertarians drop Ron Paul’s campaign faster than a hot stone after Kirchick’s attack piece was disgusting to me, but more than that it was embarrassing for them. As I wrote elsewhere:

Watching certain libertarians pathetically pursue mainstream “respectability” in the wake of the newsletters business with the Paul campaign was enough to make me ill. These are the sorts of people who will abandon their most popular spokesman in over a generation so that they can retain “credibility” in the eyes of people who wish them dead.

At the same time, I sympathize with the arguments that Dan and Tim Carney are making when they insist that we appreciate Reason for what it is and for the mix of views that it brings. I don’t think anyone will mistake me for a friend of Reason or its style of libertarianism, but I think that one of the things that keeps the dissident right intellectually active and interesting is the variety that it permits and encourages among its members. I sincerely wish that none of its members made absurd Russophobic arguments, for example, but I do not want to throw out the good with the bad.

Takimag exhibits the defects you complain of in Reason.

For example, your fidelity to the jewish Big Lie that you can be conservative without acknowledging the importance of race.

Hint: those who separate race from politics are liberals. Insanitarians, actually. The last thing they are is conservatives.
Posted by Jed Teale on Apr 05, 2008.

The problem with the right is that it has been taken over by jews, and they have made it ridiculous.

The hatred of Russia is entirely jewish in origin. My god, haven’t these evil people done enough to Russia? They murdered the Czar and his daughters. The starved tens of millions. They butchered tens of millions of more. And nobody talks about it.

And now these same evil jews control all the institutions of American society, and they are setting us up for the same misery, what with the open borders, bankruptcy and endless foreign wars they sponsor. They have sicced the savage blacks and browns on our formerly lovely human societies, and are doing this throughout the West, in Australia every bit as much as in Alabama.

And here at Takimag we have conservatives aware of this fact, yet who fear to speak of it.

Let us speak plainly: this is cowardice. Cowardice in the face of the most monstrous evil the world has every seen: jews. Organized, evil jews. If you aren’t writing and speaking against them, you are aiding them.

Posted by Jim Morrissey on Apr 05, 2008.

There’s a reason, but only one, that Takimag censors comments like the above. Because they are true. Otherwise they could be debated and shown false.

Jews really do control America, they really are evil, and the only way to pursue a truly conservative agenda successfully is to fight them.
Posted by Clarence Boyd on Apr 05, 2008.


Ron Paul, the Birchers, and the Delicate Sensibilities of David Weigel
Posted by Justin Raimondo on April 04, 2008

Not content with having lost hundreds of subscribers due to their priggish and intemperate attacks on Ron Paul for not measuring up to the Beltway’s strict standards of political correctness, the staff of Reason magazine is busy inspiring thousands more defections with their latest: David Weigel reprints in full a congratulatory message from Ron to the John Birch Society, and then, in a horrified tone, avers: “Why’s he doing stuff like this?”

He’s doing it because the Birch Society has been the unfair target of a smear campaign for many years—and yet, without it, arguably, Barry Goldwater would not have secured the Republican nomination in 1964, and the Reagan Revolution would never have happened. The Birchers were excommunicated by the late William F. Buckley, Jr., in a series of articles in National Review, which focused not so much on Founder Robert Welch’s infamous suggestion that Dwight Eisenhower was “a conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy,” but on the incorrigible Welch’s conclusion that it was time for the US to get out of Vietnam. For a long time, the Society’s book service was the largest and virtually the only source for free market books, and the only real organized movement in favor of limited government. Ludwig von Mises, the libertarian economist and fountainhead of the Austrian School, was a contributing editor of the JBS magazine, American Opinion, and the Society promoted his works.

Paul and the Birch Society have always been close. I’ll never forget attending a JBS dinner, which featured Ron as the speaker: I sat at a table with half a dozen proverbial “little old ladies in tennis shoes” watching them coo and fuss over Yoshi, my “friend” of the past decade or so. Nobody told Yoshi we were having dinner in a den of notorious “homophobes,” and everyone got along splendidly.

I should also point out that one of the founding members of the John Birch Society was Fred G. Koch, the father of Charles Koch, whose family fortune has done much to fund Reason magazine, the Cato Institute, and a brace of other free-market institutions down through the years. Without the Society’s influence on Koch senior, it’s quite possible Weigel wouldn’t get to post ill-informed posts on the Reason blog—and basically bite the hand that feeds him.

I sat at a table with half a dozen proverbial “little old ladies in tennis shoes” watching them coo and fuss over Yoshi, my “friend” of the past decade or so. Nobody told Yoshi we were having dinner in a den of notorious “homophobes,” and everyone got along splendidly.

Omigod. I don’t come to this site for porn. That’s what porn sites are for, not Takimag.

Jesus P. Christ. Who is going to pay my dry cleaning bill?

“Yoshi.” I think I"m going to cry when I’m finished vomiting.

The thought of his firm young Asian flesh commingling with Dennis’ stale Italian buttocks makes me want to hurlify volumetrically.

Please, Lord, grab the little Greek boy by the ears and scream some sense into him.

Takimag deletes the comments of Whites but publishes homosexual gushing by orally fixated jewish queers?

For this he sent his beloved son?
Posted by "Arugela!" Shrieked the Tapir on Apr 05, 2008.

Last edited by Alex Linder; April 5th, 2008 at 02:57 AM.
Old April 5th, 2008 #47
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I put in a moderate sounding post that was supportive of Alex and other commenters. Great job guys! Some very funny and brilliant writing there!
Godzilla mit uns!
Old April 5th, 2008 #48
Alex Linder
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Intelligence Failure--Why America Can’t Think Its Way Out of Iraq
Posted by Nikolas Gvosdev on April 03, 2008

The fifth anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq War was marked by a deluge of retrospective commentary, much of it focused on the past: how we got into this conflict and how it has been conducted. Fine, it is always appropriate to assess lessons learned. But why and how we got into Iraq and what choices could have been made differently are not central to when and how we get out.

Iraq is a success, just as our public schools are successes. The failure lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Our government aint ours. It belongs to the jews. They paid for it.

Our Iraq campaign is a success, by their lights. Saddam is destroyed, as is his army. The population is driven out or messed up. The oil pipeline is flowing straight to Haifa.

Not to like, what’s?

The illegal, immoral, vicious war on Iraq has been one giant success. From the Israeli POV. And in Washington, D.C., thatz all that matters.
Posted by Yoshi Indenisi on Apr 05, 2008.
Old April 5th, 2008 #49
Hunter Wallace
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Gottfried at VFR:

I never deny that Muslims are vile or that I would be delighted to be rid of them.
Occidental Dissent

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Old April 5th, 2008 #50
Mike Jahn
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Originally Posted by Klaas Ebbe View Post
He would be delighted to be rid of (kill?) 1 Billion Muslims? Ah, but Anti-Semites who hate 30 million Jews worldwide are the monsters? And what is he? Civilized? This Gottfried clown has been completely unmasked as just another Kike wanting to impose his Pro-Jewish taboos on "Conservatives" while at the same time opening the flood gates to intense hostility toward Muslims.
Old April 6th, 2008 #51
Hunter Wallace
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"I never deny that (Jews) are vile or that I would be delighted to be rid of them."

"I never deny that (blacks) are vile or that I would be delighted to be rid of them."

^^ Do you suppose those comments would get deleted?
Occidental Dissent

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Old April 6th, 2008 #52
Alex Linder
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I suggest the Virtual Hitler Brigade try and see tonight!

Interesting, if you read through LA/PG interchange. You see another nice ironic blowback of the kikes' work on our minds. They've taught people, not in so many words, but in deed, to think that generalizations are evil. And now people are resisting their anti-muslim charges the same way they resist WN's charges against jews or blacks: "Well, I know some who aren't like that..."
Old July 18th, 2008 #53
Alex Linder
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Default Takimag and White Nationalism

The liberals called paleoconservatives at Takimag sort of and through channels address white nationalism yet again. They're still going months later after our modest kickings of them back in April.

Now, instead of acting like complete fags and paranoid Midol-needing bitches, what you here ought to be doing is taking wherever these guys touch our themes and ripping them up, showing them how to do it right. Showing the difference between our "take" on the world and theirs.

We have three stories today alone while these midgets are talking about giving society a new vision of order, how WN lack this and that. We have a wigger. Murdered by the real article. We have a daughter whose father was kicked unconscious when by niggers when he tried to protect her from their molestations. We have a retarded white male teen gang raped by niggers. And the fourth story is about some bottle blond crying about the use of the word nigger - which is treated as the big story of the day by our free and independent media.

Race and the Elites
Posted by Richard Spencer on July 16, 2008

The great Jim Kalb has responded to Paul’s recent post on ”Thinking about White Nationalism.” Kalb brings up the issue of whether things like white guilt or multiculturalism are the worldviews of the public at large or just the managerial elite.

The materials that white nationalists bring into play seem inadequate for any serious war for civilization. The most they may land up producing is a fiercely defended critical perspective. And while that perspective can be directed against leftist and neoconservative assumptions, it is not likely to carry our society toward a new vision of order.

In addition to that point, which I agree with, and which suggests a welcome concern with visions of order, he makes another point that in the past he’s emphasized in a variety of ways:

The majority in a multicultural society is encouraging others to trash its heritage and to practice discrimination against the majority. What is wrong ... is not oppression by others but the glorification of self-destructive behavior.

I think here he’s taking too seriously the idea of the majority as an actor that deliberates and makes decisions that are attributable to the people in general. In fact, the active part of the “majority” that’s doing the encouraging is our ruling class of experts, managers, and functionaries, the heritage they want trashed is not their heritage of social rationalization but the competing incompatible heritage of classical antiquity, Jerusalem, the European middle ages, and normal life in general, and the “majority” targeted for discrimination is not experts, managers, and functionaries but normal white men, who are not as such our dominant class. (White male managers and experts are powerful because they are managers and experts, not because they are white males.)

The entire post is worth reading.
Old July 18th, 2008 #54
Alex Linder
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What I have said time and time again is the right way to go continues to be correct. We must simultaneously attack the 'respectable' right and the jew-left. Leaving only us and the jews in the field as viable options - first intellectually then physically. There is no other way to go. These conservatives maundering for money about presenting people with visions of order - this is so far afield from daily white experience as to be ridiculous. And through what medium are they going to reach the people? Not through tv. Not through any substantial newspaper or magazine. Through the internet, darkly. Judeo-corporate forces working around the clock to shut down that modest transmission belt too.

The way to destroy the blanch right is to laugh at it first, and to rebut it second.
Old July 18th, 2008 #55
Alex Linder
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This is a piece by a Jim Kalb, who I'm not familiar with, in response to a piece by jew Paul Gottfried, who is, as you probably know, Big Jew's agent in the paleoconservative camp. His mission being to render conservatism and pseudo-white nationalism safe for jews.
Old July 18th, 2008 #56
Alex Linder
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Whiteness studies

Paul Gottfried makes some interesting points in a thinkpiece on white nationalists over at Takimag. His basic argument:

The rising generation cares even less than its parents about holding on to an inherited civilization. Most of my students in Western civ courses have only the vaguest idea of the figures in the Bible (including Jesus) and their knowledge of modern history is usually confined to such inanities as "Hitler was a bad man because he was intolerant."

That being the case, the advantage of the white nationalist Right under present circumstances is that "it promotes a sense of belonging and elitism that does not depend on sustaining past traditions" that no longer exist.

The basic problem with the approach, of course, is that "whiteness" doesn't have much to say about what life is about, so it can't serve as the basis of social order. That's why the extreme nationalists and racists of the last century relied so much on theatrics and on an ideology of infinite struggle for infinite dominion that made no sense and could only end in catastrophe. As Gottfried puts it in connection with the present situation:

The materials that white nationalists bring into play seem inadequate for any serious war for civilization. The most they may land up producing is a fiercely defended critical perspective. And while that perspective can be directed against leftist and neoconservative assumptions, it is not likely to carry our society toward a new vision of order.

In addition to that point, which I agree with, and which suggests a welcome concern with visions of order, he makes another point that in the past he's emphasized in a variety of ways:

The majority in a multicultural society is encouraging others to trash its heritage and to practice discrimination against the majority. What is wrong ... is not oppression by others but the glorification of self-destructive behavior.

I think here he's taking too seriously the idea of the majority as an actor that deliberates and makes decisions that are attributable to the people in general. In fact, the active part of the "majority" that's doing the encouraging is our ruling class of experts, managers, and functionaries, the heritage they want trashed is not their heritage of social rationalization but the competing incompatible heritage of classical antiquity, Jerusalem, the European middle ages, and normal life in general, and the "majority" targeted for discrimination is not experts, managers, and functionaries but normal white men, who are not as such our dominant class. (White male managers and experts are powerful because they are managers and experts, not because they are white males.)

"Public opinion" shouldn't be understood as if it were a direct outcome of whatever the views the individuals making up the public happen to be, with the way the views are aggregated a secondary matter. In a mass society of 300,000,000 people dominated by huge institutions and by specialists there's not much practical reason for any particular individual to put serious thought into political and social issues. It makes more sense for each to go with the flow, as the flow is represented to him by a system of public discussion and information dominated by expertise, large institutions, and money. If he comes up with a view at odds with the official view, people will call him names, he'll have to come up with his own Theory of Everything to defend it, and nobody will understand him anyway. Why bother? And if you're going to go along anyway, why not reduce friction and tell yourself it's all for the best?

Modern society has a remarkable ability to separate man from his fellows and from his own identity and heritage, so that the only available principles of order and functioning are the ones formally laid down. That's one reason modern society is able to combine tyranny with a manner of functioning that is usually comparatively nonviolent. Even when it turns to atrocity the atrocities are bureaucratic and orderly, with people standing quietly in line waiting to be murdered.

Modern inclusivist society represents that atomizing tendency on steroids. The tendency enables it to destroy whole peoples in a gentle and orderly manner. Under such circumstances, does it really make sense to represent that society and what it does as the people's own choice? How can a disconnected aggregate like the present American people think or make choices? To my mind, rather than blaming the victim it makes more sense to investigate how accepted views are defined and propagated, what contrary impulses there are that might be the basis of something better, and how to disrupt what's being propagated and give rationality and public presence to more hopeful principles now suppressed.

* By Jim Kalb at 07/16/2008 - 9:59am
Old July 18th, 2008 #57
Sean Gruber
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The materials that white nationalists bring into play seem inadequate for [sic] any serious war for civilization.
Facts are inadequate in a serious war for civilization. We need Theories! Specifically, we need Theories that do battle with or explain away Facts (like the fact that niggers are scum). We need to transcend facts, etc. etc. etc.

Order means some way niggers and Whites "can live in the same government," to paraphrase old Tom. Our "fiercely defended critical perspective" (say, isn't that a Theory?) is "not likely" to find that Way. No shit.

In their view, the greatest American philosopher of our time was Rodney King, who said "Can't we all just get along?" A new vision of order. Put Rodney up for a Nobel...or forward as a regular Taki contributor.
Old July 18th, 2008 #58
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by Sgruber View Post
Facts are inadequate in a serious war for civilization. We need Theories! Specifically, we need Theories that do battle with or explain away Facts (like the fact that niggers are scum). We need to transcend facts, etc. etc. etc.

Order means some way niggers and Whites "can live in the same government," to paraphrase old Tom. Our "fiercely defended critical perspective" (say, isn't that a Theory?) is "not likely" to find that Way. No shit.

In their view, the greatest American philosopher of our time was Rodney King, who said "Can't we all just get along?" A new vision of order. Put Rodney up for a Nobel...or as a regular Taki contributor.
Yes sir. You beat me. I'm going to rip this shit up in my next post. That's our job. Show where they are wrong. Show what they fear to say. It's not real hard to figure out. They always stick on the same couple points.
Old July 18th, 2008 #59
Sean Gruber
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Kalb's comment is just a word salad.

He's crying like that bitch on The View.

[EDIT: "To my mind, rather than blaming the victim it makes more sense to investigate how accepted views are defined and propagated, what contrary impulses there are that might be the basis of something better, and how to disrupt what's being propagated and give rationality and public presence to more hopeful principles now suppressed." WTF, man? This would make sense only to The View bitch, the kwan terrified by coon.]
Old July 18th, 2008 #60
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Originally Posted by Alex Linder View Post
The liberals called paleoconservatives at Takimag sort of and through channels address white nationalism yet again. They're still going months later after our modest kickings of them back in April.

Now, instead of acting like complete fags and paranoid Midol-needing bitches, what you here ought to be doing is taking wherever these guys touch our themes and ripping them up, showing them how to do it right. Showing the difference between our "take" on the world and theirs.

We have three stories today alone while these midgets are talking about giving society a new vision of order, how WN lack this and that. We have a wigger. Murdered by the real article. We have a daughter whose father was kicked unconscious when by niggers when he tried to protect her from their molestations. We have a retarded white male teen gang raped by niggers. And the fourth story is about some bottle blond crying about the use of the word nigger - which is treated as the big story of the day by our free and independent media.

Race and the Elites
Posted by Richard Spencer on July 16, 2008

The great Jim Kalb has responded to Paul’s recent post on ”Thinking about White Nationalism.” Kalb brings up the issue of whether things like white guilt or multiculturalism are the worldviews of the public at large or just the managerial elite.

The materials that white nationalists bring into play seem inadequate for any serious war for civilization. The most they may land up producing is a fiercely defended critical perspective. And while that perspective can be directed against leftist and neoconservative assumptions, it is not likely to carry our society toward a new vision of order.

In addition to that point, which I agree with, and which suggests a welcome concern with visions of order, he makes another point that in the past he’s emphasized in a variety of ways:

The majority in a multicultural society is encouraging others to trash its heritage and to practice discrimination against the majority. What is wrong ... is not oppression by others but the glorification of self-destructive behavior.

I think here he’s taking too seriously the idea of the majority as an actor that deliberates and makes decisions that are attributable to the people in general. In fact, the active part of the “majority” that’s doing the encouraging is our ruling class of experts, managers, and functionaries, the heritage they want trashed is not their heritage of social rationalization but the competing incompatible heritage of classical antiquity, Jerusalem, the European middle ages, and normal life in general, and the “majority” targeted for discrimination is not experts, managers, and functionaries but normal white men, who are not as such our dominant class. (White male managers and experts are powerful because they are managers and experts, not because they are white males.)

The entire post is worth reading.

A people being exterminated by power elites does not seek "order". If anything it seeks chaos, because this obcession with "order" and passivity are part of the disease, not the cure. Defending ones race and family against vipers trying to destroy everything good and beautiful is not an orderly thing and surely not for the fainthearted. Its a messy, intense task..........and people that dont want to get their delicate little fingers dirty are not equal to it
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