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Old May 10th, 2009 #1
Alex Linder
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Default The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to Corrupt

The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to corrupt
By Timothy Matthews
Issue: March 2009

Western civilization at the present day is passing through a crisis which is essentially different from anything that has been previously experienced. Other societies in the past have changed their social institutions or their religious beliefs under the influence of external forces or the slow development of internal growth. But none, like our own, has ever consciously faced the prospect of a fundamental alteration of the beliefs and institutions on which the whole fabric of social life rests ... Civilization is being uprooted from its foundations in nature and tradition and is being reconstituted in a new organisation which is as artificial and mechanical as a modern factory.

Christopher Dawson. Enquiries into Religion and Culture, p. 259.

Most of Satan’s work in the world he takes care to keep hidden. But two small shafts of light have been thrown onto his work for me just recently. The first, a short article in the Association of Catholic Women’s ACW Review; the second, a remark (which at first surprised me) from a priest in Russia who claimed that we now, in the West, live in a Communist society. These shafts of light help, especially, to explain the onslaught of officialdom which in many countries worldwide has so successfully been removing the rights of parents to be the primary educators and protectors of their children.

The ACW Review examined the corrosive work of the ‘Frankfurt School’ - a group of German-American scholars who developed highly provocative and original perspectives on contemporary society and culture, drawing on Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, and Weber. Not that their idea of a ‘cultural revolution’ was particularly new. ‘Until now’, wrote Joseph, Comte de Maistre (1753-1821) who for fifteen years was a Freemason, ‘nations were killed by conquest, that is by invasion: But here an important question arises; can a nation not die on its own soil, without resettlement or invasion, by allowing the flies of decomposition to corrupt to the very core those original and constituent principles which make it what it is.'

What was the Frankfurt School? Well, in the days following the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, it was believed that workers’ revolution would sweep into Europe and, eventually, into the United States. But it did not do so. Towards the end of 1922 the Communist International (Comintern) began to consider what were the reasons. On Lenin’s initiative a meeting was organised at the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow.

The aim of the meeting was to clarify the concept of, and give concrete effect to, a Marxist cultural revolution. Amongst those present were Georg Lukacs (a Hungarian aristocrat, son of a banker, who had become a Communist during World War I ; a good Marxist theoretician he developed the idea of ‘Revolution and Eros’ - sexual instinct used as an instrument of destruction) and Willi Munzenberg (whose proposed solution was to ‘organise the intellectuals and use them to make Western civilisation stink. Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat’) ‘It was’, said Ralph de Toledano (1916-2007) the conservative author and co-founder of the ‘National Review’, a meeting ‘perhaps more harmful to Western civilization than the Bolshevik Revolution itself.'

Lenin died in 1924. By this time, however, Stalin was beginning to look on Munzenberg, Lukacs and like-thinkers as ‘revisionists’. In June 1940, Münzenberg fled to the south of France where, on Stalin’s orders, a NKVD assassination squad caught up with him and hanged him from a tree.

In the summer of 1924, after being attacked for his writings by the 5th Comintern Congress, Lukacs moved to Germany, where he chaired the first meeting of a group of Communist-oriented sociologists, a gathering that was to lead to the foundation of the Frankfurt School.

This ‘School’ (designed to put flesh on their revolutionary programme) was started at the University of Frankfurt in the Institut für Sozialforschung. To begin with school and institute were indistinguishable. In 1923 the Institute was officially established, and funded by Felix Weil (1898-1975). Weil was born in Argentina and at the age of nine was sent to attend school in Germany. He attended the universities in Tübingen and Frankfurt, where he graduated with a doctoral degree in political science. While at these universities he became increasingly interested in socialism and Marxism. According to the intellectual historian Martin Jay, the topic of his dissertation was ‘the practical problems of implementing socialism.'

Carl Grünberg, the Institute’s director from 1923-1929, was an avowed Marxist, although the Institute did not have any official party affiliations. But in 1930 Max Horkheimer assumed control and he believed that Marx’s theory should be the basis of the Institute’s research. When Hitler came to power, the Institut was closed and its members, by various routes, fled to the United States and migrated to major US universities—Columbia, Princeton, Brandeis, and California at Berkeley.

The School included among its members the 1960s guru of the New Left Herbert Marcuse (denounced by Pope Paul VI for his theory of liberation which ‘opens the way for licence cloaked as liberty’), Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, the popular writer Erich Fromm, Leo Lowenthal, and Jurgen Habermas - possibly the School’s most influential representative.

Basically, the Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief - or even the hope of belief - that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.

To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution - but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future - the School recommended (among other things):

1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pansexualism’ - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:

• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance - hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’
Munzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus: ‘We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.'

The School believed there were two types of revolution: (a) political and (b) cultural. Cultural revolution demolishes from within. ‘Modern forms of subjection are marked by mildness’. They saw it as a long-term project and kept their sights clearly focused on the family, education, media, sex and popular culture.

The Family

The School’s ‘Critical Theory’ preached that the ‘authoritarian personality’ is a product of the patriarchal family - an idea directly linked to Engels’ Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State, which promoted matriarchy. Already Karl Marx had written, in the “Communist Manifesto”, about the radical notion of a ‘community of women’ and in The German Ideology of 1845, written disparagingly about the idea of the family as the basic unit of society. This was one of the basic tenets of the ‘Critical Theory’ : the necessity of breaking down the contemporary family. The Institute scholars preached that ‘Even a partial breakdown of parental authority in the family might tend to increase the readiness of a coming generation to accept social change.’

Following Karl Marx, the School stressed how the ‘authoritarian personality’ is a product of the patriarchal family—it was Marx who wrote so disparagingly about the idea of the family being the basic unit of society. All this prepared the way for the warfare against the masculine gender promoted by Marcuse under the guise of ‘women’s liberation’ and by the New Left movement in the 1960s.

They proposed transforming our culture into a female-dominated one. In 1933, Wilhelm Reich, one of their members, wrote in The Mass Psychology of Fascism that matriarchy was the only genuine family type of ‘natural society.’ Eric Fromm was also an active advocate of matriarchal theory. Masculinity and femininity, he claimed, were not reflections of ‘essential’ sexual differences, as the Romantics had thought but were derived instead from differences in life functions, which were in part socially determined.’ His dogma was the precedent for the radical feminist pronouncements that, today, appear in nearly every major newspaper and television programme.

The revolutionaries knew exactly what they wanted to do and how to do it. They have succeeded.


Lord Bertrand Russell joined with the Frankfurt School in their effort at mass social engineering and spilled the beans in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society. He wrote: ‘Physiology and psychology afford fields for scientific technique which still await development.' The importance of mass psychology ‘has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called ‘education. The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray . When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.”

Writing in 1992 in Fidelio Magazine, [The Frankfurt School and Political Correctness] Michael Minnicino observed how the heirs of Marcuse and Adorno now completely dominate the universities, ‘teaching their own students to replace reason with ‘Politically Correct’ ritual exercises. There are very few theoretical books on arts, letters, or language published today in the United States or Europe which do not openly acknowledge their debt to the Frankfurt School. The witchhunt on today’s campuses is merely the implementation of Marcuse’s concept of ‘repressive toleration’-‘tolerance for movements from the left, but intolerance for movements from the right’-enforced by the students of the Frankfurt School’.


Dr. Timothy Leary gave us another glimpse into the mind of the Frankfurt School in his account of the work of the Harvard University Psychedelic Drug Project, ‘Flashback.' He quoted a conversation that he had with Aldous Huxley: “These brain drugs, mass produced in the laboratories, will bring about vast changes in society. This will happen with or without you or me. All we can do is spread the word. The obstacle to this evolution, Timothy, is the Bible’. Leary then went on: “We had run up against the Judeo-Christian commitment to one God, one religion, one reality, that has cursed Europe for centuries and America since our founding days. Drugs that open the mind to multiple realities inevitably lead to a polytheistic view of the universe. We sensed that the time for a new humanist religion based on intelligence, good-natured pluralism and scientific paganism had arrived.”

One of the directors of the Authoritarian Personality project, R. Nevitt Sanford, played a pivotal role in the usage of psychedelic drugs. In 1965, he wrote in a book issued by the publishing arm of the UK’s Tavistock Institute:‘The nation, seems to be fascinated by our 40,000 or so drug addicts who are seen as alarmingly wayward people who must be curbed at all costs by expensive police activity. Only an uneasy Puritanism could support the practice of focusing on the drug addicts (rather than our 5 million alcoholics) and treating them as a police problem instead of a medical one, while suppressing harmless drugs such as marijuana and peyote along with the dangerous ones.” The leading propagandists of today’s drug lobby base their argument for legalization on the same scientific quackery spelled out all those years ago by Dr. Sanford.

Such propagandists include the multi-billionaire atheist George Soros who chose, as one of his first domestic programs, to fund efforts to challenge the efficacy of America’s $37-billion-a-year war on drugs. The Soros-backed Lindesmith Center serves as a leading voice for Americans who want to decriminalize drug use. ‘Soros is the ‘Daddy Warbucks of drug legalization,’ claimed Joseph Califano Jr. of Columbia University’s National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse’ (The Nation, Sep 2, 1999).

Music, Television and Popular Culture

Adorno was to become head of a ‘music studies’ unit, where in his Theory of Modern Music he promoted the prospect of unleashing atonal and other popular music as a weapon to destroy society, degenerate forms of music to promote mental illness. He said the US could be brought to its knees by the use of radio and television to promote a culture of pessimism and despair - by the late 1930s he (together with Horkheimer) had migrated to Hollywood.
The expansion of violent video-games also well supported the School’s aims.


In his book The Closing of the American Mind, Alan Bloom observed how Marcuse appealed to university students in the sixties with a combination of Marx and Freud. In Eros and Civilization and One Dimensional Man Marcuse promised that the overcoming of capitalism and its false consciousness will result in a society where the greatest satisfactions are sexual. Rock music touches the same chord in the young. Free sexual expression, anarchism, mining of the irrational unconscious and giving it free rein are what they have in common.'

The Media

The modern media - not least Arthur ‘Punch’ Sulzberger Jnr., who took charge of the New York Times in 1992 - drew greatly on the Frankfurt School’s study The Authoritarian Personality. (New York: Harper, 1950). In his book Arrogance, (Warner Books, 1993) former CBS News reporter Bernard Goldberg noted of Sulzberger that he ‘still believes in all those old sixties notions about ‘liberation’ and ‘changing the world man’ . . . In fact, the Punch years have been a steady march down PC Boulevard, with a newsroom fiercely dedicated to every brand of diversity except the intellectual kind.'

In 1953 the Institute moved back to the University of Frankfurt. Adorno died in 1955 and Horkheimer in 1973. The Institute of Social Research continued, but what was known as the Frankfurt School did not. The ‘cultural Marxism’ that has since taken hold of our schools and universities - that ‘political correctness’, which has been destroying our family bonds, our religious tradition and our entire culture -sprang from the Frankfurt School.

It was these intellectual Marxists who, later, during the anti-Vietnam demonstrations, coined the phrase, ‘make love, not war’; it was these intellectuals who promoted the dialectic of ‘negative’ criticism; it was these theoreticians who dreamed of a utopia where their rules governed. It was their concept that led to the current fad for the rewriting of history, and to the vogue for ‘deconstruction’. Their mantras: ‘sexual differences are a contract; if it feels good, do it; do your own thing.'

In an address at the US Naval Academy in August 1999, Dr Gerald L. Atkinson, CDR USN (Ret), gave a background briefing on the Frankfurt School, reminding his audience that it was the ‘foot soldiers’ of the Frankfurt School who introduced the ‘sensitivity training’ techniques used in public schools over the past 30 years (and now employed by the US military to educate the troops about ‘sexual harassment’). During ‘sensitivity’ training teachers were told not to teach but to ‘facilitate.’ Classrooms became centres of self-examination where children talked about their own subjective feelings. This technique was designed to convince children they were the sole authority in their own lives.

Atkinson continued: ‘The Authoritarian personality,’ studied by the Frankfurt School in the 1940s and 1950s in America, prepared the way for the subsequent warfare against the masculine gender promoted by Herbert Marcuse and his band of social revolutionaries under the guise of ‘women’s liberation’ and the New Left movement in the 1960s. The evidence that psychological techniques for changing personality is intended to mean emasculation of the American male is provided by Abraham Maslow, founder of Third Force Humanist Psychology and a promoter of the psychotherapeutic classroom, who wrote that, ‘... the next step in personal evolution is a transcendence of both masculinity and femininity to general humanness.’

On April 17th, 1962, Maslow gave a lecture to a group of nuns at Sacred Heart, a Catholic women’s college in Massachusetts. He noted in a diary entry how the talk had been very ‘successful,’ but he found that very fact troubling. ‘They shouldn’t applaud me,’ he wrote, ‘they should attack. If they were fully aware of what I was doing, they would [attack]’ (Journals, p. 157).

The Network

In her booklet Sex & Social Engineering (Family Education Trust 1994) Valerie Riches observed how in the late 1960s and early 1970s, there were intensive parliamentary campaigns taking place emanating from a number of organisations in the field of birth control (i.e., contraception, abortion, sterilisation). ‘From an analysis of their annual reports, it became apparent that a comparatively small number of people were involved to a surprising degree in an array of pressure groups. This network was not only linked by personnel, but by funds, ideology and sometimes addresses: it was also backed by vested interests and supported by grants in some cases by government departments. At the heart of the network was the Family Planning Association (FPA) with its own collection of offshoots. What we unearthed was a power structure with enormous influence.

‘Deeper investigation revealed that the network, in fact extended further afield, into eugenics, population control, birth control, sexual and family law reforms, sex and health education. Its tentacles reached out to publishing houses, medical, educational and research establishments, women’s organisations and marriage guidance—anywhere where influence could be exerted. It appeared to have great influence over the media, and over permanent officials in relevant government departments, out of all proportion to the numbers involved.

‘During our investigations, a speaker at a Sex Education Symposium in Liverpool outlined tactics of sex education saying: ‘if we do not get into sex education, children will simply follow the mores of their parents’. The fact that sex education was to be the vehicle for peddlers of secular humanism soon became apparent.

‘However, at that time the power of the network and the full implications of its activities were not fully understood. It was thought that the situation was confined to Britain. The international implications had not been grasped.

‘Soon after, a little book was published with the intriguing title The Men Behind Hitler—A German Warning to the World. Its thesis was that the eugenics movement, which had gained popularity early in the twentieth century, had gone underground following the holocaust in Nazi Germany, but was still active and functioning through organizations promoting abortion, euthanasia, sterilization, mental health, etc. The author urged the reader to look at his home country and neighbouring countries, for he would surely find that members and committees of these organizations would cross-check to a remarkable extent.

‘Other books and papers from independent sources later confirmed this situation. . . . A remarkable book was also published in America which documented the activities of the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). It was entitled The SIECUS Circle A Humanist Revolution. SIECUS was set up in 1964 and lost no time in engaging in a programme of social engineering by means of sex education in the schools. Its first executive director was Mary Calderone, who was also closely linked to Planned Parenthood, the American equivalent of the British FPA. According to The SIECUS Circle, Calderone supported sentiments and theories put forward by Rudolph Dreikus, a humanist, such as:

· merging or reversing the sexes or sex roles;
· liberating children from their families;
· abolishing the family as we know it’

In their book Mind Siege, (Thomas Nelson, 2000) Tim LaHaye and David A. Noebel confirmed Riches’s findings of an international network. ‘The leading authorities of Secular Humanism may be pictured as the starting lineup of a baseball team: pitching is John Dewey; catching is Isaac Asimov; first base is Paul Kurtz; second base is Corliss Lamont; third base is Bertrand Russell; shortstop is Julian Huxley; left fielder is Richard Dawkins; center fielder is Margaret Sanger; right fielder is Carl Rogers; manager is ‘Christianity is for losers’ Ted Turner; designated hitter is Mary Calderone; utility players include the hundreds listed in the back of Humanist Manifesto I and II, including Eugenia C. Scott, Alfred Kinsey, Abraham Maslow, Erich Fromm, Rollo May, and Betty Friedan.

‘In the grandstands sit the sponsoring or sustaining organizations, such as the . . . the Frankfurt School; the left wing of the Democratic Party; the Democratic Socialists of America; Harvard University; Yale University; University of Minnesota; University of California (Berkeley); and two thousand other colleges and universities.’

A practical example of how the tidal wave of Maslow-think is engulfing English schools was revealed in an article in the British Nat assoc. of Catholic Families’ (NACF) Catholic Family newspaper (August 2000), where James Caffrey warned about the Citizenship (PSHE) programme which was shortly to be drafted into the National Curriculum. ‘We need to look carefully at the vocabulary used in this new subject’, he wrote, ‘and, more importantly, discover the philosophical basis on which it is founded. The clues to this can be found in the word ‘choice’ which occurs frequently in the Citizenship documentation and the great emphasis placed on pupils’ discussing and ‘clarifying’ their own views, values and choices about any given issue. This is nothing other than the concept known as ‘Values Clarification’ - a concept anathema to Catholicism, or indeed, to Judaism and Islam.

‘This concept was pioneered in California in the 1960’s by psychologists William Coulson, Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. It was based on ‘humanistic’ psychology, in which patients were regarded as the sole judge of their actions and moral behaviour. Having pioneered the technique of Values Clarification the psychologists introduced it into schools and other institutions such as convents and seminaries - with disastrous results. Convents emptied, religious lost their vocations and there was wholesale loss of belief in God. Why? Because Catholic institutions are founded on absolute beliefs in, for example, the Creed and the Ten Commandments. Values Clarification supposes a moral relativism in which there is no absolute right or wrong and no dependence on God.

‘This same system is to be introduced to the vulnerable minds of infants, juniors and adolescents in the years 2000+. The underlying philosophy of Values Clarification holds that for teachers to promote virtues such as honesty, justice or chastity constitutes indoctrination of children and ‘violates’ their moral freedom. It is urged that children should be free to choose their own values; the teacher must merely ‘facilitate’ and must avoid all moralising or criticising. As a barrister commented recently on worrying trends in Australian education, ‘The core theme of values clarification is that there are no right or wrong values. Values education does not seek to identify and transmit ‘right’ values, teaching of the Church, especially the papal encyclical Evangelium Vitae.
‘In the absence of clear moral guidance, children naturally make choices based on feelings. Powerful peer pressure, freed from the values which stem from a divine source, ensure that ‘shared values’ sink to the lowest common denominator. References to environmental sustainability lead to a mindset where anti-life arguments for population control are present ed as being both responsible and desirable. Similarly, ‘informed choices’ about health and lifestyles are euphemisms for attitudes antithetical to Christian views on motherhood, fatherhood, the sacrament of marriage and family life. Values Clarification is covert and dangerous. It underpins the entire rationale of Citizenship (PSHE) and is to be introduced by statute into the UK soon. It will give young people secular values and imbue them with the attitude that they alone hold ultimate authority and judgement about their lives. No Catholic school can include this new subject as formulated in the Curriculum 2000 document within its current curriculum provision. Dr. William Coulson recognised the psychological damage Rogers’ technique inflicted on youngsters and rejected it, devoting his life to exposing its dangers.

Should those in authority in Catholic education not do likewise, as ‘Citizenship’ makes its deadly approach’?
If we allow their subversion of values and interests to continue, we will, in future generations, lose all that our ancestors suffered and died for. We are forewarned, says Atkinson. A reading of history (it is all in mainstream historical accounts) tells us that we are about to lose the most precious thing we have—our individual freedoms.

‘What we are at present experiencing,' writes Philip Trower in a letter to the author, ‘is a blend of two schools of thought; the Frankfurt School and the liberal tradition going back to the 18th century Enlightenment. The Frankfurt School has of course its remote origins in the 18th century Enlightenment. But like Lenin’s Marxism it is a breakaway movement. The immediate aims of both classical liberalism and the Frankfurt School have been in the main the same (vide your eleven points above) but the final end is different. For liberals they lead to ‘improving’ and ‘perfecting’ western culture, for the Frankfurt School they bring about its destruction.

‘Unlike hard-line Marxists, the Frankfurt School do not make any plans for the future. (But) the Frankfurt School seems to be more far-sighted that our classical liberals and secularists. At least they see the moral deviations they promote will in the end make social life impossible or intolerable. But this leaves a big question mark over what a future conducted by them would be like.'

Meanwhile, the Quiet Revolution rolls forward.

Timothy Matthews is the editor of the British, Catholic Family News. A news service of the National Association of Catholic Families, United Kingdom. The article appeared in the American Catholic weekly, The Wanderer, December 11, 2008. It is reprinted here with permission of the author.
Old May 10th, 2009 #2
Alex Linder
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Posts: 45,756
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[Another long, interesting article by a LaRouchie named Steinberg. Came across trying to figure out if R. Nevitt Sanford, one of the directors of the Authoritarian Personality pseudo-study, was a jew. I have not established the answer, so if you know, let me.]

From Cybernetics to Littleton -- Techniques in Mind Control

by Jeffrey Steinberg
Printed in the Executive Intelligence Review, May 5, 2000.

The $9 billion a year video-game industry in America, which contributed mightily to the carnage at Littleton, Paducah, and Jonesboro, is far more than the mere commercial exploitation of techniques and technologies developed as ``legitimate'' training instruments for the military and law enforcement agencies. To understand the roots of this new form of ``Manchurian Candidate'' programmed terrorism, it is necessary to go back to World War II and the immediate postwar period, when there was a concerted effort launched, by the Frankfurt School and the London Tavistock Institute, to use the Marxist/Freudian perversion of psychology and other social sciences, as instruments for mass social control and brainwashing. The two pillars of the assault on the American intellectual tradition were cybernetics and the drug counterculture.

At that time, a number of prominent social scientists openly spelled out their goal, of using the wartime-tested techniques of mass psychological manipulation, to pervert and control the American people. And in most instances, their emphasis was on children, and the need to destroy the fabric of family life.

Lord Bertrand Russell, who joined with the Frankfurt School in this effort at mass social engineering, spilled the beans, in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society. He wrote: ``Physiology and psychology afford fields for scientific technique which still await development. Two great men, Pavlov and Freud, have laid the foundation. I do not accept the view that they are in any essential conflict, but what structure will be built on their foundations is still in doubt. I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology.... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called `education.' Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part.... It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.''

Russell continued, ``The subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship.... The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray.''

Russell concluded with a warning: ``Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.''

- Russell and the `Lethal Chamber' -

Russell had been working on the concept of the scientific dictatorship for decades. In his 1931 book, The Scientific Outlook, he had devoted a chapter to ``Education in a Scientific Society.'' Here, he was equally blunt about his oligarchical totalitarian vision. Drawing the parallel to the two levels of education provided by the Jesuits, Russell asserted: ``In like manner, the scientific rulers will provide one kind of education for ordinary men and women, and another for those who are to become holders of scientific power. Ordinary men and women will be expected to be docile, industrious, punctual, thoughtless, and contented. Of these qualities probably contentment will be considered the most important. In order to produce it, all the researches of psycho-analysis, behaviourism, and biochemistry will be brought into play.... All the boys and girls will learn from an early age to be what is called `co-operative,' i.e., to do exactly what everybody is doing. Initiative will be discouraged in these children, and insubordination, without being punished, will be scientifically trained out of them.''

For the children chosen to be among the scientific ruling class, education was to be quite different. ``Except for the one matter of loyalty to the world State and to their own order,'' Russell explained, ``members of the governing class will be encouraged to be adventurous and full of initiative. It will be recognized that it is their business to improve scientific technique, and to keep the manual workers contented by means of continual new amusements.''

Russell, however, added one very strong caveat. ``On those rare occasions,'' he warned, ``when a boy or girl who has passed the age at which it is usual to determine social status shows such marked ability as to seem the intellectual equal of the rulers, a difficult situation will arise, requiring serious consideration. If the youth is content to abandon his previous associates and to throw in his lot whole-heartedly with the rulers, he may, after suitable tests, be promoted, but if he shows any regrettable solidarity with his previous associates, the rulers will reluctantly conclude that there is nothing to be done with him except to send him to the lethal chamber before his ill-disciplined intelligence has had time to spread revolt. This will be a painful duty to the rulers, but I think they will not shrink from performing it.''
- Huxley's `Concentration Camp of the Mind' -

Russell's blunt description of a ``scientific dictatorship'' was matched by the account of Aldous Huxley, author of the utopian tract Brave New World, in a speech on the U.S. State Department's Voice of America, in 1961, of a world of pharmacologically manipulated slaves, living in a ``concentration camp of the mind,'' enhanced by propaganda and psychotropic drugs, learning to ``love their servitude,'' and abandoning all will to resist. ``This,'' Huxley concluded, ``is the final revolution.''

Speaking at the California Medical School in San Francisco, Huxley announced: ``There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.''

Huxley's cohort in the 1950s experimentation with psychotropic drugs, Dr. Timothy Leary, of Harvard University's Psychology Department, provided another glimpse into the perverted minds of the Russell/Huxley/Frankfurt School crowd, in his autobiographical account of the Harvard University Psychedelic Drug Project, Flashback. Leary first quoted Huxley: ``These brain drugs, mass produced in the laboratories, will bring about vast changes in society. This will happen with or without you or me. All we can do is spread the word. The obstacle to this evolution, Timothy, is the Bible.'' Leary then added his own two cents: ``We had run up against the Judeo-Christian commitment to one God, one religion, one reality, that has cursed Europe for centuries and America since our founding days. Drugs that open the mind to multiple realities inevitably lead to a polytheistic view of the universe. We sensed that the time for a new humanist religion based on intelligence, good-natured pluralism and scientific paganism had arrived.''

As these monstrous notions of mass social engineering were being presented as the ``humanistic'' alternative to world war in the age of the atomic and hydrogen bomb, two crucial projects were being launched, that would shape the implementation of this Brave New World, and bring us, today, to the world of Littleton, Paducah, Jonesboro, Doom, Quake, and Duke Nukem.

- The Authoritarian Personality -

The first of the two projects was launched in January 1943, by a team of three social psychologists at the University of California at Berkeley, Else Frenkel-Brunswik (a founding member of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, known as the ``Frankfurt School''), Daniel J. Levinson, and R. Nevitt Sanford. What started out as a modest $500 grant to study the roots of anti-Semitism, would soon mushroom into the biggest mass social-profiling project ever undertaken in America, up until that time.

In May 1944, the American Jewish Committee established a Department of Scientific Research, which was headed by Frankfurt School director Max Horkheimer. Horkheimer established a project, called Studies in Prejudice, with generous funding from the AJC and other agencies, including the Rockefeller foundations. The Studies in Prejudice offered employment to a number of Frankfurt School members who, for various reasons, were not coopted directly into the war effort (for example, Herbert Marcuse and Franz Neumann were brought into the Research and Analysis Section of the Office of Strategic Services, or OSS, the forerunner to today's Central Intelligence Agency). Hedda Massing, Marie Jahoda, Morris Janowitz, and Theodor W. Adorno all worked on the Studies, and, under Horkheimer's direction, they all formally reconstituted the International Institute of Social Research, the transplanted incarnation of the original Frankfurt School of Weimar Germany.

The most significant of the five Studies in Prejudice, produced for the AJC during 1944-50, was The Authoritarian Personality (New York: Harper, 1950). Authors Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson, and Sanford assembled a large research team from the Berkeley Public Opinion Study and the International Institute of Social Research, to conduct thousands of interviews of Americans, to profile their allegedly deep-seated tendencies toward authoritarianism, prejudice, and anti-Semitism. Dr. William Morrow, the leading protégé of Dr. Kurt Lewin, who was one key, bridge figure between the Frankfurt School and the Tavistock Institute, was a research director for the Authoritarian Personality project.

The study was an exercise in self-fulfilling prophecy and Marxist/Freudian self-delusion. Long before the first survey questionnaire was drafted, Horkheimer and Adorno had written exhaustively about the ``authoritarian'' character of the American nuclear family, about the ``problem'' of the American people's belief in a transcendent monotheistic God, and about the underlying fascist character of all forms of American patriotism. They ``cooked'' the survey data, in advance, by devising a series of scales, purporting to measure the American population's tendency toward anti-Semitism, ethnocentricity, anti-democratic ideology, and, ultimately, fascism. Not surprisingly, the research team found the American public ``guilty as charged,'' and produced dire warnings that, unless a dramatic overhaul of the American ideology and mass culture were carried out, America would soon emerge as a Fourth Reich, repeating the horrors of Hitler on an even grander scale.

The authors of The Authoritarian Personality let it all hang out in the concluding chapter of the book, in which they summarized their findings and spelled out their recipe for social transformation:

``It seems obvious, that the modification of the potentially fascist structure cannot be achieved by psychological means alone. The task is comparable to that of eliminating neurosis, or delinquency, or nationalism from the world. These are products of the total organization of society and are to be changed only as that society is changed. It is not for the psychologist to say how such changes are to be brought about. The problem is one which requires the efforts of all social scientists. All that we would insist upon is that in the councils or round tables where the problem is considered and action planned the psychologist should have a voice. We believe that the scientific understanding of society must include an understanding of what it does to people, and that it is possible to have social reforms, even broad and sweeping ones, which though desirable in their own right would not necessarily change the structure of the prejudiced personality. For the fascist potential to change, or even to be held in check, there must be an increase in people's capacity to see themselves and to be themselves. This cannot be achieved by the manipulation of people, however well grounded in modern psychology the devices of manipulation might be.... It is here that psychology may play its most important role. Techniques for overcoming resistance, developed mainly in the field of individual psychotherapy, can be improved and adapted for use with groups and even for use on a mass scale.''

The authors conclude with this most revealing proposition: ``We need not suppose that appeal to emotion belongs to those who strive in the direction of fascism, while democratic propaganda must limit itself to reason and restraint. If fear and destructiveness are the major emotional sources of fascism, eros belongs mainly to democracy.''

Eros was precisely the weapon that the Frankfurt School and their fellow-travellers employed, over the next 50 years, to create a cultural paradigm shift away from the so-called ``authoritarian'' matrix of man in the living image of God (imago viva Dei), the sanctity of the nuclear family, and the superiority of the republican form of nation-state over all other forms of political organization. They transformed American culture toward an erotic, perverse matrix, associated with the present ``politically correct'' tyranny of tolerance for dehumanizing drug abuse, sexual perversion, and the glorification of violence. For the Marxist/Freudian revolutionaries of the Frankfurt School, the ultimate antidote to the hated Western Judeo-Christian civilization was to tear that civilization down, from the inside, by turning out generations of necrophiliacs.

If this statement seems harsh, consider the following. In his 1948 work on The Philosophy of Modern Music, Frankfurt School leader Theodor Adorno argued that the purpose of modern music is to literally drive the listener insane. He justified this by asserting that modern society was a hotbed of evil, authoritarianism, and potential fascism, and that, only by first destroying civilization, through the spread of all forms of cultural pessimism and perversity, could liberation occur. On the role of modern music, he wrote, ``It is not that schizophrenia is directly expressed therein; but the music imprints upon itself an attitude similar to that of the mentally ill. The individual brings about his own disintegration.... He imagines the fulfillment of the promise through magic, but nonetheless within the realm of immediate actuality.... Its concern is to dominate schizophrenic traits through the aesthetic consciousness. In so doing, it would hope to vindicate insanity as true health.'' Necrophilia, he added, is the ultimate expression of ``true health'' in this sick society.

Erich Fromm, another leading Frankfurt School figure, who was instrumental as early as the 1930s in devising the scales used in the Authoritarian Personality study, devoted much of his seminal 1972 work, The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness, to the analysis of necrophilia, which he pronounced to be the dominant trend in modern society. Fromm defined necrophilia as all forms of obsession with death and destruction, particularly those with intense sexual overtones. Ironically, his ostensible ``cure'' for this mass social perversion was the drug, rock, sex counterculture of the late 1960s. ``Simultaneously with the increasing necrophilous development,'' Fromm wrote in his chapter on ``Malignant Aggression: Necrophilia,'' ``the opposite trend, that of love of life, is also developing. It manifests itself in many forms: in the protest against the deadening of life, a protest by people among all social strata and age groups, but particularly by the young. There is hope in the rising protest against pollution and war.... This protest is also to be understood in the attraction to drugs among the young.''

- Liberation through Drug Abuse -

It is noteworthy that one of the four directors of the Authoritarian Personality project, R. Nevitt Sanford, played a pivotal role in the 1950s and '60s experimentation and eventual mass usage of psychedelic drugs. In 1965, Sanford wrote the forward to Utopiates: The Use and Users of LSD 25, which was published by Tavistock Publications, the publishing arm of Great Britain's pre-eminent psychological warfare agency, the Tavistock Institute. Tavistock directed the Psychiatric Division of the British Army during World War II, and dispatched many of its top brainwashers to the United States in the immediate postwar period, to work on the secret mind-control projects of the CIA and the Pentagon, including the MK-Ultra project, devoted to the study of LSD and other psychedelics.

In his foreword to Utopiates, Sanford, who headed up the Stanford University Institute for the Study of Human Problems, a major outpost for MK-Ultra secret LSD experimentation, spelled out the argument for drug legalization that is, to this day, at the heart of the pro-drug movement's propaganda. ``The nation,'' Sanford wrote, ``seems to be fascinated by our 40,000 or so drug addicts who are seen as alarmingly wayward people who must be curbed at all costs by expensive police activity. Only an uneasy Puritanism could support the practice of focusing on the drug addicts (rather than our 5 million alcoholics) and treating them as a police problem instead of a medical one, while suppressing harmless drugs such as marijuana and peyote along with the dangerous ones.'' The leading propagandists of the drug lobby today--George Soros, Ethan Nadelman, et al.--base their argument for legalization on the exact same scientific quackery that Dr. Sanford spelled out in Utopiates 36 years ago.

- The Cybernetics Group -

One of the ``Big Lies'' permeating Fromm's Anatomy was the idea that the erotic drug-rock-sex counterculture was the antidote to the cybernetic, technetronic ``necrophilous'' society. In reality, the Frankfurt School and their closest allies among the Russell/Wells/Huxley British oligarchy, were the architects of both the cybernetics project and the counterculture project of the 1960s. In fact, the Cybernetics Group, sponsored by the Josiah Macy Foundation, was the umbrella, under which the CIA and British intelligence conducted their mass experimentation with mind-altering psychedelic drugs, including LSD-25, which experiment was, eventually, spilled out onto the streets of San Francisco, New York's Greenwich Village, and every American college campus, giving us the counterculture ``paradigm shift'' of 1966-72.

The Cybernetics Group, known among its members as the ``Man-Machine Project,'' was unofficially launched in May 1942 at a New York City conference called the Cerebral Inhibition Meeting, sponsored by the medical director of the Josiah Macy Foundation, Frank Fremont-Smith. Among the participants were Warren McCulloch, Arturo Rosenblueth, Gregory Bateson, Margaret Mead, and Lawrence K. Frank. Rosenblueth, a protégé of Norbert Wiener, set out the broad parameters of the proposed effort. Speaking on behalf of Wiener and John von Neumann, he proposed to draw together a group of engineers, biologists, neurologists, anthropologists, and psychologists, to devise experiments in social control, based on the quack claim that the human brain was nothing more than a complex input/output machine, and that human behavior could, in effect, be programmed, on both an individual and societal scale. [fn1]

World War II prevented the project from getting off the ground for four years. But shortly after the Japanese surrendered, McCulloch asked Fremont-Smith to convene a second gathering under the formal sponsorship of the Macy Foundation. The first of what would be a series of ten major conferences and year-long research efforts, between 1946 and 1953, took place in New York City on March 8-9, 1946, under the title, ``The Feedback Mechanisms and Circular Causal Systems in Biology and the Social Sciences Meeting.''

What came out of that first meeting was not only a demonic drive to create the ultimate engineered society, based on the fusion of man and machine. A core group of 20 people constituted themselves as a task force to carry out this mission, and would spawn a series of permanent institutions, where the work would continue, to the present day. A year after the founding session of the Macy project, Wiener would coin the term ``cybernetics'' to describe their effort.

Who were the ``Dr. Jekylls'' gathered around the table for the first of the Macy conferences?

Warren McCulloch was the titular chairman of all ten of the conferences. At the time of the first meeting, he was a professor of psychiatry and physiology at the University of Illinois, but he would soon move to the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT.

Walter Pitts, McCulloch's protégé, first at Illinois, and later at MIT.

Gregory Bateson, the anthropologist and then-spouse of Margaret Mead, who would soon become the director of research at the Veterans Hospital in Palo Alto, California, where he was a pivotal player in MK-Ultra and other secret government experiments with mind-altering drugs.

Margaret Mead, then the assistant curator of ethnology at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, who would function as the ``earth goddess'' of the Cybernetics Group, and would help launch the modern feminist movement, through her patronage of Betty Friedan, a student-protégé of Kurt Lewin.

Kurt Lewin, founder of the Research Center for Group Dynamics at MIT, a leading Frankfurt School fellow-traveller, whose work with Frankfurt School founder Karl Korsch on linguistics would form a foundation of the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Lewin's National Training Laboratory would later become part of the National Education Association, and would facilitate the transformation of public education in America into an approximation of Bertrand Russell's nightmarish scheme for teaching children that ``snow is black.''

Paul Lazarsfeld, the director of the Bureau of Applied Social Research at Columbia University, who had been the wartime head of the Radio Research Laboratory at Princeton University, and had been the patron there of the Frankfurt School's Theodor Adorno.

John Von Neumann.

Norbert Wiener.

An incredible collection of guests attended the Cybernetics Group sessions during their seven years of existence. Among them were Max Horkheimer, the head of the Frankfurt School, who collaborated with the Cybernetics Group, while directing the Studies in Prejudice.

Dr. Harold Abramson, one of the CIA's top scientists engaged in the secret LSD experimentation, not only attended the Sixth Cybernetics Group conference, but worked with Dr. Frank Fremont-Smith, the research director of the Macy Foundation, on a series of spinoff conferences, where all of the top personnel of MK-Ultra were able to convene under Macy Foundation cover and finances, to plot out their mass drugging of America. In return, Abramson dutifully provided Fremont-Smith with ample personal supplies of LSD-25.

The Macy Foundation also provided financing and publicity for the British social engineer Dr. William Sargant, whose 1957 book, Battle for the Mind, provided a ``how-to-do-it'' manual for mass brainwashing. Sargant spent 20 years in the United States, working on the MK-Ultra project and other secret mind-control efforts of the U.S. and British governments.

Among the nastiest of the projects launched by the Cybernetics Group was the World Federation of Mental Health (WFMH), whose first president, Brig. Gen. John Rawlings Rees, was the director of the Tavistock Institute, Britain's premier psychological warfare center.

Rees, Mead, Lawrence K. Frank, Fremont-Smith and Horkheimer were all in Paris together, in the summer of 1948, to launch the WFMH. Although he had died the previous year, Kurt Lewin had been involved in the preparations for launching the Federation, through his involvement, under Frank, in the National Committee for Mental Hygiene, and the London-centered International Committee for Mental Hygiene, with a half-dozen Cybernetics Group members on its board. Both bodies oversaw a network of over 4,000 ``psychiatric shock troops,'' in Rees's words, who would be at the heart of a worldwide social-engineering apparatus, penetrated into every community.

Margaret Mead and Lawrence K. Frank, two pillars of the Cybernetics Group, authored the founding statement of Rees's World Federation of Mental Health (both Mead and Frank would later succeed Rees as president), which they titled, ``Manifesto of the First International.'' Mead and Frank bluntly wrote: ``The goal of mental health has been enlarged from the concern for the development of healthy personalities to the larger tasks of creating a healthy society.... The concept of mental health is co-extensive with world order and world community.'' Frank even proposed to create a new religion of mental health.

- Computers and Artificial Intelligence -

For John von Neumann and Norbert Wiener, the core of the Cybernetics Group project was the development of computers, and the prospect of combining high-speed computers with so-called Artificial Intelligence, to literally ``program'' the human race. Underlying all of these efforts was the unshakable, albeit preposterous conviction, most avidly presented by von Neumann, that there was nothing sacred about the human mind, and that the human brain was a machine, whose functioning could be replicated, and eventually surpassed, by computers.

Dr. Jerome Wiesner, the president of MIT, which became the closest thing to the home of the Cybernetics Group, participated in several of the Macy Foundation sessions. He clearly stated this Luciferian view of man, in an interview with counterculture propagandist Stewart Brand, which appeared in Brand's 1987 book, The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at M.I.T.:

``I'm not arrogant enough to think that we're going to develop real thinking machines in a short time. But nerve signals travel at 300 meters a second. Electrical signals travel at ... 300 million meters a second. Also the components we make are much more reliable than neurons.... The higher degree of reliability of the components and the very much higher degree of speed of the impulses means to me you ought to be able to make machines that are just a hell of a lot better than the brain, if you knew how to do it.''

Brand asked Wiesner, ``You expect that?''

Wiesner: ``Yeah, not necessarily in my lifetime. No one has given a reason why it can't be done. They make all kinds of crazy arguments--`A computer doesn't have a soul.' How do we know that it won't have the same soul that we do? After all, humans will program it. I don't think questions about identity are very interesting.''

Dr. Wiesner not only participated in the Cybernetics Group efforts of the Macy Foundation. In 1952, he took over the directorship of the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, where Wiener, McCulloch, and Pitts had all taken up residence. Soon, the RLE had spun off the Artificial Intelligence Lab, with Dr. Seymour Papert and Marvin Minsky taking up the task of programming human behavior and interaction.

By the 1980s, MIT had spawned the Media Lab, another direct outgrowth of the 1940s and 50s Cybernetics Group. Here, the social engineers worked hand in glove with the engineers and machine designers who were developing high-speed computers, computer graphics, holographics, and the first generation of computer simulators. Much of the work at MIT, and at the Artificial Intelligence labs at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, was funded through the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

Steve Joshua Heims, the author of the semi-official history of the Macy conferences on cybernetics, The Cybernetics Group, reported that, by the 1980s, the cybernetics crowd had even spawned their own religion--an overtly pagan belief-system remarkably in keeping with Timothy Leary's call for a ``scientific paganism.'' ``James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis,'' Heims wrote, ``have examined how life--plants, animals, microorganisms--has influenced the chemistry of the atmosphere and the climate, and how life and climate have coevolved. Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis, which relies on a detailed cybernetic analysis, contends that all life on earth acts in concert with the atmosphere to make one self-regulating system that keeps the earth a liveable habitat.'' Heims did admit, ``The validity of the Gaia hypothesis is currently the subject of scientific controversy.''

Heims was far less guarded in his embrace of the work of the Media Lab, and the fact that the Media Lab was a direct outgrowth of the Macy Cybernetics project.

``McCulloch's and Pitts' 1943 approach to understanding mind and brain has had enthusiastic successors in the 1980s,'' he wrote. ``Consider next the new, transdisciplinary Media Lab instituted at MIT in the 1980s. Onetime Macy participant Jerome Wiesner (who was close to McCulloch, Pitts and Wiener), Seymour Papert and Marvin Minsky (important figures in the history of the artificial intelligence approach to mind and brain), are lab associates.... According to the initial proposal the lab was to provide for `the intellectual mix of two rapidly evolving and very different fields; information technologies and the human sciences'.... It deals with improvements in high-definition TV, satellite communications, fiber-optic cable TV, three-dimensional imaging, and data-compression to permit inexpensive transfers of full-length color film to a compact disk.''

- LSD Freaks Meet Cyber-Hackers -

In 1974, Stewart Brand, chief propagandist for both the psychotropic drug revolution and the personal computer revolution, published a collection of his previously published essays under the title, II Cybernetic Frontiers. Two of the essays consisted of interviews he had conducted with Gregory Bateson, one of the architects of the psychedelic revolution in America, through his posting at the Palo Alto Veterans Hospital, where much MK-Ultra experimentation took place. Bateson was one of the four or five most influential members of the Cybernetics Group. The other, longer essay in the book, ``Fanatic Life and Symbolic Death Among the Computer Bums,'' was first published in the December 1972 issue of the leading counterculture publication, Rolling Stone.

Brand began the Rolling Stone piece with the startling boast: ``Ready or not, computers are coming to the people. That's good news, maybe the best since psychedelics.'' He continued, ``It's way off the track of the `Computers--Threat or Menace?' school of liberal criticism but surprisingly in line with the romantic fantasies of the fore-fathers of the science, such as Norbert Wiener, Warren McCulloch, J.C.R. Licklider, John von Neumann, and Vannevar Bush. The trend owes its health to an odd array of influences: the youthful fervor and firm dis-Establishmentarianism of the freaks who design computer science; an astonishingly enlightened research program from the very top of the Defense Department; an unexpected market-flanking movement by the manufacturers of small calculating machines; and an irrepressible midnight phenomenon known as Spacewar.''

Brand provided a detailed explanation of Spacewar, perhaps the very first computer war game to be designed. ``Ah, Spacewar. Reliably, at any night-time moment (i.e., non-business hours) in North America, hundreds of computer technicians are effectively out of their bodies, computer-projected onto cathode ray tube display screens, locked in life-or-death space combat for hours at a time, ruining their eyes, numbing their fingers in frenzied mashing of control buttons, joyously slaying their friends and wasting their employers' valuable computer time.''

If this sounds like a mild version of the latter-day souped-up sex and violence video games of today--it is!

Beginning in 1963, when the U.S. space program was moved out of the military and housed under NASA, J.C.R. Licklider convinced his boss at ARPA (what would later be called DARPA) to devote a fraction of the agency's budget to computer research. At the time, the Department of Defense was the world's largest consumer of computers. Licklider became the director of an ARPA unit called IPTO (Information Processing Techniques Office), and, over the next years, disbursed millions of dollars to a wide range of computer and Artificial Intelligence research centers.

Until 1969, when the Mansfield Amendment placed restrictions on how the Pentagon could spend its research and development money, there were no boundary conditions on the kinds of projects that IPTO could bankroll. Billions of dollars went into the early development of computer networking, computer graphics, ``virtual reality,'' simulation, and other key facets of what, today, is a $9-11 billion-a-year commercial industry of point-and-shoot video games. The Media Lab at MIT and the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab were two of the magnets for this money and the research work which fueled both the Pentagon training-simulation programs and the evolving video-game industry.

In his book On Killing, Lt. Col. David Grossman recounts how the advent of high-speed computers allowed the social engineers, responsible for training soldiers to overcome their aversion to killing, provided an unsurpassed technology for stimulus-response behavior modification. The increasingly realistic video graphics, the advanced work on neurological processes--all hallmarks of the cybernetic ``man-machine'' project--transformed the U.S. military into a force of programmed killers, and ultimately became the social engineers' ``weapon of choice'' for twisting the minds of millions of America's youth.

The social engineers seeking to fulfill Adorno, Horkheimer, Russell, and Huxley's visions of a perfectly engineered society, led by a ``scientific dictatorship,'' were never far removed from the computer and AI labs where the technologies were being developed and tested. It was only a matter of time that, like the LSD experiments of the 1960s, the secret military experimental phase ended, and the American population became the targets, this time, of the sex and violence self-programming of Doom, Quake, and the rest.
Old May 10th, 2009 #3
Alex Linder
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Russell continued, ``The subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship.... The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black.

Instead, as the Jew 'Stewart' clip shows, they've taught them that blacks are white.
Old May 10th, 2009 #4
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So it is as we pretty much suspected all along -- evidence that the social planners and engineers really do want a passive, dumbed down population. But this is documented proof. I would have loved to have had this documentation back when I was writing papers in college.

So you look at this documentation of the motivations and plans of the enemy, and what would be the opposite of what they want?

The opposite would be for us to take up hard science, and psychology, and social science, for ourselves and our own good. This doesn't necessarily mean studying this stuff in the universities, which are staffed by enemy troops, though infiltrating to get tenure might be good, and then do your own work, like Kevin Macdonald.

I recently had a "Eureka" moment about our cause, and it very much relates to the Frankfurt school. This idea has been bouncing around in my head for years, but finally I managed to seize it and take a look at it. Here's the idea:

Political correctness and the world it creates is analogous to the "Dark Ages." If you look at students at universities, they aren't into inventing new things and coming up with new ideas. They are caught up in the religion of political correctness. This is a Dark Ages way of being, rather than a Renaissance or Enlightenment way of being, where you come up with new ideas.

Of course, the Enlightenment has a bad name because of the Jacobins and the rise of the Illuminati and Freemasons. But not everything about it was bad. It shouldn't be discarded out of hand. Scientific and technological advances were making Feudalism into an obsolete model of social organization, and so the Enlightenment happened.

On the other hand, some of us spend our lives fighting political correctness and doing WN activism. But the danger for us is that we don't view ourselves as inventors and innovators, just political soldiers.

We need to take up the idea of scientific and technical progress, with the problems of economic instability, resource degradation, demographic disaster and the like in mind. We need to think about the BIG problems of the world, even though we have a narrow ethnic interest. We don't want to be like some rabbi who sits there and thinks, "what's good for the jews? Lax pollution laws are good for the jews, because we'll make more profit." The problems of the greater world ARE OUR PROBLEMS. But we tackle these problems with our ethnic interests and loyalties in mind.

We need to be the Renaissance men (and some women) to pull the White race out of the dark ages. The Frankfurt school people want us to lose faith in our capacity of Reason to solve our problems; we need to promote the use of Reason and Creativity and the idea of Progress. Here's my recommendations about what to do, in order of priority.

1. Energy Work/Body Work for your individual health. This would be qigong, yoga, pilates, bicycling, fast walking, swimming (if available). The qigong and yoga stuff has a psychological element to it as well. Your spine is an extension of your brain. Think of a broccoli. The spine reaching down into your abdomen is the stalk of the brain, also known as "the second brain." When you do gentle exercises that stretch the spine in ways that it normally would not get stretched or stimulated, it makes you calmer and smarter and you get new ideas. Here's some mainstream science about "the second brain"


The role of the enteric nervous system is to manage every aspect of digestion, from the esophagus to the stomach, small intestine and colon. The second brain, or little brain, accomplishes all that with the same tools as the big brain, a sophisticated nearly self-contained network of neural circuitry, neurotransmitters and proteins.

The independence is a function of the enteric nervous system's complexity.

"Rather than Mother Nature's trying to pack 100 million neurons someplace in the brain or spinal cord and then sending long connections to the GI tract, the circuitry is right next to the systems that require control," said Jackie D. Wood, professor of physiology, cell biology and internal medicine at Ohio State.

Two brains may seem like the stuff of science fiction, but they make literal and evolutionary sense.

"What brains do is control behavior," Dr. Wood said. "The brain in your gut has stored within its neural networks a variety of behavioral programs, like a library. The digestive state determines which program your gut calls up from its library and runs."

When someone skips lunch, the gut is more or less silent. Eat a pastrami sandwich, and contractions all along the small intestines mix the food with enzymes and move it toward the lining for absorption to begin. If the pastrami is rotten, reverse contractions will force it - and everything else in the gut - into the stomach and back out through the esophagus at high speed.

In each situation, the gut must assess conditions, decide on a course of action and initiate a reflex.

"The gut monitors pressure," Dr. Gershon said. "It monitors the progress of digestion. It detects nutrients, and it measures acid and salts. It's a little chemical lab."

The enteric system does all this on its own, with little help from the central nervous system.

The enteric nervous system was first described in 1921 by Dr. J. N. Langley, a British physician who believed that it was one of three parts - along with the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems - of the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary behaviors like breathing and circulation. In this triad, the enteric nervous system was seen as something of a tag-along to the other two.
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Correction: Aug. 28, 2005, Sunday:

An article in Science Times last Tuesday about the enteric nervous system, the body's gastrointestinal "second brain," misstated the context of a remark by Dr. Michael D. Gershon, chairman of the department of anatomy and cell biology at Columbia, about an intestinal disease's potential to bring on depression. He was referring to ulcerative colitis, not irritable bowel syndrome.
So yoga and qigong promote the health of the "gut brain." The concrete benefits are general health, emotional stability, and enhanced creativity. The yogis and qigong masters say that there is a "third eye" located in your forehead, where the Indian women have their "dot." Some say it refers to the pineal gland. Anyway, the theory goes that high level qigong masters and yogis can "open the third eye." I've been practicing yoga and qigong for 13 years, and in some of the practices they have you "open the third eye." I imagine an eye there in my forehead, and imagine it opening, and I get a sense of relaxation and a flow of new ideas. So for me, the third eye is real. Even if it's "only my imagination" it is something useful and good.

Here's a youtube video about opening the third eye:

We need to try to engineer our lives to incorporate exercise as part of the work-week, and not something we do in our "free time." If you can commute to work by bicycle or walk to work, your quality of life will greatly improve. You will be much healthier, happier and energetic, and if you can get rid of your car, you'll be wealthier. The car system turned out to be a very negative thing. In Russia and Ukraine where you aren't forced to own a car, people walk to the train or trolley, and there is a lot less obesity.

2. Hypnosis/neurolinguistic programming. This is psychology for Every Man. We don't need the "jewish experts." You can use this stuff to heal yourself mentally, and to influence others. You don't need to go to college to learn it. it's all in the books and there's some training audio programs out there like If you are in college, you can study this stuff and go to a graduate program in psychological counseling that regards NLP and hypnosis as legitimate counseling methods.

3. Growing your own food/herbalism/vitamins. This is a big blow to the social engineers, because it gives you more autonomy and confidence in your own abilities. I take a multivitamin and fish oil too. Natural and preventative medicine gets the "dynamic silence" treatment from the medical establishment, probably because preventative medicine isn't as profitable for the drug companies. Also, it surprises me that doctors aren't speaking out more about the American diet, which is causing a pandemic of obesity and diabetes.

4. Home schooling/science education. We need to raise our White kids to do science. We can't leave it all to the Asians. European-Americans United has a home schooling tutoring program, and for higher level math and science we got Jerry Abbott willing to tutor via Skype. Unfortunately no one has taken this up yet.

5. Playing our own instruments. Look at all the Chinese kids playing classical music. Whites lost faith/interest in their culture, and now the Chinese took it up. We need White kids doing this stuff again. I can tell you that playing violin floods my brain with happy chemicals. it's a biofeedback loop where you play and hear the music you are creating. Piano is especially good because it forces the two brain hemispheres to cooperate and yet work independently.

6. Owning our own businesses, taking control of our local economy. Do businesses that fill a concrete need in your community, and will be profitable enough to do it and stay in business. Second hand trade is a good one. you troll Craig's list and be the first one at yard sales and get books and jewelry that people are throwing away or selling cheap, and sell the books on Amazon and keep the jewelry for the precious metal content. I know someone doing this and he makes about 400 a month on the books, and he has a mountain of scrap silver and gold jewelry. He tells me that the jewish kids nowadays are nihilistic drug addicts and they aren't carrying on the legacy of their jewish fathers. When the jewish professor father dies, the druggie jewish kid doesn't know the value of dad's stuff and sells it for next to nothing.

See yourself as a Renaissance man -- the man of the future. Go in the world as a confident, cheerful person. Don't let the insanity of the ZOG world get you down, because that's their goal. They want us to lose confidence in ourselves, and lose faith in the possibility of something better.
Godzilla mit uns!

Last edited by Kievsky; May 10th, 2009 at 05:44 AM.
Old May 10th, 2009 #5
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Default R. Nevitt Sanford

The son and grandson of Baptist ministers, Nevitt Sanford was born in Chatham, VA. in 1909. He attended the University of Richmond, received a master’s degree from Columbia University and a Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard University, where he was on the staff of the Harvard Psychological Clinic from 1935 to 1940.

He was the author or co-author of nearly 200 scholarly articles and more than a dozen books.

Excerpted from Daniel Goleman’s article, The New York Times, July 11, 1995.
Old May 10th, 2009 #6
Alex Linder
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Thanks, Albion. I suspected from the name it was not a jew, but good to have it confirmed. There are just enough non-six-noseds sprinkled through the Controletariat to fool the gullible goyim.
Old May 10th, 2009 #7
Alex Linder
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Kievsky - great points as always.

I think the underlying lesson is we control our lives. We don't have to do what the tv, school, government say.

Just keep trying as hard as we can, progressing on all fronts, staying out of debt and producing children, learning new things - this is the way.

The posted articles dovetail nicely with John Taylor Gatto and Charlotte Iserbyt. I find a real pleasure in understanding why things operate the way they do. I think a lot of the modern world doesn't just eliminate rational explanations, but, as we see from the articles above, it deliberately tries to brainwash people that there is no why. Then we get people like Larry Heinberg who act or truly believe that generalization is illegal, immoral, or just flat impossible.

Things do happen for reasons. These reasons can be discovered. The discoveries can be used to produce the outcomes we seek.

School is designed to produce anti-intellectual passives who conform to the laws set down by authority. It isn't school at all, it's conditioning camp.
Old May 10th, 2009 #8
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Alex, this is one of the most stunning, mind-altering things I've ever read. Thank you. I was curious what the Frankfurt school did during WWII and I see that the members emigrated to American, and laid the seeds for what we have today in America.
Old May 10th, 2009 #10
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by Horseman View Post
Alex, this is one of the most stunning, mind-altering things I've ever read. Thank you. I was curious what the Frankfurt school did during WWII and I see that the members emigrated to American, and laid the seeds for what we have today in America.
Don't thank me, thank the Catholic who put it together. Note I have copied this article into Jews: The White Family's Worst Enemy, and taken the liberty of bolding the jews.

And yes - it was extremely unfortunate the kikes of the Frankfurt School were allowed to escape Germany. Sweeping jews out of one country simply allows them to perpetrate their evil in another - and in time that evil will return to the home country, as jews hate being exposed and made to pay the consequences of their destructive designs.
Old May 11th, 2009 #11
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Default frankfurtstein

wouldn't it be great to see a first class documentary on the history channel about this stuff.

i read erich fromm's escape from freedom while in college. interesting but, pessimistic and with no faith in humanity. definetely, from the sociopathic jewish mind-set. in fact, the tone was that people needed or subconsciously desired to be led and were afraid of having to make critical descisions about their society or lives. after reading the post, you can see it was keeping in with the frankfurt line.
i also, read freud. that fool was just what he said he was "perhaps i have discovered .........or maybe i'm just a dirty jew."
wilhem reich. asshole of immense proportions. saw himself as an avant gard cutting edge thinker. actually, third rate buffoon. was arrested by the u.s. federal government for mail fraud i believe. served time. sick and twisted fucks all. no wonder the white west is dying. after being made to allow these idiots with so-called advanced degrees into the institutions of higher learning to pollute our philosophy of life what else is to be expected.
as i keep telling the little marxists, tail-gunner joe mc carthy was more right than he was wrong. he said they were in the state department and on the faculties of college campuses. and, to this, the poor little fellow travellers are left speechless and dumbfounded. just like ralph cramden," hum-an-uh, hum-an-uh, hum-an-uh." it's easier than hitting them on the head with a cast iron frying pan. truth is like sunshine to a slimy insect that lives beneath a rock and that is just what they are (i hesitate to call them people--they just don't rate).

Dr. William Pierce
Old May 11th, 2009 #12
Brian Stone
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Very interesting read Alex, thanks for posting.

I have been familiar with the Frankfurt School for a long time. People sometimes look at me like I have three heads when I tell them that that the dumbing down of American students was part of a plan. That's just "conspiracy talk," you see. It's just "bed wetting liberals," who don't know any better that are the cause, and we just need to enlighten them.
The reality is that the "bed wetting liberals" are simply what they have always been: An army of useful idiots for far more sinister forces.

The interesting thing for me is when I consider things I read as a young kid in the new light of my more mature understanding of the world.

I read Issac Asimov's "Foundation Trilogy" when I was in the 7th grade. Of course I had no idea about any of this stuff back then, but I remember being viscerally offended by Asimov's notion of "psychohistory" (the scientific application of social science to human history). I enjoyed the character of the "Mule," the Arch Enemy of galactic jew-domination, and have always sort of thought of myself in that regard.

Another interesting thing I remember Asimov saying was his comment that orgasms were just nature's way of ensuring that we have children and that we could be rewired to have orgasms when we solve mathematical equations.

While that may be true, it also betrays a mentality that is the true danger here. People may be "organic computers" or "pattern matching machines" (as Ray Kurzweil calls us) but if you believe that humans need to be "rewired" then you are dehumanizing them and setting them up for genocide and yourself up to be a monster. Indeed, this has already happend in Russia (Stalin).

In promoting virtue (of any sort) it is understood that humans have a nature that is a heritage of our evolutionary past. The point of virtue is to create principles and values that allow us to raise ourselves up through thought and reason and in doing so overcome our "merely human" nature that sometimes lead us astray.

When you understand this, you understand why people must be allowed to fail if necessary, because virtue can only exist in an environment where it's opposite exists as well. This is so obvious that even the Christians have understood it as the traditional answer to the question: "Why does God allow evil to exist."

But the Neo-Stalinist on the other hand, in their eternal quest to grow wheat in Siberia, propose to rob humans of their volition and as a result their virtue. If we are all robots, then we can all be reprogrammed to suit the needs and wants of people who fancy themselves as our betters. Like a bored Manhatten socialite who dresses up her dog and has "tea parties" with it, they aim to create a designer humanity that will accessorize their existence. After all, cattle in human form don't need free will, they just need to be housebroken.

Russell, however, added one very strong caveat. ``On those rare occasions,'' he warned, ``when a boy or girl who has passed the age at which it is usual to determine social status shows such marked ability as to seem the intellectual equal of the rulers, a difficult situation will arise, requiring serious consideration. If the youth is content to abandon his previous associates and to throw in his lot whole-heartedly with the rulers, he may, after suitable tests, be promoted, but if he shows any regrettable solidarity with his previous associates, the rulers will reluctantly conclude that there is nothing to be done with him except to send him to the lethal chamber before his ill-disciplined intelligence has had time to spread revolt. This will be a painful duty to the rulers, but I think they will not shrink from performing it.''
- Huxley's `Concentration Camp of the Mind' -
This quote points to the fate of many on this board I'm afraid. We aren't going to fit comfortably into their world. I have two primary dissents from Huxley's vision however.

1 The enemies of our blood will be far less reluctant than he imagines when the time for killing comes.

2 Things wont go the way our enemies plan. As always, I take comfort from Friedrick Von Hayek's explanation for why socialism (or the mentality behind it) never works. The "information problem" means that they will always overestimate the knowledge that they have which is required to implement a plan, and they will underestimate the ability of people to respond to whatever changes they make. This "fatal conceit" is ultimately why "psychohistory," socialism, and and other attempts or fantasies to manage human societies always fail.

Create the world you want to live in

Do something positive for White Nationalism. Start your own business. Go to for a basic primer.
Old May 11th, 2009 #13
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by Dale VanderMeer View Post
Great find, Alex! Found this on jewTube:
YouTube - Introduction to the Frankfurt School Story (1 of 2)
YouTube - Introduction to the Frankfurt School story (2 of 2)

How about making this thread a sticky? Thanks.
Better to post the videos in the vid section.

I have a sticky on this in the Jews: the White family's worst enemy. That subsection is a one-stop shop for anyone who wants to learn how thoroughly destructive jews are. I edit that section, and don't want comments so much as useful material like these videos. If any comments are needed in that section, I will make them.
Old May 11th, 2009 #14
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by confederate View Post
wouldn't it be great to see a first class documentary on the history channel about this stuff.

i read erich fromm's escape from freedom while in college. interesting but, pessimistic and with no faith in humanity. definetely, from the sociopathic jewish mind-set. in fact, the tone was that people needed or subconsciously desired to be led and were afraid of having to make critical descisions about their society or lives. after reading the post, you can see it was keeping in with the frankfurt line.
i also, read freud. that fool was just what he said he was "perhaps i have discovered .........or maybe i'm just a dirty jew."
wilhem reich. asshole of immense proportions. saw himself as an avant gard cutting edge thinker. actually, third rate buffoon. was arrested by the u.s. federal government for mail fraud i believe. served time. sick and twisted fucks all. no wonder the white west is dying. after being made to allow these idiots with so-called advanced degrees into the institutions of higher learning to pollute our philosophy of life what else is to be expected.
as i keep telling the little marxists, tail-gunner joe mc carthy was more right than he was wrong. he said they were in the state department and on the faculties of college campuses. and, to this, the poor little fellow travellers are left speechless and dumbfounded. just like ralph cramden," hum-an-uh, hum-an-uh, hum-an-uh." it's easier than hitting them on the head with a cast iron frying pan. truth is like sunshine to a slimy insect that lives beneath a rock and that is just what they are (i hesitate to call them people--they just don't rate).
Yes, but worse than these are the conservatives telling us we're "committing suicide" rather than being murdered.

Christianity not only paves the way, per the beatitudes, for the dipshit socialism we suffer under, it's orginal sin of claiming a man came back from the dead predisposes its idiots to accept mystical explanations.

Christianity is a bad thing.
Old May 11th, 2009 #15
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by Brian Stone View Post
Very interesting read Alex, thanks for posting.

I have been familiar with the Frankfurt School for a long time. People sometimes look at me like I have three heads when I tell them that that the dumbing down of American students was part of a plan. That's just "conspiracy talk," you see. It's just "bed wetting liberals," who don't know any better that are the cause, and we just need to enlighten them.
The reality is that the "bed wetting liberals" are simply what they have always been: An army of useful idiots for far more sinister forces.
That's exactly right. The reaction I usually get is nervous laughter. I speak gently and look directly into the interlocutor's eyes, to enhance the seriousness of what I'm saying, without coming off as threatening or odd. People have simply been trained or conditioned out of serious thought. Because they aren't a certain way, they have trouble imagining others are. And that was really what hit home with me, the horrific epiphany that came from John Murray Cuddihy's words about Marx and Freud as jews, and the motives behind the work. All of a sudden the entire thing fell into place. All the observations I had made for years, the intution and the sensings - he showed the pattern. These jew fuckers hate the White West and seek to destroy it. Murray doesn't even say that in so many words, but he shows it. He was MacDonald before MacDonald, which is why is odd he is almost unmentioned in KM's works.

All my efforts in politics have been aimed to change something I felt in college, when under attack. I knew I was honest and direct, and said what I said accurately and amusingly. I saw that the criticisms of my work were nothing but smears. And, most important, I saw that there was nobody on my side except a few people who would sidle up to me and say they agreed. But all, and by all I mean 99.9%, of the institutional support was for my opponents. Being genetically unprone to peer pressure, I stuck to what I said and knew. But it was clear to me that we who think correctly, who use reason rightly, and who like NWA - Normal White America - are essentially in the middle of a desert. It doesn't look like it. All the buildings are nice, there's money, people wash their hair. But there's something seriously, deeply, institutionally wrong with what's going on here. That is what I knew when I was 19. But not until my mid-20s reading Murray did I fully realize the cause of the thing. Remember, there was no Internet back them. No relative had ever warned me about the jew. I had never seen any literature except National Review, The American Spectator, and a bunch of neocon policy wonk books.

While that may be true, it also betrays a mentality that is the true danger here. People may be "organic computers" or "pattern matching machines" (as Ray Kurzweil calls us) but if you believe that humans need to be "rewired" then you are dehumanizing them and setting them up for genocide and yourself up to be a monster. Indeed, this has already happend in Russia (Stalin).

In promoting virtue (of any sort) it is understood that humans have a nature that is a heritage of our evolutionary past. The point of virtue is to create principles and values that allow us to raise ourselves up through thought and reason and in doing so overcome our "merely human" nature that sometimes lead us astray.

When you understand this, you understand why people must be allowed to fail if necessary, because virtue can only exist in an environment where it's opposite exists as well. This is so obvious that even the Christians have understood it as the traditional answer to the question: "Why does God allow evil to exist."

But the Neo-Stalinist on the other hand, in their eternal quest to grow wheat in Siberia, propose to rob humans of their volition and as a result their virtue. If we are all robots, then we can all be reprogrammed to suit the needs and wants of people who fancy themselves as our betters. Like a bored Manhatten socialite who dresses up her dog and has "tea parties" with it, they aim to create a designer humanity that will accessorize their existence. After all, cattle in human form don't need free will, they just need to be housebroken.
Yes. This mentality is not inherently jewish, but inherently leftist - this hatred for normal people for what they are. It meshes perfectly with jewish plans because both see normal whites as stupid animals who need to be manipulated by their betters - ie, deranged pseudo-scientists or politicians.
Old May 11th, 2009 #16
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What the idiot non-scientists like Skinner never admit is that humans CANNOT be conditioned always to react in a certain way. They can make choices. But Skinners are never scientist enough to acknowledge their hypothesis is wrong.
Old May 11th, 2009 #17
A. Ryan
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Default Don't forget Boas; an earlier, but equally malignant kike

Fritz Boas was an extremely toxic jew who somewhat predated the Frankfort School. Both he and his progeny in the field of Anthropology have done huge damage.

This emphasis also led Boas to conclude that anthropologists have an obligation to speak out on social issues. Boas was especially concerned with racial inequality, which he had demonstrated was not biological in origin, but rather social. An early example of this concern is evident in his 1906 commencement address to Atlanta University, at the invitation of W. E. B. Du Bois. Boas began by remarking that "If you did accept the view that the present weakness of the American Negro, his uncontrollable emotions, his lack of energy, are racially inherent, your work would still be noble one." He then went on, however, to argue against this view. To the claim that European and Asian civilizations are, at the time, more advanced than African societies, Boas objected that against the total history of humankind, the past two thousand years is but a brief span.
Franz_Boas Franz_Boas

...which he had demonstrated was not biological in origin, but rather social. ...
That certainly 'demonstrates' that wikipedia articles written by jews about jews are KIKO (kike in kike out.)

For Further information about Boas see:
War and religion have always made a bilious sort of cocktail. ... E.T. Bell
Old May 11th, 2009 #18
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Incorrect. If you read the articles above, you see that feminism and destroying the patriarchy, replacing it with matriarchy, are a subset of political correctness, rather than PC being a subset of feminism.
In ref. to said article: the premises are correct but the conclusion is faulty. Yes, feminism is a subset of Marxism; however, this does not necessarily mean that therefore PC is the same. Just because my cat has four legs does not mean it is really a dog.

PC began as Lenin's term for that which no one must be allowed to deviate from, the settled party line. It's a communist concept, with roots in Russia and Mao's China. It signifies a totalitarian mindset combined with the proven willingness to do anything to destroy opposition, on a sliding scale from simple smearing to sanguinary slaughter.
It's roots in Russia and Mao's China are weak, and to leave Lenin to carry the can is most convenient. As the author admits, Georg Lukacs, was chased out of the USSR. Therefore he must have been deemed an "enemy of the people". If it were not so, we could reasonably expect to see the USSR and Mao's China as advanced or highly developed PC. This is not true. The mindset of the Marxist revolves around working class revolution and international solidarity. The mindset of the Politically Correct does not revolve around the working class; it revolves around Jews, women, and non-White ethnic groups.

If what your article claims is true, then we should expect to see Red China or North Korea as an authoritarian multicultural society with women in charge, when in reality the complete opposite is the case.

Nietzsche defined socialism as christianity for people who don't believe in God. We don't need to understand Marxism to understand totalitarianism. We need only to understand christianity. The Catholic Church has always hated communism simply as a rival. So the motivation for this article, regardless of its truth value, is clear. But the Catholic church and christianity in general is just as guilty of supporting Political Correctness as is the communist party.

The modern use of the term comes from Politically Correct Man, a character created by jew Jeff Shesol, a Brown University student who went on to serve as a Democratic operative in the Clinton years. His character became a byword on the right, which used PC for laughs, without EVER ONCE digging into the communist origins of concept. Because that would mean mentioning the jewish anti-White, anti-Western animus at its heart, and the whiteskin sellouts like Rush Limbaugh dare not do that lest they be taken off the airwaves.
The 60's was about "liberation". "liberation theology", "women's liberation", "national liberation", etc. Political correctness effectively has been used to put a lid on all that baby boomer nonsense. That is why it is embraced by the political "right" as well as the political "left". Once Eve had sinned, she sought Adam to do the same. Once Pandora had opened the box, then she set to impose her will. Whereas aspects of Marxism may, this PC doesn't have any appeal to the average blue collar worker. But it does for women. cui bono. It is women who have the most to gain from it, not men, except if you happen to be a female fantasy like the well heeled nigger Obama, but certainly not the white working class Joe.

You claim that PC coming from Marxism is an invention of Jews for their own good? See how well White women and Jewish women work together on this.


Old May 11th, 2009 #19
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Up until Frank Boas, the Frankfurt School and Critical Theory, Universities traditionally taught hard Science and Philosophical / Classical subjects.

Boas was the guy who changed all of this.

Prof. MacDonald traces the development of this diversity strategy to several sources. It is widely recognized that the German-Jewish immigrant Franz Boas (1858-1942) almost single-handedly established the current contours of anthropology, ridding it of all biological explanations for differences in human culture or behavior. Prof. MacDonald reports that he and his followers – with the notable exceptions of Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict – were all Jews with strong Jewish identities: "Jewish identification and the pursuit of perceived Jewish interests, particularly in advocating an ideology of cultural pluralism as a model for Western societies, has been the 'invisible subject' of American anthropology."

By 1915, Boas and his students controlled the American Anthropological Association and by 1926 they headed every major American university anthropology department. From this position of dominance they promoted the idea that race and biology are trivial matters, and that environment counts for everything. They completely recast anthropology so as to provide intellectual support for open immigration, integration, and miscegenation. They also laid the foundation for the idea that because all races have the same potential, the failures of non-whites must be blamed exclusively on white oppression. The ultimate conclusion of Boasian anthropology was that since environment accounts for all human differences, every inequality in achievement can be eliminated by changing the environment. This has been the justification for enormous and wasteful government intervention programs.

The entire "civil rights" movement can be seen as a natural consequence of the triumph of Boasian thinking. Since all races were equivalent, separation was immoral. The color line also sharpened white self-consciousness in ways that might make whites more aware of Jewish parochialism. Thus it was, according to Prof. MacDonald, that Jews almost single-handedly launched the desegregation movement. Without the leadership of Jews, the NAACP might never have been established, and until 1975 every one of its presidents was a Jew. Prof. MacDonald reports that in 1917, when the black separatist Marcus Garvey visited NAACP headquarters, he saw so many white faces that he stormed out, complaining that it was a white organization.

Prof. MacDonald concludes that the efforts of Jews were crucial to the "civil rights" transformation of America. He quotes a lawyer for the American Jewish Congress who claims that "many of these [civil rights] laws were actually written in the offices of Jewish agencies by Jewish staff people, introduced by Jewish legislators and pressured into being by Jewish voters."

While the Boas school was promoting integration and racial equivalence, it was also critical of, in Prof. MacDonald's words, "American culture as overly homogeneous, hypocritical, emotionally and aesthetically repressive (especially with regard to sexuality). Central to this program was creating ethnographies of idyllic [Third-World] cultures that were free of the negatively perceived traits that were attributed to Western culture."

The role of the anthropologist became one of criticizing everything about Western society while glorifying everything primitive. Prof. MacDonald notes that Boasian portrayals of non-Western peoples deliberately ignored barbarism and cruelty or simply attributed it to contamination from the West. He sees this as a deliberate attempt to undermine the confidence of Western societies and to make them permeable to Third World influences and people. Today, this view is enshrined in the dogma that America must remain open to immigration because immigrants bring spirit and energy that natives somehow lack.
By inventing Social Anthropology (thereby undermining the empirical / scientific way of studying Anthropology as per European Scientists had done from the 19th Century) Boas was able, with the help of the success of the loony left after WW2, to promote the subjects of Sociology and Psychology on Campus.

Todays Universities are controlled by Sociology and Psychology departments, with a large slice of funding directed to research that is carried out with Social research techniques.

Traditional hard subjects, that is ones was which uphold the empirical and rational / logical way of researching e.g. Physics, have lost out since WW2, not only in funding but in influence.

Government policy is based upon the latest research.

The result of the dominance by social 'scientists' on campus, has been government policies based upon what Social 'scientists' think, say and write about.

A social scientist puts everything down to the ENVIRONMENT.

A traditional scientist (biologist, chemist, physicist) knows things are HEREDITARY or RACE.

By changing the traditional think-tanks of the West, i.e. the Universities, Boas and the Frankfurt School have changed government policy, which in turn changes everything else.

This has happend with policy towards Education, to such an extent, that education is now Marxist in all but name.

I can only recommend Bob Whitaker's book "Why Johnny Can't Think", which gave me a glimpse into the ramifications of the Frankfurt School and its destructive effect on the West.

....and of course, the work by Kevin MacDonald in 'The Culture of Critique' has to be mentioned.
Old May 11th, 2009 #20
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Originally Posted by Alex Linder View Post
What the idiot non-scientists like Skinner never admit is that humans CANNOT be conditioned always to react in a certain way. They can make choices. But Skinners are never scientist enough to acknowledge their hypothesis is wrong.
That's true.

The commies tried to perpetually indoctrinate the Russians.

....and just like they eventually failed, in Russia and Eastern Europe, they will fail in the US and Western Europe.

frankfurt school, political correctness


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