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Old August 19th, 2008 #1
Alex Linder
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Default Judaism Discovered, by Michael Hoffman

Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit

Published August 10. Order it now

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[Says Hoffman: was persuaded by a rabbi to halt sales of this book]
Old August 19th, 2008 #2
Alex Linder
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Judaism Discovered: A Desideratum

by Michael A. Hoffman II

Copyright ©2008. All Rights Reserved

The completion of my book Judaism Discovered gives me the satisfaction of knowing that I have accomplished one of the principal missions of my life. It is the actualization of thoughts and lines of inquiry which I have been pursuing for years. For example, Who is a Jew? What is the role of counterfeit Jews? If the counterfeit is predominant - as I believe it is - this fact opens a revolutionary vista on history, signifying that contemporary Talmudists and Zionists are descendants of people who were not in Palestine when Jesus was crucified. They are representatives of the ideology that crucified Christ, but in general, not the race. This fact in turn disarms the race-based antipathy of the opponents of Talmudists and Zionists, a racial animus upon which, ironically, the rabbis and the Israelis depend for the continued allegiance of their own am ha’aretz.

Furthermore, years ago I noticed that disinformation about the Kabbalah had been seeded - the illusion of a fissure between Talmudism and Kabbalism was deliberately sown - using the figure of Moses Maimonides to pretend that these two supporting “pillars” of the Third Temple are inimical. I searched the texts of Maimonides, however, for hidden Kabbalistic sympathies, and found clear evidence of Kabbalistic doctrine.

One goal in writing Judaism Discovered has been to transcend the current state of Talmud criticism; which is largely centered on the repetition of a what amounts to slogans: 1. the “Talmud defames Jesus and Mary”; 2. the “Talmud is pornographic." There’s nothing wrong with stating that the Talmud contains these disgusting scurrilities, which indeed it does. In fact, it’s courageous and commendable to say so. The problem is, that’s where what passes for anti-Talmudic "scholarship" begins and ends these days; there may be some brief reference to pilpul and PaRDeS as a sop to sophistication and methodological analysis, but the current state of Talmud and Kabbalah criticism is mostly superficial and leaves most of the big questions unanswered.

For example, very few critics seem to understand that Judaism is neither Left wing nor Right wing; it manifests as Leftist or Rightist at will. One moment it is the instrumental ally of the Throne; in the next, it is the revolutionary power that overthrows it.

I sought routes into Judaism from dozens of investigative approaches, beginning with, pro forma, the irrefutable fact of the existence of the Jesus and Mary Talmudic blasphemies, and the truth that the Old Testament is not the foundation of Judaism. I expand on these themes, based on my original excavation of them in my book from 2000, Judaism's Strange Gods. It is vital to prove, from the rabbinic texts themselves, that Judaism is not an Old Testament faith; and to unravel for all time the confusing series of feints that attempt to mislead the truth-seeker into believing that Jesus is not in the Talmud, or that if He is, just barely.

But Revelation of the Method being what it is in our time, even positive confirmation that the Talmud blasphemes Our Savior and His Mother and possesses allegiance to an extra-Biblical gnosis, has elicited controverting apologia from prominent rabbis, all of whom seek to “contextualize” these revelations about the contents of the Talmud by placing them in a framework of a Roman Holocaust/Nazi Holocaust typology that renders Judaism’s defamation of Christianity as "understandable" from the point of view of post-modernism's acceptance of the rabbinic exceptionalism clause: Judaic suffering is magnitudes above the historic experience of other nations. Therefore, fierce rabbinic hatred for Romans/gentiles/Christians/Europeans has at times been understandable, if "harsh." To overcome this rabbinic line, we need to plumb the depths of the rabbinic texts and not content ourselves with detection of the degenerate libels of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary which these texts contain.

Though we are not dealing with the "Jewish" race of antiquity, we are dealing with a rabbinic spirit which functions as a kind of ideological organism; an organism which exhibits as one of its most striking features, the ability to reinvent itself in response to the light of exposure. When an informed researcher documents that Judaism is "A," it becomes "B." When "B" is understood by the public as an antithesis of Judaism's thesis "A," Judaism transmogrifies into synthesis "C," and so forth, in an endless and bewildering historical metamorphosis that has deceived and gulled generations.

The student of Judaism who dogmatically categorizes it as inevitably Left wing or Right wing, Zionist or anti-Zionist, anti-Muslim or pro-Muslim, will defeat himself and confuse all who adhere to his erroneous proposition; a proposition which Judaism itself is pleased to project; just as it sees the silver lining in being regarded as the scion of those who crucified Christ, since those malefactors were genetic Israelites, however gravely disordered in their behavior. The paradox here is that whomever is genetically descended from the murderers of Jesus must be acknowledged as a racial Jew and an Israelite, and this identification has, throughout history, triggered the strange awe and wonder for these supposed “Jews” which their alleged consanguinity with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus Himself, engenders among the gentiles, in a kind of love-hate relationship which has been played throughout history like a fiddle. Even the "Christ-killer" invective has utility, by perpetuating the hunted/hounded, persecuted martyr image, which Judaism has capitalized upon to great effect, particularly since 1945.

What would be the point of publishing yet another dreary "Jew-bashing" book that indelibly stigmatizes 21st century Talmudists with the two brands they themselves have been past masters at manipulating and cultivating: the myth of their descent from Abraham et al., and the stereotype of them as people it is our duty to hate and hound? I would not have spent a good deal of my life investigating Judaism if I was going to regurgitate self-defeating images which the rabbis themselves covertly sow and perpetuate to their advantage. Let me impart to you a great secret: whoever hates Judaics perpetuates the rule of the rabbis. This secret is documented and explained in my book.

I have sought to break new ground and to anticipate the counter-arguments of rabbinic and Judeo-Churchian critics. It has been my objective to craft Judaism Discovered so that there is no possibility of a rational refutation of it. While it's true that the book's evidence and arguments can be twisted, misrepresented and demonized with the usual underhanded, ADL-style smears and falsification, the information in Judaism Discovered cannot be easily disarmed, because much of it pertains to epistemology, viz. Judaism's knowledge of itself and the ways in which it responds to discovery. If in Judaism Discovered I have successfully anticipated the rabbinic epistemology, then what I teach concerning rabbinic dissimulation is valuable not just as a history of Judaism’s past, but as a guide to rabbinic machinations and strategizing in the future. Admittedly, that's a tall order and whether I have succeeded or not remains to be seen, especially in terms of the ways and means by which not just rabbis and their co-religionists, but also their powerful gentile mouthpieces in the churches and universities, respond.

My mission has not been merely to convey a set of facts to the reader, but rather to teach the reader how to deconstruct the deceitful tactical and strategic feints which Judaism wields as a response to the dissemination of accurate knowledge about its inner doctrines. The astute reader of Judaism Discovered will be armed to penetrate and expose the disingenuous elements of virtually every rabbinic act of camouflage and misdirection. If this knowledge of how to decode Judaism were to become widespread, it could have far-ranging consequences. It could result in a radical revision of western culture, so steeped are the intelligenstia in the pieties and platitudes of the rabbinic gestalt, which forms a foundational narrative into which virtually all contemporary western thinking about religion and history are stuffed and filtered.

Judaism Discovered also has the potential to spark a revival of ancient western verities long abandoned by supposed paragons of 20th and 21st century “conservatism,” these “paragons” having concocted a bastard, "Judeo-Christian family values” movement, which is so deranged it places Orthodox rabbis at the front of the barricades, as allies of Christians in the struggle against, for example, abortion and sodomy. This is equivalent to proclaiming male transvestites allies in the struggle for the restoration of femininity.

The “conservative” mania for proclaiming a movement for restoration of Christian culture inclusive of Talmudic rabbis, is a betrayal of the wisdom and vision of every Biblical prophet and every Christian saint. It is on the basis of this desperate craving for looking good in the eyes of the world and its media empire, that Pope Benedict XVI, the much-heralded paladin of Christian tradition, ventured into two synagogues, one in Cologne and the other in New York, not to admonish, warn and preach, but to pray with rabbis who worship not God but themselves; an esoteric fact of which the former Cardinal Ratzinger, the “brilliant theological scholar,” is only too cognizant.

Judaism Discovered differs from virtually all the writing on this subject which has preceded it in the past hundred years. It does this by means of empiric and strictly factual discovery of Judaism's deepest operational and spiritual secrets, and in particular Judaism's extremely circumspect epistemology of concealment; its chameleon-like propensity for projecting an adapted outward image synchronized with the prevailing zeitgeist, even while the hostile fires of its inner volcanic core of hate, burn with an intensity undimmed since they were first kindled in 33 A.D.

Conversely, it has also been this writer’s mission to endeavor to remove the ground from under classical "anti-semitism" and "Jew hate," and to show how these brittle, senile, clichéd and programmed responses actually fulfill the rabbinic prediction of gentile bigotry, a prophecy which they impart to Judaic youth and by which they maintain these unfortunate persons in bondage to Judaism throughout their adult lives.

I am not going to claim that my book is a complete or final statement on this subject. I possess much additional information. I initially planned to write an "Encyclopedia of Judaism." But gradually I became aware of the fact that there was insufficient funding for a ten volume, ten thousand page work. I then proceeded to distill a one-volume encyclopedia, out of which evolved Judaism Discovered, which has, however, shed the form of encyclopedic entries altogether, in favor of a more accessible style of presentation.

I will venture to say that such a book, in an intellectually and spiritually healthy society, might eventually give rise to a new school of historiography and comparative religion. Much depends on it becoming sufficiently well-known to evoke a reaction; the famous "silent treatment" being the one response from the adversary which I cannot overcome. One might assume that any book that holds the promise that Judaism Discovered seems to proffer, will have no trouble gaining a large audience. But whoever believes that is naive. If past behavior is any guide, it is not just the “usual suspects” who will attempt to suppress knowledge of the book, it is also possible that many editors, book distributors and web-site owners claiming to be actively engaged in exposing and combatting the Talmud, will join with the rabbis in burying Judaism Discovered.

It has happened before. Eight years ago, my book Judaism's Strange Gods, a groundwork for the present volume, was assiduously ignored by a legion of columnists, editors and wholesale book-buyers who are allegedly “on our side." Publicity for it was suppressed by these persons. What has happened before with my books could occur again. Its been a pattern: envious and divisive "leaders in our movement" acquire Judaism Discovered, learn everything they can from it without acknowledgment, and then ensure that the book is buried without a trace. This results in the work being suppressed both by Talmudists and Zionists and those who who claim to be fighting to expose Talmudism and Zionism! It’s an extraordinary challenge for an obscure publisher trying to publicize a mostly unknown volume.

There is yet another obstacle. Protestants sometimes characterize my writing as “too Catholic,” while some Catholics have attacked it as “too Protestant.” Non-religious and agnostic readers meanwhile, have put my work down as too Christian in general. If a substantial portion of these constituencies boycott Judaism Discovered, our readership will be reduced to a collection of individuals who lack the kind of organized clout that is needed to get a book reviewed, discussed and into circulation.

It does not help that this writer is a marginal figure. I am not employed by any institution or think tank; no periodical pays me to write a column; I do not teach at any school in any capacity, and my speaking engagements are few and far between. Up until now, my readers and supporters have been almost entirely comprised of cognoscenti - small circles of enthusiastic, independent thinkers and scholars, some of them "misfits" like myself; few of whom, it seems, despite their very best efforts and intentions, are sufficiently well-connected to have much success in the all-important task of networking, which can gain for a book the attention of the various factions, booksellers, publications and organizations that comprise the authentic Christian, Constitutionalist, populist, paleo-conservative, progressive and revisionist movements, to say nothing of the vast potential audience that exists outside of those perimeters, including among honest Leftists of good will.

After decades of relentless labor, since I first embarked upon public life in 1982, it seems that renown and any substantial audience that translates into influence on any measurable scale, is for some reason, not permitted to this writer. After all these years on the margins, I have been impelled to ask myself a difficult question: has my scholarly independence branded me with a non-conformist's stigma and an inescapable fate as a fugitive and an exile?

I honestly don't know. What I do know is that the Hound of Heaven pursued me across the length and breadth of my work on Judaism Discovered, and would not release me until the book was at last in the shape and form that it is now.

My existential predicament is that many times I feel utterly alone among mankind. My spiritual predicament is, however, akin to that of the English poet Francis Thompson: I constantly feel God's presence; His pursuit of me - watching, directing and even at times, hounding me.

"I fled Him, down the nights and down the days; I fled Him, down the arches of the years; I fled Him, down the labyrinthine ways..."

Like Thompson, I have been unable to escape Him. And He is sufficient company, whether or not my work ever gains the attention of any significant group of people in this world.

Judaism Discovered is, as far as I am concerned, a book He wanted written. You will pardon me if I do not experience a great deal of anxiety concerning its reception. My duty and obligation has been to complete the work. It is the obligation of you and others like you to decide what will become of it.
Old August 19th, 2008 #3
Alex Linder
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Sunday, August 17, 2008
An Astute Chess Move by
By Michael Hoffman

Today has made an end-run against charges it has banned this writer's new book, Judaism Discovered.

Their first two moves were low-level, but this latest third move is a smart one.

The early moves were showcased in the form letter their corporate counsel sends to persons protesting the ban; the main points being that: 1. Amazon at least lists the book even if doesn't sell it; and 2. the objection to the book is based on an "individual's" claim that the book violates his intellectual property rights.

I have responded to #1 and #2 as follows: 1. Amazon aspires to be the world's book listing service in competition with Bowker Books in Print. It would subvert its own mission and set a truly extraordinary precedent if were to ban my book not only from Amazon's sales but from its own universal book listing service as well. Hence, listing Judaism Discovered does not vitiate the fact that Amazon has banned its sale. 2. The "individual" is a rabbi (a fact Amazon does not disclose in its form letter) and Amazon has agreed to give this rabbi veto power over the sale of Judaism Discovered based on the pretext that the book violates his intellectual property rights. I have provided documentation to Amazon that shows that no such property rights are at stake and that even if they were, it is not Amazon's place to act as judge and jury and embargo a book based on rabbinic allegations, but rather for the rabbi to make his case in a court of law while the book is being sold. (I will be publishing my correspondence with Amazon's corporate counsel and this will include the evidence, which is pretty much air-tight and which Amazon has not endeavored to answer).

This is was where the case stood until today, when I checked the book's listing at Amazon: Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit: Michael Hoffman: Books Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit: Michael Hoffman: Books

I have to take my hat off to the chess players at Amazon. They are now allowing private booksellers to offer my book for sale at "rare book" prices, in this case, $109 plus shipping (as of 8:30 p.m. PDT).

The used bookseller's offering removes the embarrassing note Amazon previously had posted on the sale page to the effect, "We'll let you know when it's available." Now it is "available," at a $109 price tag. Most booksellers at Amazon traffic in my books at high prices, especially ones that are out of print (such as Judaism's Strange Gods). By allowing used/rare booksellers to offer my book on Amazon they have undermined the assertion that they have banned the sale of my book.

There is an advantage to Judaism Discovered by this development. Third party sales allow Amazon's reviewer's link to be activated. Readers can now post reviews pro and contra and a debate will undoubtedly ensue, which generates interest in the book.

The disadvantage is that Amazon itself continues to refuse to sell the book in multiple quantities at the more affordable retail price (they always refused to discount the book as they do with many other titles). This will keep Judaism Discovered from ever reaching a high place in Amazon's important "sales rankings," which are closely watched by librarians, teachers, book distributors, chain stores and the media.

Consequently, with one astute move on the game board, Amazon can now claim the book is not banned at Amazon, while at the same time guaranteeing that it will never be anywhere but in the cellar of the sales rankings (" Sales Rank: #6,969,188 in Books"), since how can hundreds of copies be sold if they are only offered by third party booksellers who themselves have on hand a stock of one or two copies?

It looks like my book --at Amazon anyway--is destined to be a "collector's item," esteemed by pipe-smoking esthetes for their rare books archive. But I did not write Judaism Discovered for such people! I wrote it to educate the world about Judaism, marshaling evidence and arguments to which there are no rational or empiric answers.

I wrote it for seminarians, college students, teachers and professors; pastors, judges, business men and women; law-makers and editors; carpenters and contractors; doctors, nurses and homemakers; tinkers, tailors and soldiers. In other words for the elite, whether self-taught or university-trained, wherever they may be found across the length and breadth of social, cultural, political and class lines.

With their latest move, Amazon has defeated my purpose for the book, while at the time being able to tell the world that they do indeed sell it; and do not in fact ban it. This latter assertion remains a falsehood, however. Amazon does not sell it. If Amazon itself sold Judaism Discovered, it could make available hundreds of copies at $55 per copy or less (if it followed it's own tradition of deep-discounting). Rather, Amazon only offers a platform to after-market re-sellers who charge double and have on hand only a few copies.

When the one copy now for sale at $115 is sold (assuming it ever is), the ban will have been reinstated, defacto.

And for the time being, the rabbinic and corporate enemies of Judaism Discovered can rightly say, "Check!"

But this is not checkmate. Not if you will help see to it that Judaism Discovered is publicized and comes to the attention of the audience for which it is intended. With our modest advertising budget and one advertisement already banned in one newspaper, we cannot do it without your help.

Judaism Discovered has only one enemy which it cannot overcome: the silent treatment. God forbid that it should be defeated by this ancient tactic.


This book is 1102 pages in hardcover. Ordering information is here:
Old August 21st, 2008 #4
Curtis Stone
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Oh, God, I love that title - the self worship and deceit part. I am going to order this book. Hoffman could put his dreamed of encyclopedia on a CD or DVD and sell it that way. I'd buy one of those, too.

Look at the kind of pissing on Christianity amazon lets by in their judaism forum:

Sarah says:
Does Judaism have a focus? For Christianity, it's original sin and eternal torture and the idea that God needs blood-and-torture to forgive you and exempt you from hell. That adds up to salvation.

Jacob Neusner has said that just as Christianity is about salvation, Judaism is "about" the sanctification of everyday life (through rituals, worship, and ethics, as I recall).

Jews! Do you agree? What is your idea? What is our religion about? How would you explain it to someone who knew little or nothing about it?

I've seen plenty of Christian theories of Judaism. They think Judaism is about sin, a messiah-savior, and salvation. And chosenness.

But I'm interested in Jewish theories of Judaism.

Jews! What do you think?
Old August 22nd, 2008 #5
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This I believe is a very good book, a better book than The revolutionary jew by E Michael Jones. Hoffman's research on judaism is cutting edge, written from a Christian perspective and helps to really understand and know the jew.

Perhaps, a good idea would be to introduce extracts from new Hoffmann's book in VNN broadcasting, alongside E. Michale Jones, to compare and contrast both authors' treatises on the jewish question.
Old December 2nd, 2008 #6
Igor Alexander
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Let me impart to you a great secret: whoever hates Judaics perpetuates the rule of the rabbis.
I admire Hoffman's erudition, but from a practical point of view, I don't think his recommended strategy of "have you hugged a Jew today and told him Jesus loves him?" is going to work. This strategy can only offer solace to people who acknowledge there's a problem but don't want to get their hands dirty cleaning it up; to people who, to use the expression of part-Jewish Satanist Anton LaVey, want to wear the "good guy badge."

There isn't a clear-cut, easy solution to the Jewish Problem. That's why it's been around as long as it has. IMO, Hitler probably came closer than anybody to effectively dealing with it (no, I don't mean "the holocaust," which didn't happen, I mean creating a nation from which Jews are explicitly excluded).
The jewish tribe is the cancer of human history.
Old December 2nd, 2008 #7
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Are you endorsing this book Alex? I may order a couple copies.
Old January 9th, 2009 #8
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Originally Posted by Igor Alexander View Post
I admire Hoffman's erudition, but from a practical point of view, I don't think his recommended strategy of "have you hugged a Jew today and told him Jesus loves him?" is going to work. This strategy can only offer solace to people who acknowledge there's a problem but don't want to get their hands dirty cleaning it up; to people who, to use the expression of part-Jewish Satanist Anton LaVey, want to wear the "good guy badge."

There isn't a clear-cut, easy solution to the Jewish Problem. That's why it's been around as long as it has. IMO, Hitler probably came closer than anybody to effectively dealing with it (no, I don't mean "the holocaust," which didn't happen, I mean creating a nation from which Jews are explicitly excluded).
I haven't heard him state anything close to what you characterize above and in fact just the opposite. He clearly differentiates jews as the children of satan as distinguished from non-jewed Christianity .

I've order two copies of Hoffman's book. One for me and one for a family member.

Downloaded this audio book and lectures on The Religion of Judaism (2000). He's well researched and convincing. Unapologetic for speaking the truth.
Old January 13th, 2009 #9
Igor Alexander
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Originally Posted by OTPTT View Post
I haven't heard him state anything close to what you characterize above and in fact just the opposite. He clearly differentiates jews as the children of satan as distinguished from non-jewed Christianity .
Not sure how to answer this. I've read many of Hoffman's articles and a couple of his books and I stand by what I wrote, though I can't point to a specific piece off the top of my head.

I mean, the guy won't even use the word "Jew." He calls them "Judaics."

He's stated many times that he considers "Nazis" and anti-Semites and anyone who expresses hatred towards Jews to be playing into the rabbis' hands.

He's stated that anyone who talks about Jewish genes is playing into the rabbis' hands.

What alternatives does that leave?

Hoffman's solution to the Jewish Problem is to try to get Jews to abandon their religion and convert to Christianity. But how does that help us with the non-religious Jews, who have done the most harm to us by far? And how does he propose to identify Jews who aren't sincere in their conversion, as was the case with marranos during the Middle Ages?

Assimilation was attempted by the czars; look where it got them.
The jewish tribe is the cancer of human history.
Old January 15th, 2009 #10
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Default Hoffman on Alex Jones Show of 2008-05-02

Michael Hoffman on the Alex Jones Show of 2008-05-02 (statement located at 3:02:17 in the .mp3 file I have):

"We need to convert rabbis, we need to convert Judaics. Judaics who are listening to me right now: Jesus loves you, he wants to free you from these burdens, from this terrible yoke that the Talmudists have put upon you."

You may still be able to download an .mp3 of this broadcast via torrent:
The jewish tribe is the cancer of human history.
Old January 15th, 2009 #11
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Judaism Discovered - Review Pt I

Judaism Discovered - Review Pt II

Michael Hoffman On Israel’s ‘Talmudic’ War Crimes

Last edited by albion; January 15th, 2009 at 08:49 PM.
Old January 16th, 2009 #12
Igor Alexander
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Originally Posted by albion View Post
Judaism Discovered - Review Pt I
Hoffman asks the question, “Did Jesus exploit His racial status? Did He glorify Israelite descent as a key to heaven? No! Rather He was crucified because He repudiated the Pharisaic doctrine of racial nationalism.”
There we have it. Hoffman is not a white nationalist. Hoffman considers racial nationalism "Pharisaic."
The jewish tribe is the cancer of human history.
Old January 20th, 2009 #13
Hans Norling
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Originally Posted by Igor Alexander View Post

Hoffman's solution to the Jewish Problem is to try to get Jews to abandon their religion and convert to Christianity.
Yes Hoffman believes any problem relating to Jewry has to do with their religion, which is not exactly correct. He, like Israel Shamir, believes that a notable degree of the problems they percieve concerning Jewry will disappear if/when jews accept Jesus Christ as their lord and saviour.
Old January 20th, 2009 #14
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Originally Posted by Igor Alexander View Post
There we have it. Hoffman is not a white nationalist. Hoffman considers racial nationalism "Pharisaic."
Well I may be sorry I purchased two copies of his book although they have yet to arrive. It's been at least two weeks now since I placed the order.

I haven't studied the Talmud like he has but do know that racial integrity is the foundation upon which nations are built.
Old January 22nd, 2009 #15
Igor Alexander
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Originally Posted by OTPTT View Post
Well I may be sorry I purchased two copies of his book although they have yet to arrive. It's been at least two weeks now since I placed the order.

I haven't studied the Talmud like he has but do know that racial integrity is the foundation upon which nations are built.
I'm sure it'll still be worth reading.
The jewish tribe is the cancer of human history.
Old April 21st, 2009 #16
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by OTPTT View Post
Are you endorsing this book Alex? I may order a couple copies.
I haven't read the book. Far as I know, Hoffman, like Jones, touts the Catholic party line, which is akin to Will Rogers' affable stupidity, i.e., a stranger's just a friend you haven't met yet: jews are just unconverted Christians, desert dwellers 'n' ghetto shtetlers who just ain't uncurled an ear, unfurled a nose, to the good news. If one of these men said made the claim to me in person, my first reaction would be to look in his eyes. I would assume he was joking. Their view of jews is not one that survives an encounter with the ignoble-tapir-in-sich. What they propose is nothing less than alchemy by another name. There might be a tiny segment of jews, natural biological outliers, who lack the inherent paranoia and aggressiveness genes of the rest of them, leaving them open to Christian foolishness, but the majority will never come over because they aren't built that way. I mean, Jesus couldn't persuade them, but E. Mike and Hoffman can? These guys are smart, but they're also dogma-dolts. Jews need to be coverted not to Catholicism but to mulch.

Last edited by Alex Linder; April 21st, 2009 at 01:45 AM.
Old April 27th, 2009 #17
George De Vaus
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Originally Posted by Alex Linder View Post
I haven't read the book. Far as I know, Hoffman, like Jones, touts the Catholic party line, which is akin to Will Rogers' affable stupidity, i.e., a stranger's just a friend you haven't met yet: jews are just unconverted Christians, desert dwellers 'n' ghetto shtetlers who just ain't uncurled an ear, unfurled a nose, to the good news. If one of these men said made the claim to me in person, my first reaction would be to look in his eyes. I would assume he was joking. Their view of jews is not one that survives an encounter with the ignoble-tapir-in-sich. What they propose is nothing less than alchemy by another name. There might be a tiny segment of jews, natural biological outliers, who lack the inherent paranoia and aggressiveness genes of the rest of them, leaving them open to Christian foolishness, but the majority will never come over because they aren't built that way. I mean, Jesus couldn't persuade them, but E. Mike and Hoffman can? These guys are smart, but they're also dogma-dolts. Jews need to be coverted not to Catholicism but to mulch.
I haven't finished reading it yet but it is full of interesting information.
An excerpt from page 15: "Shortly after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, sixteen commandos from the U.S. Army's elite "MET Alpha" unit, under the command of Col. Richard R. McPhee, were dispatched on a mission to search Baghdad in order to locate rabbinic antiquities, including "one of the most ancient copies of the Talmud in existence, dating from the seventh century."

So much for the separation of synagogue and state.
"Speak what you think now in hard words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said today."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Old April 28th, 2009 #18
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Originally Posted by George De Vaus View Post
I haven't finished reading it yet but it is full of interesting information.
An excerpt from page 15: "Shortly after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, sixteen commandos from the U.S. Army's elite "MET Alpha" unit, under the command of Col. Richard R. McPhee, were dispatched on a mission to search Baghdad in order to locate rabbinic antiquities, including "one of the most ancient copies of the Talmud in existence, dating from the seventh century."

So much for the separation of synagogue and state.
I wouldn't recommend much of anything by Hoffman the man certainly doesn't know what he's talking about in regards to Judaism (he also as far as I am aware doesn't speak the languages that he quotes in (i.e. Yiddish for example) and nobody seems to know where he gets his translations [I'd presume translation services?]) and his work is a poor man's Eisenmenger (or at a stretch McCaul). I am also pretty sure he deliberately lies (e.g. the Dragonsky issue in his 'Judaic Communists' article let alone Hoffman's getting caught by amazon apparently lying about being called a Talmid Chacham [Torah Scholar] by a Conservative rabbi Shaul Praver [who is apparently still trying to sue Hoffman]).

As for the MET Alpha issue: I looked this up on another thread. Hoffman's spin is a touch dodgy as the article he references actually suggests that it wasn't an order, but rather the idea of said McPhee and his Chaplain (denomination and name not given). It also seems likely, given the intelligence they were searching for, that they had an Israeli liason or two with the [although they would be dressed in US uniforms to prevent them being specifically targeted], which might further explain this rather unusual use of military personnel. Hence the probable origin of the mission as the article almost directly states the mission wasn't authorised or approved of by the Pentagon. I also am inclined to think said McPhee has been mothballed by the Pentagon for using military personnel on an unauthorised cultural mission in war time that could have been easily undertaken by contractors or the jews.

Last edited by Karl Radl; April 28th, 2009 at 03:33 PM.
Old January 5th, 2011 #19
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I have read ~150 pages of it. It's basically just a Christian apologetics book that attacks Judaism. Hoffman really, really loves Jeebus. And my gawd, his use of the word (is it even in the dictionary?) "Judaic" makes me want to pull my hair out every time I see it.

I really want to finish it but coming in at around 1000 pages, not sure I will. And I hate not finishing books, though whether this actually qualifies as one is up for debate.
"What are they? A religion, a race, a criminal conspiracy?" - Craig 'Chain' Cobb on the jews
Old August 25th, 2011 #20
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