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Światogor - Już sztandar łopocze już serca goreją Światogor - Już sztandar łopocze już serca goreją

Bierz włócznię w dłoń, bierz i walcz! Walcz jak ja, walcz jak brat! Walcz jak on! Z symbolem Słońca biegniemy ku wolności By pomścić naszych ojców, by pomścić naszych braci Na ustach niesiem pieśń o męstwie i ojczyźnie A w rękach dzierżym miecze, sztandary i topory Jutrzenka swobody wita nas uśmiechem
May 15th, 2009, 08:31 PM by cillian Views: 1,101 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...

update later
May 20th, 2009, 09:54 AM by Robert Bandanza Views: 1,076 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
ABADDON INCARNATE - Centrefold Redemption ABADDON INCARNATE - Centrefold Redemption

Abaddon Incarnate - "Centrefold Redemption"
May 20th, 2009, 09:55 AM by Robert Bandanza Views: 1,046 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
Absu - From Ancient Times (Starless Skies Burn to Ash) Absu - From Ancient Times (Starless Skies Burn to Ash)

Blazing to their pikes Turning to dust Gusting with the wind They (still) dream of an older delusion Reigning, raining Dampening the empire Their excursion burns with the ashes Calm lakes mirrored
May 10th, 2009, 08:16 AM by cillian Views: 985 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
Absu - Manannan Absu - Manannan

I am a wave: on the rapt Cythraul I am a flood: across the croggy plain I am a wind: of seven gales I am a tear: the Sun lets fall [Chorus I:] I am Manannan Mac Lir Noble warrior of lycanthropy
May 10th, 2009, 08:28 AM by cillian Views: 885 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
Absu - Pillars of Mercy Absu - Pillars of Mercy

I (still) admire the flow of echoing horns. Mimicking blows so boldly, I hear... I stand visibly, high, on this splendid bastion, To remember a High King, a tyrant of no fear I am the first son: a commander without a father, "Fortuitous doom," the last of his predictions. I'll take advantage by igniting the balusters... Preparing enraged flames with sweltering speed.
May 10th, 2009, 08:45 AM by cillian Views: 866 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
Absu - Stone of Destiny (...for Magh Slécht and Ard Righ) Absu - Stone of Destiny (...for Magh Slécht and Ard Righ)

We are three high kings in honor. We are the midst of Dagda's spell - We are three armored forces, and We are the gold-torqued leaders. Three wild horsemen: Three fearless in combat - Three gold-crowned conjurers of clash, yet Three clannish chiefs from the Kingdom of Midhe... The leading, foremost tyrant -
May 10th, 2009, 08:33 AM by cillian Views: 963 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
Absu - Vorago Spell 182 Absu - Vorago Spell 182

I am not limited to this Underworld. I am settled in this Barrenness. I am kept in this Emptiness. I am not restricted to this Underworld. (182) I travel Earth in the train of You. I offer Earth to reach the field of You. I walk Earth to see the mark of You. I proffer Earth to feel the lure of You. (182) (FOREKNOWLEDGE)
May 10th, 2009, 08:13 AM by cillian Views: 904 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
Absu- An Equinox Of Fathomless Disheartenment Absu- An Equinox Of Fathomless Disheartenment

Ecliptic sects are obtained by fluxions Phenomenon of the Holy Qabalah will Intervene with the serpent of Daath The inmost godhead of Phallus Deems the temperament of Kan and Yi King Ancient attitudes of equipoise Drastic seasons of ceremonial permutations There is not a creation in the firmament The direction to conduct an angels choir I'm still pleeding to the heinous-eyed cherubim
May 10th, 2009, 08:38 AM by cillian Views: 872 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
Absu- Prelusion to Cythraul  ...And Shineth Unto the Cold Cometh Absu- Prelusion to Cythraul ...And Shineth Unto the Cold Cometh

Laughter from Esharra is convincing, but unclaimed. The last of Ka drifts across the river - Our sky outside has not been named. Two Ugalla-demons start their battle - Tempest of the creek is floored in flames. Winds of Imhullu foretold their weather - Sea-dwelling floods reply without names. Taste the salty tides of the Apzu - Alight seven tablets wearing steel of lame.
May 10th, 2009, 08:49 AM by cillian Views: 914 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
Absu- The Thrice Is Greatest To Ninnigal Absu- The Thrice Is Greatest To Ninnigal

The detestable xul Is chained to Ninnigal Acknowledge the prayers Subsequent to earth The seventh gate of Nana- 'Outcry thy sin!', While the sixth portal of Lord Mastema opens wide. Nana: God of the Moon: I convoke to thee. Our terra firma regrets burning the scriptures An abyss will seek menace towards the reign once again.
May 10th, 2009, 08:39 AM by cillian Views: 816 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
Absurd - Ashes to Ashes Absurd - Ashes to Ashes

Absurd - Ashes to Ashes aus: "Der fünfzehnjährige Krieg"
May 15th, 2009, 10:26 AM by Robert Bandanza Views: 852 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
Absurd - In Die Schlacht Absurd - In Die Schlacht

Eisig ist die Nacht, und der Rösser dumpfer Hufschlag dröhnt Schneessturm peitscht das Land, unsre Haare wehen wild im Wind Voll Blutdurst jeder Ger und der Stahl singt kalt und Silberhell So geht es in der Schlacht, wir erreichen die Feinde schnell Dem Feind entgegen ohne Zagen, niemand weiß, wer wiederkehrt Äxte spalten Schädel, rotgetränkt ist jedes Schwert Aus tausend Wunden strömt es warm, am Kriegerblut der Grund sich labt Und Schlachtendonner hallt aus dem Nebeldunst, der blutrot wabt
May 9th, 2009, 07:31 PM by cillian Views: 784 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
Absurd - Pesttanz Absurd - Pesttanz

Widerstehend der Ärzte Kunst, nutzend jetzt der Stunde Gunst Was da atmet muß nun sterben, daß die Welt gereinigt werde Mordend Juden und Christenheit, lüstern, voller Grausamkeit Massengräber füllen sich, holde Pest, wir grüßen dich ! Und in toter Augen Glanz Tanzen wir den Totentanz Massengräber füllen sich Holde Pest, wir grüßen dich !
May 9th, 2009, 07:11 PM by cillian Views: 1,225 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
Abyssic Hate- Cleansing Of An Ancient Race Abyssic Hate- Cleansing Of An Ancient Race

In these valleys roams my deceased soul Like the wolf of night it howls In memoriam of my sinned past My lust for desecration grows Cleansing of an ancient race Where beauty is in its bestial form The darkest coffin shall be my throne Before my lies visions of pain
May 9th, 2009, 08:58 PM by cillian Views: 757 - Comments: 0 Tags: None... does not store any of the following videos on our servers, we merely link to videos on other websites. That means no copyrighted and/or illegal material are stored by us. It is therefore not possible to hold the people behind Vanguard News Network or responsible for the material that is being linked to on these pages.

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